is training 6 days a week too much
Is training 6 days a week too much
if its low volume and doesnt make you under recover then no
if you train less than 8 days a week guess what you are never going to make
it's all about what you can handle, if you're still young you can easily train everyday as long as you're not a fatty
thanks bros. gonna keep at it
Depends on your workout plan and level of advancement. If you are just starting out 3 times a week is completely fine. Remember that it's not the training that makes the muscles bigger, but regeneration. If you train too often your body won't rebuild itself and you will actually feel like you are loosing proggress.
depends on a few things...
What are you doing each session?
How is your diet?
How is your recovery?
How is your stress?
is 22 young?
try it and you'll know
my guess is though that unless you're doing really low intensity you will have recovery issues
If you can recover between workouts, no, it isnt.
But be aware overtraining is a thing
If it's ppl no it's not.
if it's full body or upper lower split, then yes, it is
Am i better off doing a 3 day full body like stronglifts, or doing a 5day split?
>overtraining is a thing
it really isn't unless you're a professional athlete
4 or 5 days unless you're focusing strength
depends. if you're sore then you need to rest. if you go just below sore-level you're all good. Don't run every day though. source: i got shinsplints
I train 7 days a week, with 5 of those days being very heavy, very high volume work. And guess what? I'm still making big gains in muscle and strength after 2 years. But don't be doing a lot of lower back exercises multiple times a week. For example, I will only do deadlifts and deadlift variations twice per week to avoid frying my CNS and lower back. I'll only do a max compound once or maybe twice a week (squats or dead).
You could do some sort of split where you would be doing a body part twice a week, with heavy compounds strewn throughout. Depends how new you are to lifting though. If just starting out, which I presume you are, do full body sessions and then begin experimenting with specific days for movements or body parts.
brosplit is better. You can go to gym every day. And thats awesome. For me.
In my experience your joints start to hurt around that mark and I s unsustainable.
Also after going nearly every day for months I have noticed way more gains by only going 3 times a week but eating often and well.
What are your goals man?
Strength, more than anything else
I would switch to 3-4 days a week full body. If you are working on strength. Being young, your body should recover on your days off instead of say working chest on Monday and not doing chest again for a week after it recovers.
Thanks bro, this is what I've been thinking
My gains are better on 3 day Upper/Lower/Upper than they were on 6 day PPL.
Just don't do any compounds close to your max and HIIT and you'll be fine; you'll get more gains than the SS fags.
I do 3x a each each push/pull, with one leg day. High volume, 2 hours in the gym everyday.i bike 4 hours a.week. gotta eat or else waste, i gotta eat 3300 calories a day.
No, it is if you're hitting the same muscles too often.
depends but probably.
Your muscles are stronger than you think, and they need a lot of stimulation to grow. Just don't go total failure and you'll get big gains.
Holy fuck. Can someone post that thread? Iegendary.
Hang in there buddy, keep fighting the good fight OP