>by the late 80’s, Sixx was sleeping with - on average - around 75 women every day
>when the Japanese leg of the “Girls, Girls, Girls” tour ended, Sixx decided to take a a short sex vacation through Asia, bringing nothing but the clothes on his back, his wallet, and a small box of condoms
>the tour manager for the Japanese leg of the tour accompanied Sixx to “prevent him from dying”
>Sixx’s trip ended at his first destination (Hong Kong) after he had sex with around 400 prostitutes in a single weekend
what the fuck
By the late 80’s, Sixx was sleeping with - on average - around 75 women every day
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They were also hopped up on drugs all the ficking time so take any hype stories with a carton of salt
According to their manager in their biography “The Dirt”, they weren’t fucking at all. Drugs arecked their cocks and they’d just hump people.
Bullshit. Lining up pussy along a bed and single-stroking all of them isn't fucking all of them. I know there are people who have been prolific fuckers, Genghis Khan, Mick Jagger, but 75 in a day just doesn't add up. Just ego stroking bullshit.
God I wish that were me
I sometimes wonder if these 80s stories were just guys sitting around hyped up on coke making up bullshit like 12 year old boys
>being this popular
>still having to fuck prostitutes
It’s fucking bizarre how the clientele of the most expensive hookers consists largely of guys who’d have no trouble getting anyone they wanted.
If he was having sex for just ten minutes with each girl that is 12.5 hours a day.
You don't pay them for the sex, you pay them to leave and keep their mouths shut.
Rich/famous people have to deal with crazy groupies and stalkers more than hot girls. Prostitutes are 100 times less hassle.
absolute madman
>top 10 anime battles
>75 a day
>200 prostitutes in a weekend
Likely high off his face and exaggerating, not doubting they took ladies to bed but would prob dry hump with a stub and then pass out.
it's almost physically impossible to fuck 75 women a day. you'd probably feel thoroughly tired and bored by the end of that.
what would even be the point of that volume of girls unless you have some kind of sick genghis khan colonizer fetish.
besides don't you think if he was having that much sex that there'd be a million people coming forward nowadays saying they were his children?
I know a few athletes who all pay a ton of money to various secret bastard children.
I don't care what sort of stud you are, drugs and booze don't go well with sexual performance, other than maybe molly, and even that depends.
Additionally mall doses of shrooms and miiiiiiiinor doses of cocaine can help, but yeah pretty fukken much.
>He Has never fucked 75 times a day
Found the incel
neither have you, at least not where you've cum each time
Not sure what sixx was on during this shit but it's pretty hard to cum when u on drugs in general.