Is it true that fucking a girl real hard and real good will make her fall in love with you?
And what exercise for lasting longer in bed, and i mean hard exercises where you fuck her like a rabbit for 5 min straight until she tap out
Sexual health general
If a girl is into you, the sex act doesn’t really matter. You can make a girl come easily if that’s the case. If you’re the first guy to give her a legit orgasm or break her hymen, she’s gonna fall in love (temporarily).
Making girls cum isn't really a problem, its just that i feel that the girls i fuck really good keep calling me and wants more than girls i dont fuck good
Don’t try to fake chemistry. Sex should be where you’re honest with the girl. There are physical sub communications that make sex good.
My advice: smoke some high quality weed before you start the foreplay. You’ll last longer and the sex will be more intense for both of you.
High intensity interval training. Any sort of cardio that gets your heart rate up high that you can't sustain for long amounts of time.
Sex is all cardio.
this, fuck you OP
>have some weird pain in my ballsack
>check what's going on
>there is a weird lump that kinda hurts when you touch it
A-am I going to die? ;_;
its a cyst if it hurts to the touch.
yes and serves you right FAGGOT
go there and never comeback
7" penis
girl can't cum from penetration or fingering. She never has with herself either. Cums easily by rubbing her clit. Lost cause?
get it looked at idiot
She's the female equivalent of the guys who beat their meat too much and can literally only cum in a certain way.
Also the whole "women can only come from clitoral stimulation" lie has been deeply embedded into the female subconscious by people who are hoping to push a certain type of sexuality and personality change in women overall.
Make her go on a full masturbation break and talk to her. keep her on edge and ready to pop but don't let her orgasm or touch her clit.
>smoke weed
>tfw bigish dick so going hard is generally painful for the chick even with lube and 30 mins+ foreplay
>tfw instacummer
is this because of porn?
god i feel your pain. people on here keep telling me foreplay and shit. ive spent like an hour getting my girl ready, still can only take my dick in missionary, any other position hurts her too much
OF COURSE the fucking weed smoker cannot resist to spout some "JUST BE YOURSELF BRO"
Get it checked. May be an testicular appendix tortion, but who knows.
I've had several fwbs and they all ended badly because the girls got too into me
Something about their hormones
Will get it checked tomorrow. Kinda worried t.b.h.
I've had decent success with her on her side with one leg straight and the other bent. I slide along the pubic side of her vag rather than going straight to the cervix that way so it also hits gspot well.
Probably a cyst. I had the same thing happen to me 3 years ago. Get it checked just to make sure you don't have the big C.
Most likely as well as fapping.
>derdsday tonight
>happy hour tomorrow afternoon
>club tomorrow night
>pool darty tomorrow
>fraternity's official party on saturday night
im about to lose all my fucking gains but hopefully I'll score some pussy eh
why the fuck do you guys talk about girls like they're some magical creatures that live in the forest somewhere? they're just like guys. if a girl fucked you well would you fall in love with her?
same with this "girls like X" shit. different girls like different things, just like guys.
Consider the site you're posting on bro, we may technically be 4channel now but our neighbors are still red boards chock-full of autists who have zero experience with women. This is just the type of shit the average Jow Forums or Jow Forums autist might believe
>girls are just like guys
yeah same man, just discovered that position and its been helping a lot
Yeah, i enjoy it too. Theres a few 'instructional' javs where they try out various positions and the chick reviews them. There's some weird acrobatic shit and some with two dudes but it's good for ideas. Assuming you understand moon, obviously.
The thing that bums me out is cowgirl (facing either way) is usually a bit painful for me but visually its amazing
in my athleticism class in college there is a girl who i catched looking at me and gave me a smile, more than once and constantly goes around me, but i'm an autistic fuck, what can i do to start a small talk, help me fit
Unless you're fucking a bisexual girl that is
Literally talk about what you want to talk about. Men are so unsure about what to say. Girls are stupid, it doesn't fucking matter what you say. Frame it.
Literally walk up to her and say what you're thinking about;
>Hey. La Jinn has to be the most broken Yu Go Oh card don't you agree? Fucking 4 stars with 1800 DMG ? Bullshit.
