Does lifting help in college/dating culture?
Does lifting help in college/dating culture?
>get fit
>have girls chase you
>reject them
>they claim rape to ruin your life
be careful user
i'm bisexual but i'm honestly considering doing stuff with guys right now. it's harder to get the girls and some might try to ruin your reputation if they want something more than a hookup for them. granted, guys can be assholes too but at least they deal with it on their own or one on one most of the time
Consider suicide instead, faggot
imagine being so incel that you turn yourself into a cocksucking faggot and try to convince others on an online wood carving board that you actually like it
someone report this shit, promoting faggots is destroying men, thats why most of you got mental illness and can't talk to a girl
promoting faggots is destroying [white] men
Collegefag here
If I'm in a room with a bunch of my drug-ridden fraternity brothers, girls are obviously going to look for the healthier, better looking guy.
This is just human nature. But if you're in college and around girls all the time, yes it does definitely help.
Also rush SAE
Women are a waste of time. They will never like you.
So this must be another /lgbfit/ thread
everyone at college does a shit ton of drugs. it may seem like faggot shit, but if you lift and take care of yourself, and don't become some emasculated junkie, you will always be the first pick
I study computer science. About to finish first year and i got laid more in hs. Didn’t have any female contact the whole year. I dont even care anymore I just lift and try to keep up with the work and the times I occasionally go out I get shitfaced so I forget about the pain of existing and having a bunch of autists in my class
don’t make fun of fag user
It's a catch 22 thing desu, I started lifting sophomore year in college, but didn't really get big enough to get attention until senior year of college. By then the girls that were my age were over their slutty phase, and I couldn't stand hanging out with underclassmen long enough to bang a really hot one. I had a couple 1 night stands with some daddy issue girls, but nothing worth repeating.
Plus you can't really meet underclassmen at college bars, which means you have to go to parties which is a total crap shoot. You can only listen to a freshman talk about how cool college is like 5 times before you want to kill yourself.
If you're lifting in college, just try and date a really hot girl. You'll get the confidence that comes with dating a hot girl, and you'll learn a great lesson about why dating a really hot girl is a fucking terrible idea.
>imagine thinking a girl in a frat house is there to look for the healthiest male
rush phi delt
Not all drug users are emasculated junkies, you melon. You said it yourself, everyone at college does a shit load of drugs. Even the girls that have never done drugs are naturally interested in drugs because it's a new, unknown area.
Druggie girls are bad news but regular girls will barge their way into your house just to look at you roll a joint
phi delt fucks, i'll allow it
>I study computer science
>I don't get laid
I feel you here brother, I'm the only CS major in my entire 180-man fraternity and I've never once told a girl what my major is
computer science is a meme
I graduated college a virgin.. started lifting in final year of highschool
You guys are fucking pussies. Im a CS grad and got laid a lot during uni
Has nothing to do with your major and has everything to do with the fact that you don't have friends
Yea I know that thanks for reminding me.
Fucking faggot I said I dont care anymore I just want to be left alone, I wanna lift drink and learn about programming. Bet you were cool slaying all that pussy. You dont know shit about what i been through
That's kinda gross lol
I went gay for about a year. Did some gross shit. It boosted my confidence and social skills by about 500% which I now use to score chicks easily.
phi delt is faggotry
rush DKE
Have you had sex since?
>It boosted my confidence and social skills by about 500%
How does that work? Also, are you ashamed about what you did?