I just started a warehouse job this week and have realised how bad my fitness is. I've been hitting the gym for 8 months but have neglected my cardio throughout. Any of you bros do a warehouse or any other manual labour job? How has it impacted on your fitness and other aspects of life?
I just started a warehouse job this week and have realised how bad my fitness is...
Can someone please explain to me how working in a warehouse is preferable to just being in a low security prison?
Still OP. This is my first actual job and I think the biggest gains from this job is the pure discipline gains. Literally non stop lifting boxes and walking for 8 hours + commute.
I've done cart pushing at walmart. If it's a busy day, theres no way I'm doing legs workout after I'm done with work. Sure, theres a machine you can to pile up the carts, and pull them, but theres only two.
How many calories are you taking in a day? Gonna have to go big if you want to develop strength
I work in a warehouse over summer between classes (hot as fuck in and outside the warehouse) and I think it just depends on the warehouse. I wouldn't work in an Amazon warehouse or some other huge retailer's warehouse. The one I work at is for a smaller business and they're pretty relaxed about alot of stuff. I enjoy it because it keeps me in really good shape and because I like my co-workers, alot of the day can be passed just talking and bullshitting about stuff between and during jobs (we build and break down things so it's not just carrying boxes)
I currently work in logistics for Yankee Candle. The physical aspects of the job become easier just by figuring out the most efficient way to get it done. You'll find out what I mean in a few weeks.
Warehouse work is the tits. Literally ALL warehouse girls are straight up whores, and most of the guys are fat and ugly. So as soon as a moderately attractive girl starts you basically just get a free cum chute until she leaves.
Also the fitness aspect of warehouse work is whatever you make it. You can dig deep and really get a good workout from it, or you can take it easy and limp through the day.
The lack of dress code and manners in an almost entirely male environment makes for some pretty sweet banter.
All in all I enjoy it. And it pays well beyond minimum wage. I take home about 50k a year. And there's nearly unlimited OT in the busy season
I did 12 hour shift factory work loading and unloading heavy shit on and off the machine I operated, it has nothing to do with stamina, not a single person in the factory was shrugging it off, you just deal with it and drink yourself into a coma after work.
Lifting shit isn’t even the crappy part, it's standing and walking in heavy work boots on a flat concrete floor all day that fucks you up.
The best thing you can do is unironically drinking monster energy. Usually I'd wait until my first break ~3 hours in to start drinking one, and the pain would literally just disappear. I don’t know what drugs they put in there, but it’s the only energy drink that did it, nothing else did shit. I drank it so much I got sick of it and haven’t touched it since quitting, but it’s literal magic.
>no vidya
>no onaholes
>no hentai
>no new movies
>no tv
>no walking to the grocery store
>no choices
>having a lot of limited freedom only makes you want full freedom more
>there will be doors that you want to open and go through but can't because you are in prison and the guards tell you which doors you can open and when and they lock and you can't unlock them
>communal living
>no 3d women
>no friends
>intense disgust from all who know you upon learning of your imprisonment
>you might not be gay but you will almost certainly trade sexual favors in a prison economy
>work really hard
>don't have to think
>don't have to talk to people
>you get a tangible sign of progress
>unlike jobs on computer or in offices, you can clearly see the difference your job makes
>its not a grand purpose, but it is a purpose: move the boxes to get the things to the people.
>many jobs feel completely pointless but not warehouse work
>in prison you will get paid 1$ a day or most likely nothing at all.
>warehouse work isn't good pay but its enough to feed yourself
>unlike office jobs, you will never have to take work home with you and your boss won't email you some cryptic message at 3am on friday
>your body will get fitter and you will lose weight, if you do things correctly
>it gets you out of the house everyday and on a consistent sleeping schedule
>if its not for you, you can quit, theres no blacklist or intense resume fighting
>there are more than a few warehouse companies, you won't get blacklisted by the industry if one job goes bad
You will not get “fitter” unless you’re a fucking disaster when you start, but you will ruin your fucking joints.
>no vidya
>no onaholes
>no hentai
Encourages a healthy lifestyle.
>no new movies
>no tv
Prisons have movie nights.
>no walking to the grocery store
All the food is gathered and made for you.
>no choices
>having a lot of limited freedom only makes you want full freedom more
>there will be doors that you want to open and go through but can't because you are in prison and the guards tell you which doors you can open and when and they lock and you can't unlock them
No choices when you're at work either.