I fingered a girl and made her cum twice and I'm 20 pounds overweight. It can be done bros just work on your social interaction regimen because weights can only get you so far
>get on computer
>wife left her FB messages open
>long time friend of ours is talking to her about how she and her husband fuck every time we spend the night because they both think my wife and I are both hot, and she can't handle it
>facially and in skin tone i look a lot like her husband who she's obviously attracted to
>she kept leaning over so I could see her tits at our last d&d session
>she put her head on my shoulder and her hand on my wife's thigh at a hockey game and her husband laughs about everything I say
My wife is the only person who's ever made me feel physically attractive and my heart has been pounding for like 3 days like every time I think about it
I'm fuckin 29 and I feel like a teenager. I'm anxious and excited. Am I gonna make it?
>t. only talks to his mother
Give them the d.
The best way to last longer is to have sex at least once a day. By the third time I have sex within a three day period I can last for 10 mind straight raw.
what frat user
Not the same, but everytime I get mires/compliments from my gf's frens I feel way better than my gf telling me yet again how much she likes me arms or something.
Maybe it's because I never get compliments from girls, but having a gf opens their friends up to complimenting you and it's almost guaranteed. Like I'd never hear these mires from the same girls were I not dating their friend.
>laying on couch sideways like pic related
>gf snaps a pic of me to her story
>apparently some girl she only kinda knows asks where to find a 'hot' bf like me
>asks more about me throughout the next 2 days
This was awhile back, I've also gotten tons of mires from her best friend to the point I'm desensitized to those too.
I'm pretty sure this shit is the biggest test booster though
>test boost
Definitely. I blew through three PRs this week and I feel like a fucking gorilla.
I was talking to a friend about the situation and was asking if it was normal to freak out because someone thinks you're attractive, and he said there's some study showing that the average American man can't recall ever being complimented physically.
>the average American man can't recall ever being complimented physically
This can't be true
I have no idea, he's a therapist who mostly deals with body image stuff like dysmorphia so I assumed he was right lol
That's most girls, you're supposed to make sure you dive in there then lean in closer so your short pubes rub her on each thrust. Ezpz trick I use and girls think I'm actually good at sex. Definitely do ab workouts so you can keep the motions up, having your stomach touch them while doing this would be a huge turnoff.
Girls WANT to be just like guys, but their hormones direct them to be subservient yet their whole life they've been told not to be. You'll see this key difference reflected in their actions time and time again.
take your shit back to r/sexstories faggot
>the average American man can't recall ever being complimented physically
Fuck that stings. I can but it feels like a lifetime ago and it was from ugly girls who wanted me.
Do compliments from older ladies or your own gf count?
Fuck this shit man. Used to be able to relate with other posters back in 2014. Looking back this place is now just Jow Forums posting and people tearing eachother down and people shilling dumb fads and diets.
Whish misc was more active.
Jow Forums and Jow Forums used to be fun and have soul. Jow Forums in 2015/2016 had a fuckton of soul, even if it wasn't towards what people wanted. /tg/ used to be filled with soul and still has some on occasion. I thought all boards were dead or I had nostalgia goggles but I hopped over to /v/ and those guys are actually alive, talking passionately about their hobbies and making completely obscure but relateable memes about their own shit per-minute.
just shut up and go smoke a doobie bro, you can totally quit it whenever you want MAAAAN
Ex called me out of nowhere last weekend. She's thirty now and hitting the wall, was drunk and we talked. We ended up having sex and I blew my load real fast. Disappointed in myself. With every other girl I've been with in the past I have enough stamina to cum when I want to. Same with her when we dated.
My failure to please her has been gnawing at me. One chance to fuck her brains out before she hops on another dick (she's a bit of a hoe) and I blew it.
I blame myself. I stopped doing kegels and I've been doing nofap. I felt like it had more to do with my lack of breathing as well as not being in the right headspace. I want another chance I don't know if I should or if she'll even want to spread her legs for me.
Sorry guys I know this ain't suppose to be a blog post center, but I have to vent.
Aye. Im not pretending to be an oldfag. But when I started browsing 2013/2014 everthing was funny and the aditude of people on the hobby type of boards was very different.
