How has keto or the no sugar diet helped you? Recently I've decided I'm going to try to cut sugar from my diet and try just eating alot of meats, cheeses, and fiber to see how it does.
Keto/No Sugar Diet
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>hidden sugar
why are americans so fucking stupid tho?
I know the picture was stupid, but it was the least flashy bullshit filled one I could find
eat only fruits for one week and tell me if you gained weight. Its literally impossible. Natural things are balanced. Its the chemical shit we create to be super caloric dense and give you cheap energy rush that make your body to look like a blob, it doesnt know what to do with it.
based frugivore
>Natural things are balanced.
how would you define balanced?
natural sugars are your friend!
all negative studies on sugar are researching PROCESSED sugars, which make up probably 99% of the sugar the average person eats
Ah yes, bananas in a wintered Kansas, natural balance
no him but Im gonna provide a completely unsubstantiated, meme and probably unwanted answer
fruits have co-factors, enzymes, anti-oxidants, polyphenols etc. that make he way they react in your gut and body different to a refined corn syrup or white sugar
fruits have a relatively small amout of sugar on them plus, thanks to their high amount of fiber,that sugar is slowly metabolized and a cosiderable part of it is also excreted
Basically, your body won't be able to get a big chunk of the sugar you eat from fruits and the what it gets will be mostly spent and not stored in your liver, contrary to refined sugars
this, don't fall for the keto meme, your body needs carbs and sugar to properly function,quit refined sugars, eat fruit and whole, carb rich foods, and you will notice BIG changes in a few days.
Keto does work, you know what's another great way of losing weight fast? FUCKING CANCER, just eat a healthy, balanced diet and you will get results
>balanced diet
thanks based agricultural industry poster
Whoever included FRUIT on that infographic is a fucking moron. Most people eat way too few fruit, even mega fatties.
A large banana has less than 1/3 the sugar of a can of soda but with a good amount of fiber and potassium and other good shit. Just as an example.
This tried keto it works for obese people but if your training it will fuck you over. I went back to what works 1g of protein per lb of body mass and cut down on sugar. I don't eat bread or potatoes often, eat meat, rice vegetables oats cheeses etc.
Carbs are good for you. Go for a 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat split and eat a caloric deficit. Focus on easily digestable carbs like white rice, pasta, and cereals like oatz.
I just got on a low carb diet and I’m constipated as hell.
tell me more about this natural balance
Any of you fellas with food intolerances have success with keto in getting rid of bloat? Either dairy, gluten or some type of fuckery has me looking lean but pregnant
Ketards are religious zealots
eat only cheese for one week and you also won't gain weight. It's all calories in the end but I went on keto for about 4-6 months a while ago. Felt really good, good digestion and it kept me from eating anything sugary (cakes, chocolate etc).
I want to go back on it soon
Fruits are fucking delicious.
I can eat a whole container of strawberries in one go
Big guy
Genuine question I can never get and answer for, how many grams of natural sugar can you have in a day? Your liver process natural and unnatural sugars almost identically; I don't want to kms with fruit poisoning because I will eat it in droves.
Only eat plain yogurt nigger
Veganism = Malnutrition
is that so? Why are monkeys in MULTIPLE zoos around the world banned from being fed bananas because the bananas made for human consumption give them diabeetus and rotten teeth. Important to mention these are monkeys that in the wild eat over 90% fruit
I did keto and it got me to like 1-2 out of 10 on the bloat scale. I tried carnivore for a month and holy shit it was unreal. It honestly felt like I was at -2 bloat. My stomach was never so flat in my life. 0 gas whatsoever and perfect shits.
I was just reading from some dude saying he went straight meat and butter for 2 weeks no fiber and it fixed all his bloating issues. Going to give it a try now. Thanks
that picture gives me a good kek
Just butter and meat? Can you give me the source?
please dont
you dont need to reinvent the wheel, calories in calories out
you'll just feel bad mentally and no matter what you do you'll be surrounded by carbs and always feel bad
multiple studies have shown 0.7g/lb to be sufficient
use the extra calories for carbs! :)
Eat a balanced diet that consists of one ingredient foods. (Aka no processed garbage).
your body doesnt care what you define as natural or unnatural
all carbohydrates that the body can metabolize are broken down into glucose
whether you eat 1000 calories of starch or drink 1000 calories of coke, in the end it's the same
whether that sugar gets used up quickly or gets stored as fat and then broken back down later, calories are calories
Just look up the carnivore diet. It works better than,anything I have ever done, but it is hard to stick with for more than a few weeks.
Bruh they racist af and can’t think for shit
This is a stupid way to think. Can you not even entertain the possibility that the body might metabolize high fructose corn syrup differently than a potato?
>being racist means you can’t think
I would argue the opposite considering that as nig population goes up crime follows
If you think anyone alive is fat and sick because they ate too much fruit, you're retarded.
so an animal that lives on fruit alone gets sick from eating the fruit that we grow(which is significantly different from the fruit that existed even 200 years ago) but somehow that doesn't affect us? when our diet everywhere except in tropical climates would have not even included fruit for half of the year.
If you think the "fruit" in grocery stores is naturally accruing I got bad news for you.
Read about nietszche
If I can't see the white grains it ain't got no sugar, brother.
I am doing keto to lose weight and its working out for me (lost about 30 lbs in 6 months) but i realized that the stomach issues that i had my whole life went away too. I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant a few years ago, but since i do keto i have no problems with milk or cheese. And whenever i cheat (doesn't matter if its a piece of cake on a birthday or bread or noodles when i am socializing) i get the old problems.