>communal living
Implying you're not living with roommates if you're a warehouse laborer.
>no 3d women
Encourages a healthy lifestyle.
>no friends
Of course you do.
>intense disgust from all who know you upon learning of your imprisonment
Like who?
>you might not be gay but you will almost certainly trade sexual favors in a prison economy
Not in low security.
>work really hard
Not nearly as hard as in a warehouse.
>don't have to think
Book, college and trade programs offered.
>don't have to talk to people
Of course you do.
>you get a tangible sign of progress
Average American working lower middle class job has like 1k in savings.
>unlike jobs on computer or in offices, you can clearly see the difference your job makes
>its not a grand purpose, but it is a purpose: move the boxes to get the things to the people.
Implying a warehouse job gives a man fullfillment.
>many jobs feel completely pointless but not warehouse work
Move box from point a to point b. Only doesn't seem pointless because you tell yourself that.
>in prison you will get paid 1$ a day or most likely nothing at all.
Get paid medical care, room and board, programs, meals, workout facilities, etc for basically doing nothing.
>warehouse work isn't good pay but its enough to feed yourself
You get fed in prison.
>unlike office jobs, you will never have to take work home with you and your boss won't email you some cryptic message at 3am on friday
Implying commuting in traffic to a shitty apartment is better than a cell.
>your body will get fitter and you will lose weight, if you do things correctly
Look at your average laborer and your average convict, guess which one is in better shape.
>it gets you out of the house everyday and on a consistent sleeping schedule
Prison is all schedule.
>if its not for you, you can quit, theres no blacklist or intense resume fighting
>there are more than a few warehouse companies, you won't get blacklisted by the industry if one job goes bad
Labor market is so flooded with low skilled employees that a gap will get your resume thrown in the trash for anything half decent.
Warehouse work can be notoriously fun depending on the company.
In the place i used to work drinking and driving and loading the trucks by braking the forklift hard and letting shit fly were commonplace.
The second the work was over everybody and the boss would gather and smoke some reefer before going home
Felt legit jealous as a wagie
Top. Men.
I work in a warehouse and I own my own home. Most warehouse jobs pay WELL above many other industries. I think in part because they have a hard time retaining people.
>work in a shop
>throwing around shit they weighs 20-60lbs solo every day
>still have skinny arms
Am I just not eating enough? The size of my arms hasn't changed in the last six months
>185lbs & 18% body fat
>lose 3% bf in 4 months with no change in diet
>fingers and hands ache for awhile but heal back stronger; double overhand 500lb deadlift now
>gain social skills conversing with the dress of society and learning to negotiate their flighty emotions
>make enough money to live comfortably in dorm while I work towards meme degree
Pretty pleased all around
>its not a grand purpose, but it is a purpose: move the boxes to get the things to the people.
this is some sisyphean shit user, i have no idea how you can be satisfied with this
I listened to music all day while working in a warehouse, although it was a small company
I worked at UPS for two years, one as a package handler, one as a supervisor. I lost 20 pounds my first month.
It's great for gains, but it really is like working in a low security prison. Management are out-of-touch assholes, and co-workers are union yahoos who throw a shitfit when they actually have to work.
you should join the union, you'd make more money and would have to work less
do warehouse jobs during the summers. don't forget to eat more. First thing I and other first timers noticed is that we lost weight
Unironically yes.
Definite;y not enough. I'm not counting my calories or my macros but I generally eat:
-Around 150g fat free greek yogurt mixed with 1 spoon of honey, sprinkles of granola and like 2 squares of dark chocolate
-A serving of scrambled eggs and beans for lunch
-150g Greek yogurt with honey after work
-1 scoop protein with almond milk
-Dinner will generally just be 1 whole chicken breast
Fuck knows what these calories are I'll begin counting them soon but for now I'm aiming to just like 5 pounds of fat and I'll clean bulk from there. I'm currently like 15% bodyfat
how heavy do you think those boxes are? If you think they have any impact on joints if you lift you are either a weak skelly dyel or a genetic failure.
Worked for a warehousing company, stacked up 20~40lbs products onto pallets for 8-12 hours a day. Got super shredded from that. It was super lame to work there but I at least had a summer body all year round.
I work in Amazon Logistics. Pretty easy desu, but better than sitting down at a desk all day