Maybe try it once. Being straight edge screams underage or being a shitty larping incel.
It was around 2016 that news brands started telling the general population that we're actually, legitimately terrible people. It was funny before when Fox was doing it because it was occasional sketches with good meme material about some Anonymous Hacker Group named Jow Forums. When the CNN clones got in on it they just wouldn't shut the fuck up, every day was about how we're all evil white supremacists who can't think for ourselves and must be shamed out of jobs. I was a Jow Forumsfag losing money on crypto for fun and had family trying to shittalk me because their TV told them I'm posting on the center of biggoted evil. That shit really poisoned this place.
I knew that had to be a thing! Recently had a causal thing with a really hot girl I knew back in school but for some reason it was never good, like it never clicked.
Jow Forums - Hackers on steroids
You’re seriously overthinking it. Sometimes your dick is just ultra sensitive. Your body isn’t a machine.
Men think women view sex the same way we do, WRONG IDIOTOS
Sex is more mental for women.
Warm her up foreplay etc
more slapping sounds the better
faster the better
more domination/control the better
I know that sounds rapey but... women do want to be dominated, but not raped... soooooooo yeah
Work outs that help:
Cardio HIIT (honorable mention )
Cable Hip Thrusts (helps for missionary and doggy)
Barbell Hip Thrusts (helps for cowgirl and reverse cowgirl)
god speed rookies
Jesus this is cringy. If she calls you up again tell her to fuck off
>she’s a bit of a hoe
Why would you want that back anyway
Either way, shit happens, quit worrying before you get performance induced ED. Every guy goes to quick sometimes. I usually have the opposite problem and find girls are less mad when you take 2 minutes rather than 2 hours
I miss the days of exploding vans
wish there was a way to rangeban anyone who started posting during/after 2016. turns out if you tell everyone that Jow Forums is full of jaded terrible fucks you signal to jaded terrible fucks that it's a safe haven for their bullshit
you came too fast because of nofap. if you want good sex stamina, either fuck or masturbate on a regular basis.
>original nerds become nazis
>original nazis start baneposting while playing Bravely Second speed runs
How do I get rid of fordyces spots? Also is penis enlargement a meme?
>censor things i don't like REEEEEEE
you can't and yes
Dick stats?
I hate women
Virgin detected
only the fucking best
>fuck women
Literally, its what were all trying to do :)
Never actually checked. Just going off reactions and the fact i wasnt aware not bottoming out was a thing before i came to Jow Forums. Will measure when i get home if the thread is still alive.
go to sleep boomer
Is this guy norwooding?
This website goes through cycles. I was just about ready to quit when banana spamming was in full force around 2012, but it ended and quality posts became more frequent again. Give it time and things will cycle back. And maybe we've over stayed our welcome. 4_Chan is 16 years old now and somehow hasn't been shut down yet, nothing lasts forever, it might be time to move on to or start another 4_Chan. But regardless, in an internet of shit posts we all have to strive in spite of that to make the kind of posts we want to see.
I'm not going to pretend to be the studliest man of them all, but I've got a girthy 6.5-7 incher. Again, for humilities sake, I've had ex girlfriends whove had 6'9 boyfriends with footlong cocks tell me there's nothing big about me, and me being a young guy, decided to ask her how to fuck her based on her ex boyfriend, only to find out I didnt have half the physicality necessary to perform half the positions she wanted to do and used to do with said giant ex-boyfriend(5'9 girl). But most women say I'm big, some tell me I'm the biggest they've ever had or seen in real life. Women react literally immediately if I'm pulling it out full mast. If they're drunk they go "omg big dick" with sexual lust.
It definitely matters, and there's definitely some merit to a girl falling in love with her when you give her superior dick to what she's been getting.
I've made girls cum in literally 30 seconds, I've made girls cum 6 times in the first sex session.
I can only remember one time where I've had a weird tinder date, where the girl probably only barely liked me, settled for me because she had the house to herself, and I made her cum, and she half-asleep told me to leave the next morning and never texted me again.
Giving girls superior sex, making them cum/squirt will very much so solidify the relationship and make them text you the next day.
