You might be fit (you're fucking not, lmao) but you will never have CHARISMA
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Charisma is another word for a goodlooking face, ever heard about an ugly guy having charisma? No because that shit doesn't exist
>Charisma is another word for a goodlooking face
A lot of the time yes unfortunately
>ever heard about an ugly guy having charisma? No because that shit doesn't exist
What are you taking about? I know lots of guys that aren't handsome and are the life of the party.
neil strauss
>checkmate boys
Bullshit. I've seen some weird looking fucks and fat guys entertain a whole fucking room and how to make genuine conversations. Girls would gravitate towards them as well. Sure they weren't pulling the Stacies but getting more pussy than the autist good looking dudes who sat in the corner waiting for things to happen.
Ironically enough, I'm probably the exact opposite. Have some charisma, but will never be fit
God what the fuck do you want me to do ? WHAT DO YOU WANT ? Hit 1/2/3/4 user no thats not enough it needs to be 2/3/4/5 but now you need to cut user, user are you balding user your skin is shit user you have no charisma user your nose is big.
What excercises do I need to do in order to look like this?
just because you roll below 10 doesn't mean you can't level
just means you cannot obtain top level in charisma
life is more like d&d that you want to admit I know
>wanting to see approval on the faces of ugly chicks
>Bending over backwards for fugsters and low worth chicks
Damnit Jow Forums.
The fuck are you doing.
Even attempting to charm girls that look like that is outright stating that you're a low value man and will make all of your attempts hard to completely impossible.
>he didn't talkmaxx in the shower
>he didn't win his high school superlative for wit
>he didn't ape comedians until he learned how to be funny
I also stole stories from Jow Forums
>not even uggos mire me
It's okay user, we're all gonna make it
>tfw neither fit nor charismatic
I see it all the time though
imagine being this wrong
They might be charismatic per say, but you won't see a girl calling him charismatic, the word won't be applied to him
Not ugly. Not a sex god or anything, but he has a very neutral looking face.
Hey. You're gonna make it someday. Just keep going, buddeh.
sounds like projection. hope you feel better some day user.
I don't like talking. What good would charisma do me?
You should write a book about learning to talkmaxx.
If you went by my writing you'd probably say I have high verbal IQ. I have a good command of language, can be pretty funny and even charming.
Irl? Spergzombie that puts his foot in his mouth if he opens it.
>caring if uggos admire you
If you're paying enough attention to uggos to know if they admire you or not or even know if they exist then you're not the kind of man that they want the approval of or are easily charmed by.
Truth hurts doesn't it?
you are kinda right but worded it wrong
ever seen a goodlooking person with not charisma?
and yes guys without looks can have charisma, look at the strong leaders in history they all had charisma yet weren't particularly handsome.
I am an ugly cunt, prolly 4/10. I have a weak chin and pectus excavatum f.e.
I pull 7/10s all the time at parties cuz I have fun, act condident and just joke around with girls and tease them. I guess it's a form of charisma.
And I've dated girls out of my league I met at festivals f.e. simply by having fun and teasing. I just don't try to stick my dick in everything the first chance I get and actually act respectful. Once chicks have fun and respect you, going on a date or hooking is up is easy.
Inb4 7/10s are too ugly. Well you cant fish too far out of your pool if you want to bang more than a few times.
Forgot to mention the part where you're tall.
sign language like a boss
How tall are you?
Let's just say, there is a reason why the only place you can pull these girls are at parties where they are shit drunk
But okay
I am already tall, charismatic, and have eyes, a face, and a jawline that get me compliments from strangers several times a week. I'm well-educated, dress like an adult, and just got a high-paying job with prospects for advancement in a consulting firm. I read classics every day and most of my time on the internet is on /lit/, despite my degree being in physics.
I lift because I want to be an absolute perfect renaissance man on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical level. I want to be a fucking Mary Sue, and to make my family and friends proud to be associated with me and to keep my exes up at night wishing they had kept my interest longer.
I realize all of this is unbelievably narcissistic, and possibly sociopathic, but I am very good at not letting on to any of this irl and still manage to be genuinely kind and caring to people close to me.
I'm not.
I caught second hand embarassment from reading that faggotry.
yeah but look at my bank account bitch
failed marriage by 42
you will ask your therapist why you have everything yet you're unhappy
That's okay user, I forgive you.
Majority is there but not only. But that's cuz people are awkard as fuck in Scandinavia. But what you're implying is not completely true. Otherwise they wouldnt meet up sober.
