

Attached: CsOqYdwUAAACAPj.jpg (480x640, 35K)

Above six feet this is true.

>thinking height is more important than face JFL

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How can the face be bigger than height of the entire body??


Am 6"3

Can confirm that my handsome manlet friend gets way more women than me.

oh, sweatie.
thats not how numerical symbols work

Girls have explained it to me this way. Height is more of a status symbol, where face/frame is what actually makes a man “hot”

Obviously girls want it ALL, but at the end of the day when it comes to getting laid face >>> frame >> height

I can confirm this as a handsome manlet. Sometimes girls will give me subtle jabs about my height but at the end of our first day she’ll still be calling me zaddy

The key here, for manlets, is not to be insecure. Unfortunately most manlets are insecure because they have reasons to be... fake confidence isn’t real confidence. I have sexual confidence because my pipe is long, and it probably shows... girls are masters of reading and detecting genetic quality.. you cannot fake confidence, you cannot put on an act, before you say a single word she will know you’re a poser and compensator.

I have sauce, its dripping off my body, my voice is thick with it. If you don’t have sauce then it’s over... if you don’t have sauce, then you better find something to be confident about. Money is always an option. Women get wet for rich men not because they have money, but because men with money and power and status have sauce, and sauce is sexy.

Height can be a status symbol but it isn’t attractive in of itself.. a 6’3 unattractive, weak framed loser with no self-esteem isn’t any better off than his 5’6 cousin

Wrong, face>height>frame

Frame is actually a sexually attractive feature in of itself... its like a girl with a kick ass hour glass figure, that’s fucking hot. So in terms of sexual attraction value, frame > height

Otherwise any 6’5 ugly balding dyel lanklet would slay pussy... but as you can see height does not make up for those features because its not actually attractive in of itself.

Being tall is more similar to being rich or being famous, neither of which make you sexually attractive but all of which add to your status... status can help you get laid but it doesn’t make you physically attractive in of itself

I know this is hard for seething lanklets to wrap their heads around but its true. Being tall will never make you sexy. If you are already physically attractive it is a massive bonus, but in the absence of physical attractiveness its almost useless

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Girls don't talk to incels

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Can confirm. 6'2 coping completely unremarkable facelet VIRGIN reporting in.


lanket cope

Manlet cope

Guy on the left has an attractive face though.
I've seen some really ugly 6'3 motherfuckers and I would not want to be them. The kind of ugly where they have a giant Squidward nose that looks like it's melting off their face.

post body and face

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>thinking height is more important than face

left dude is handsomer tho

Face is the most important if you are over the manlet range (6'0"+)

More height = more mass though, and women like mem that overpower them.

Me on the right.

Me on the left only if I knew how to talk.