Are you the strongest person out of your family and friends?
Are you the strongest person out of your family and friends?
Nope. My older brother mogs me hard but it's cool because I love him.
Friends, yeah, we all DYEL but im a strong DYEL
Family no, i have raided up cousin, fucking faggot
Yes, by far.
Well... Aside from my dad's forearms...
Yep, fastest too.
i can say that with 100% confidence because i have none haha! HELL YEAH THREE uHURRAY'S FOR ME *HONK* *HONK*
Definitely. Japanese aren’t so big on lifting weights.
Nope. Friends, maybe, but my dad is just a big, tough dude. He’s getting old, though, so my time may be upon me soon enough.
im the strongest and fastest man in my country lol
Yeah, for now. Most of my friends got seriously into lifting recently, and since I’m only focusing on boxing I believe they might surpass me soon.
Same. Three inches taller than him too. He's just had a life of strength training and playing rugby behind him.
No, I'm friends with a lot of decent lifters.
I have a nerd friend group, and sporty friend group, I bridge the two. So I mog one, and am the weakest in the other
I won't say strongest in my family but ill go with most fit
dad has extreme boomer strength
but I can take more of a winding
Friends: By far but granted I only have 2 friends and they’re both skellymode
Family: No, my dad mogs the fuck outta me in terms of raw strength, but I look more aesthetic than him.
Yes. Now.
Yes, by far. Says much more about them than it does about me.
Based and brotherpilled
t. Big bro
I love my lil bro to death and wish him nothing but the best
yes and yes and im still twink/otter.
btw fuck that guy, he looks like shit and everytime he posts on this cursed board I tell him to kill himself.
Easily, well I have some hugeass cousins, bunch of 6'7 lanklets and 6'3 bigass country dudes, but I have the greatest amount of pure muscle mass and strength.
I'm 24 and ottermode, 154lb 5'9". My 16 year old brother is 6'0" 200 of fat fortnite zoomer bloatlord. What do? Is he gonna make it?:
I'm 12 years younger than my brother and I'd say about 3 years ago I told him he was fat and now he's gone from 250 to 180 lbs. Pretty proud of him, he's lost weight but hasnt added much muscle but I'm still proud
i now i can get big, but my father would break me in half in a sec.
he got cold killer eyes. know how to punch, use weapons and he forges knives as a hobbie (ape arms)
i hope someday i'll be him.
my grandfather was my father, but stronger.
physically yes
mentally none survived the meme war of 2016 except me
Yup. None of my brothers will get in the ring with me anymore.
such a fucking waste, in 5 years it will have an inflatable inverted vagina, and it will call it a dick
Yes. Im only a beginner myself, but im constantly attempting to convert people to the church of iron. Tbh, my first strength padawan moved off to college far away, and from what i can tell, has been indoctrinated into the "feel comfortable with your body" instead of self improvement.
My second padawan is 5'11 and gonna pass my lanklet ass up if he diets right. I hope he makes it far, but he doesnt like deadlift.
what do? (I have home gym, so its easy to invite friends over to lift, ive had like 8 people stop by, and none have hated it, but one of them wasnt a big fan)
I could be but my buddy that is shorter has more fat so no
No my step brother is the only one more fit than me. He played D1 college football at a P5 school, so he’s pretty big.
Literally everyone I know in my family EXCEPT FOR MY DAD.
Fucking boomer strength I swear. Doesn't squat or deadlift, lifts once a week, but still somehow benches 3 plates.
No, my little brother started lifting in high school football. He's smart and athletic (goes to a top 20 college) while I'm the unathletic Ivy nerd. He supports my workouts and spots me
Hell no, my lil brother bench presses more like me.
how to achieve boomermode forearms
What if I don't have any family or friends? I'm stronger than my coworkers. Those are kind of like friends.
Same. It sucks though because I can't even raise my voice without those fucking nerds talking to hr.
I started when I was 17. Pretty much same stats as your bro, was 6'1" and 200 then went down to 180lbs otter in 4 months. Now I'm 22, 6'2", 225lbs bearmode trying to cut.
By an obscene margin, unless you count extended family. I have one cousin who played college football, but I'm fairly certain I'm stronger than everyone else. In my immediate family, I have my DYEL brother (5'10, ~185lbs, skinnyfat), my manlet tubby father (5'8, 215lbs, barrelbellymode), and my equally tall mother, former thicc, kind of pudgy now. My brother and father change water bottles (5 gallon) like they're competing in a Strongman, and they're shocked that I easily lift it with one hand.
>t. 6'3, 195lbs, builtfat-ish
You are not funny
Family wise, nah. i'm maybe third out of 30 tho
Friend wise hell no, most of em are big into sports and i started way too late. i'm average at best
Yes because my only friends are my Dad, my big bro, and a girl from my class
My dad is fat fuck and I can snap my mom in half with my fingers
Yes, by a long shot.
t. 6'4 255 lbs 19" arms doomer
Dad's still stronger, the fuck decided to start lifting so I wouldn't go past him in strength.
I don't know how he does it, four days a week in the gym a week on top of his heavy contractor work. He's getting mad gains as well, I don't know how he does it. God I love my ol' man.
I'm closing in, but my dad still benches 3 plates on the incline. i can out squat him now, but that's mostly because he got a hernia in his last powerlifting competition.
>Are you the strongest person out of your family and friends?
Physically yes, but my twin brother can still knock me out easily when I don't watch out during sparring.
Nah my dad would destroy me
Family yes, nobody really comes close.
Friends no. I've got friends that squat or bench a good 30-70lbs more than me. But I deadlift more than them. Not enough for it to be meaningful though.
Manual labor, fren
Tell him that he'll never get laid if he doesn't stop playing that cancer
Yes and by a decent amount
My father is still stronger than me. He's spent his whole life weightlifting and working in manual labor
Strongest in the world baby
No, they’re all uber chads; will take me a year to get on their level
My older bro told me he could deadlift 500 lbs like a year and a half ago so his numbers should be even higher now, but he dropped his powerlifter gut so who knows. He doesn't reply to my facebook messages anymore. I sent him a short story of mine that got accepted for publication in an anthology and he said he would read it and tell me what he thinks. That was over five months ago. Bastard. I'll drop a happy birthday on his facebook wall and see if he replies. I can't text him because we live in different countries. I mog all of my friends which is easy because they're tiny long distance running skeletons and no one else in my family lifts.
I guess I have one giant, steroid using hapa cousin. He's pretty cool.
Yes but that's not really saying much