It's to the point where I'm thinking about texting an ex-girlfriend (both highschool aged when we dated, never fuxxed because we hung in my literal parents basement) something to the effect of, fuck the new guy you're talking to right now, I would literally kill him, and if I fucked you you would never stop texting me. Which in theory sounds cringe, but is audacious and alpha and TRUE enough that i'd call it a solid 50-50. And if I did get ahold of her little ass, she would certainly fall in love with me forever, all her exes were complete pussies, i have 0 doubt in my mind.
fuck off
>27 khv
>jerk off to the most mundane shit possible, usually just camgirls masturbating, hell i found a video from abbywinters (porn site with literally just average girls being naked with each other) of 20 of them doing a step aerobics class stripping down from gym clothes to doing it naked and have cum like 3x to it in a week
>sometimes i cum within a few minutes jerkin it, other times its like half an hour
>know that if i ever even kissed a girl i would probably cum all over myself, humiliate myself and that would be the end of that so i dont even bother trying to get into that situation to begin with
Go to a strip club or get a prostitute if it's legal where you are, it will break you in so when your with a girl you like you won't fuck up. Also it's easier than you think you won't fuck it up if you have some confidence and don't puss out.
i will never lower myself to the point of going to a prostitute
why get offended over someone telling you their sexual experiences.
being srs.
I'm not even anything to write home about, i made that clear.
Stop being a pussy, learn what your role as a man is. That's called violence, and half of sex is violence. Try to break them in half, do things to girls that should literally put you in prison. That's what they want, regardless of how upset it makes you because you're not on the beneficiary end.
There's nothing I can do that you can't do, and there's nothing special about me.
It's through my extreme masculinity, values, principals, and understanding of objective reality that gave me those experiences.
You'll make it too, no need to be butt blasted over another man being extremely honest about their sexual experiences.
If the thought of me being able to full on over-alpha a girl with weak men around her offends you because you know it could be your girl and you that i'm talking about as her pussy ex, then you need to take fucking action to change that, right now.
This stuff shouldn't offend you, but empower you.
Got a link for the instructions?
you could end the thread here. fpbp
At work currently. I know aika starred in one. You could check javlibrary for her films and find it through there then have a look at the producer's other movies
Everybody does prostitutes nowadays
I wouldnt do them in my country but on a holiday in Asia for sure. Me and my friends did orgies on hot prostitutes in Thailand few years ago and will again at the end of this year. Surprisingly, you'll improve at sex and be more confident touching girls, but one prostitute wont do. Dont disqualify things before you try them, it's a toxic mindset (as mine was)
enjoy your herpes
We used to pickup prostitutes from clubs where they work at, they get free tests every few weeks and dont fuck raw ever. I havent gotten anything (obviously checked blood after the trip) and neither did my friends. If youre not retarded and know where to look for quality prostitutes you'll be okay. Also we're good looking so sometimes they dont even charge, this isnt rare in Thailand since white handsome guys are priceless. Believe what you want but these were my experiences, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot about sex.
Found it.
There's a bunch of others, i just recalled the aika one off hand as i quite like her
Yup. Real jealous of your life m8
None of the faggots on leddit have sex either
>thought I had erectile dysfunction
>got off my cut and started eating 500 more calories above my normal intake, tons of fats and protein
now I'm fucking horny all the time. its like night and day. I can't stop thinking degenerate shit
is it on the sack or the actual balls?
If I'm not intending on getting laid anytime soon (Monk Mode, too insecure to date right now, no car/license), should I even bother with starting No Fap right now? Due to years of death grip wanking and porn, I take so long to fucking cum which fucked up my last relationship.
>mired often because 6'2 broad shoulders narrow waist thick neck and wide back (thanks rowd and deads)
>every female coworker will try flirting with me. Even the hottest ones and especially the married ones
>low confidence because my face is ugly. I have okay eyes i guess and goose like autistic demeanor
>at gym catch girls straight up staring at me. But cant ever talk to them(minus that one beautifull braphog that chatted me up, but she has a bf) since its gym and autism
Help me to get laid bros
I also almost never go out except occadsional music concerts and workplace