What are the fitness requirements to ironically unironically be a ninja?
What are the fitness requirements to ironically unironically be a ninja?
The ability the sit in a bar and eavsdrop mostly
you need to watch out not to get a huge chest and biceps since it would have a negative impact on your mobility, they wouls only get in the way, also, a huge triceps is key becuase alot of attacks will benefit from it (attacks from a defensive stance) and unlike biceps and chest its not in the way whatsoever.
Of course you need to be super flexible and have to work on your balance, stretching and acrobatics are suggested
>big muscles make you slow meme
Not slow but big muscles make you standout more retard
The best ninjas are unironically twinks. Don’t (You) me
as said not slow.
i used to do martial arts and my chest and arms would always get in the way so i couldnt position my arms the way they should, making my defense less effective etc. and i am not even that muscular, yet i had my problems
big muscles consume more oxygen. Ninjas need to have trap body. Swift and must endure the dicking from enemy clan when caught.
master taijutsu and unlock the 8 gates
revenge of shinobi for the megadrive... now THAT was a game...
/FRAUD/ing with tree man and snake man cells
Parkour. Look into parkour. It’s probably the closest thing in the modern real world that you can practice.
what's with ninjas and fishnet catsuits
Is that historically accurate or an anime fetish thing?
Parkour technique
Climbing ability
Grip strength
Functional techwear that's actually socially acceptable in a modern urban environment not naruto cosplay
Urban navigation skills that aren't dependent on google maps (which spies on you)
Gear and skills that can help keep modern surveillance from IDing you
How much do you know about stingray devices? Police surveillance equipment?
Actual ninja were social engineers and gearfags.
Anime is for pedos
Ban anime
Lol you've been sold to
What is it that you think PIs do, minus the parkour
That depends. Do you want to be stronger than Madara Uchiha?
What does "you've been sold to" mean in this context?