>God what the fuck do you want me to do ?
To be like OP. Give up. Never improve. Wallow in a pit of dispair with all the other robots and work to drag down anyone else who tries to climb out.
bateman tier
this so much, my go to method is to flirt them up a little bit at the start of a party and from time to time talk a little with them, then when the mood is right I ask her if she wants to play a game and depending on how she acts either ask her if I win I get a kiss / something like that or go a little slower if she's a bit more shy. I try to at least make a connection (kiss being the best but emotional connection on a casual level is good too) at the middle of the party so you can still have some fun with friends and at the late stage of the party find her again.
Because you've already made a small connection you're not a stranger to her and since you make her wait she'll usually be thirsty or atleast smitten if she's a shy one.
Well, even here in Sweden where people are really tall on average you can have succes. Sure it's a tad harder. But you cant change your height, so you have to accept it. You cant score all girls, but neither can I (im 181cm). Shorter guys here have plenty of game, they dont let them hold it back. And there are girls who prefer to date someone their own height too.
Dont use your height as an a downfall you cant change it. and make it a strength.
Funny enough, i live in scandinavia, denmark, i been through clubbing scene, and i met many friends etc that isn't really goodlooking, but they are funny, and somehow they managed to get laid every now and then
Getting laid at a party doesn't mean much really, there is guys behind the clubs/club workers that are taking advantage of 18 year old insecure girls, because they got no chance with them if they aren't drunk and its just that easy
But okay its fine i guess
I usually dont hook up when drunk other than kissing though. I actually dont have sex on a first meetup (inb4 fag). So sex usually comes the 2nd time we meet up or 3rd time. So maybe I build the attraction while they are drunk, but it stays afterwards when they are sober. I
You might be fit and charismatic, but you'll never be black, and girthy
I have so much charisma it actually causes problems. I have a gf I want to be with forever but women keep throwing themselves at me. Poor me, right?
can’t stop the black bvll
post pics and stats
Sorry m8 talkmaxxing to me means imagining a conversation between myself and the cast of neon genesis evangelion. All I can suggest is doing something autistic like that in the shower (downside is you'll get backne from standing under a hot shower for 40 minutes) and watching stand up comics.
or noided
>Casanova writes that he stopped short of intercourse with a 13 year old named Helene: "little Helene, whom I enjoyed, while leaving her intact." In 1765, when he was forty, he purchased a twelve-year-old girl in St. Petersburg as a sexual slave. In the memoirs he described the Russian girl as emphatically prepubescent: "Her breasts had still not finished budding. She was in her thirteenth year. She had nowhere the definitive mark of puberty." (III, 196–7; X, 116–17). In 1774, when he was almost fifty, Casanova encountered in Trieste a former lover, the actress Irene, now accompanied by her nine-year-old daughter. "A few days later she came, with her daughter, who pleased me (qui me plut) and who did not reject my caresses. One fine day, she met with Baron Pittoni, who loved little girls as much as I did (aimant autant que moi les petites filles), and took a liking to Irene’s girl, and asked the mother to do him the same honor some time that she had done to me. I encouraged her to receive the offer, and the baron fell in love. This was lucky for Irene." (XII, 238).[114]
I'd rather be a fit sperg than a fat ugly sperg
per se*
I'm pretty goddamn fit desu, want me to post body
>tfw five foot seven, avg looking but charismatic
hehe never have a problem with women
>Did bulgarian+GOMAD
>Hit a PR every fucking day, took my bench from 185 to 245
>Became cocky asshole
>Literally had women looking at me everywhere I went
>Had a girl approach me in a line once and ask me a completely off the wall question just to get me to talk to her
>Life was amazing, was contemplating getting on gear to take myself even higher
>Tore brachialis and had to stop
I miss it man. I would love to go back to it but I think I'd just fuck my shit up again.
Can you teach me how?
Why are all Mediterranean fags such degenerates
Not true. Often better looking people have more confidence and more charisma but there are ugly people out there too with loads of charisma and they get girls way above their league. Its rare but it exists. Charisma is a quality you either have or you dont cant learn it. You can look good and still lack charisma and it will negatively affect your sexual market value.
I could not care less about what some random fridge face looking bitch thinks about me. 6/10 or even a 5, now I’m interested. Also, why does everyone in this picture look like something from Roblox?
I don’t care. As long as I’m lean af and have money I’m groovy.
If ugly people couldn't have charisma then stand-up comedy wouldn't exist.