Hey Jow Forums what do you guys think of the raw vegan diet?
I've been watching this vegan fitness channel and vegans seem to be really healthy and make good gains.
Hey Jow Forums what do you guys think of the raw vegan diet?
I've been watching this vegan fitness channel and vegans seem to be really healthy and make good gains.
Vegan is fine, raw vegan is fucking Retarded, more so than carnivore
It's a diet, which means temporary, it's as good an any other elimination diet when not a lifestyle. PS not a lifestyle.
from the catalog, i thought that was an extremely hairy caveman. would have been interesting.
Btw is "Cash" an even chaddier name than "Chad".
>hey stacy what youre up to
>oh nothing just sucking CASH
>oh shit its CASH wheres my mirror??
>youll never be half the man CASH is, Dylan
>yeah Dylan why arent you 6'5 like CASH ?
This, my gf is vegetarian
>Vegan AND cuckposting
like clockwork, post body op, I want to see if you pass
Imagine bulking on a raw vegan diet.
or, you know, the other perfectly valid definition of the word 'diet'
>the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats
Not that would make up for the bullying in school
no one:
10 yr old kid:
>look i got CASH right here in my pocket, points at his 1$, entire class laugh, real CASH leave class crying
More people are vegan, more meat is cheaper, I'm ok with than
she will ded soon good luck
Tranny discord spam shoo
>implying he’s got gains because he is vegan and not because he is black
Does lifestyle not preclude that definition?
You can't do indefinitely.
He's the cucked one. She posted a video last week where she said she is a virgin at 32.
Reminder to everyone this is a discord tranny thread
>posts a cuck image
>asks a question moderately related to the board but unrelated to the image to fall back on when it gets called out
Sage your posts and remind it of tranny suicide rates.
You can't possibly believe that. She's a 6/10 at absolute least and a fake vegan.
>vegans seem to be really healthy
>and make good gains.
None GTFO fag
A podcast I listen to interviewed here, she's from a ridiculously conservative family (Lebanese and Latin catholics) and had some condition that made her look awful before she went vegan. Doesn't surprise me she's a wizardess.
why are white women so easy to get these days? I'm latin and I can't tell you how easy it is to cum inside of white girls. They always say that white guys are boring and don't know how to have fun, move their hips or fuck. What did you faggots do to drive them away so quick? Haha later dudes
Her dad is from Honduras and her mother is Lebanese.
She's one of yours (well, half)
why/how do you know that? that's kinda creepy
>internet vegan
they are just normal people who eat chicken and tuna behind cameras, actual vegans look like this
why are latino women so easy to get these days? I'm slavic and I can't tell you how easy it is to cum inside of latino girls. They awalys say that latino guys are boring and don't know how to have fun, move their hips or fuck. What did you faggots do to drive them away so quick? Haha later dudes
You're a fat white "trap" with self hatred
You won't be missed when you join the 46% (and rising)
not part of a tranny discord group, I just see the truth. Why are you still posting? Don't you need to go renew your BLACKED subscription? Lol, later dudes ;)
Post body with timestamp. I want to see if you pass
this is me and I'm a proud follower of Legiogloria so fuck you!