So i am kind of thinking about keep doing keto since i seem to be more like carb intolerant.
that blackpill when EVERYTHING that tastes good only does so because of sugar
You're a fool if you think the fruits you find in your supermarket are anything close to natural
>I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant a few years ago, but since i do keto i have no problems with milk or cheese
Milk has plenty of carbs in it. One of those is lactose
>i seem to be more like carb intolerant.
If you were carb intolerant you wouldn't be able to drink milk
>"Zookeepers said the fruit grown and exported for human consumption have far higher levels of sugar than the ones monkeys would eat in the wild – to the point that it’s bad for their teeth and can lead to diabetes."
don't be this user. don't do a heavy elimination diet and then assume everything you eliminated was the problem.
you probably had one particular shitty thing in your diet and you could spend the rest of your life guessing what it was.
sounds more like a gluten sensitivity
low/no sugar here. consume about 2g sugar a day if I'm not careful. It made me realize how many meme diets are complete feel good trash.
>plain Greek yogurt with honey and granola and berries
might as well be eating candy.
so when you guys talk about no sugar you mean no sugar full stop, not no added sugar? do you still consume other carbs or are you keto too?
Or tastes good because of salt
well no added sugar. I do love pears and having a banana w my protein shake for added energy and fiber. I usually start my day with a very low sugar vegan based protein custom shale that comes out to roughly 60g protein at under 3g sugar
>might as well be eating candy
>implying candy has the protein, fiber and micronutrients contained in greek yogurt, honey, granola and berries
cmon now
Naturalistic fallacy. Obesity is nothing more than a result of natural biochemical function of multi-bonded long chain fatty acids. Somehow, the blame was shifted to sugar, which is like blaming walking for causing COPD because it produces symptoms in sufferers.
To resolve the paradoxes within "paleo" style eating and the biochemical realities of the human body, consider basing your diet on what your ancestors would have PREFERRED to eat, rather than what was necessarily available to them.
And they would’ve chosen raw liver over a banana any day
I bought 10kg grapes for 8 euro last week
Fucking ate 2 kg frozen grapes the next day
Shit was like ice you dont get sick from
That could not have been healthy
Only to satiety. It is readily observable that hunter-gatherer peoples gorge on simple sugars when available, likely because it allows higher function with no compromise to structure.
What about no flavor quark and skyr
who are these hunter-gatherer peoples and where are they finding their simple sugars? Name one place on earth that has a naturally occurring abundance of simple sugar foods. Ill give you a hint, fruit orchards do not exist outside of human agriculture. The fruit that is naturally available is tough, fibrous, and have very low amounts of sugars.
>eat only fruits for one week and tell me if you gained weight. Its literally impossible. Natural things are balanced.
Mate there was this fruitarian scammer that got people to try to live on just bananas and it made them stack on the weight and beat the shit out of their insulin resistance. You're fact deficient.
Correct, this is due to these people likely having a accumulation of intracellular lipids (people with pre-metabolic disorders more likely to do meme diets) and such a diet does not contain sufficient proteins to support liver function or retain cellular structure from lipid peroxidation.
>what is honey
>what are wild berries
And as I said, they aren't eating a necessarily optimal diet thanks to the relative scarcity of their environments, forcing them to rely on alternate metabolic pathways regardless of the fact that they are damaging to structure.
This, I'm surprised people eat anything else. Amazing nutrition and taste. I eat 160g a day which is like 7g sugar.
Please tell me those chicken legs are shopped to be that spoopy
what is salt?
what is msg?
what is fat?
NPCs don't eat those. Media said they were bad.
Yeah, just like they're doing with sugar.
dude mutts are just retarded, just accept it
>hidden sugar
What absolute brainlets don't know there's sugar in those things?
This user is PARTIALLY correct. I'm currently on ketosis, have been for the last month and I'm down 13-15 lbs in one month. But that is on modified keto, where I have ~18g carbs a day. And that's mainly to stave off the brain fog. So far the the best benefits are a more level mood and no more "hangriness". It's not a long term way to diet though. I'll need to relax the bare minimum carb thing in about a week to reset
>we know exactly what a body needs to survive
>its a combination of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals
>in order to achieve this balance, you have to eat a little bit of everything of a diverse diet
>this means in eating in moderation protein, grains, fruits, vegetables and diary
>people ALWAYS go to an extreme instead where they cut off something entirely or over-consume something else
There is only one 'diet', and its a balanced consumption of the above. You might notice sugar is not a food group, that means eating a cake isnt a part of a balanced diet, but avoiding sugar entirely such as you cut out something like fruits is just as equally retarded. You cannot achieve balance by cutting out an entire food group.
If you have some other word before 'diet' then its a joke and a waste of your time and energy.
Frigg off
>what a body needs to survive
I would get rid of the cheese and fiber and you will do a lot better. You don't need fiber if you eat meat since you're getting butyrate direct from the meat. Keto with fiber just means constipation. I would focus on getting a good range of animal foods, cooking as little possible. Eggs, wild fish skin on, organs, fatty meat cuts, that sort of thing. Dairy can work if you have access to raw dairy and if you are tolerant. Personally I only eat raw butter, I like to melt it on my steaks and liver.
True, he should have said thrive.
I'd start by ignoring anyone who uses the word "balance" in the context of macronutrients. It's stupid and not based on any science, it's just called hedging your bets. We didn't evolve eating any significant amount of carbohydrates.
Balance is achieved via micronutrients, and the only way to get a balance of bio-available micronutrients is via eating a good range of animal foods nose to tail. Fiber is not a nutrient. Plants contain inadequate micronutrition and the anti-nutrients contained can impact the absorption of nutrients from meat and eggs if you eat them with fiber. It's better to just treat vegetables like seasoning and stop treating them like an important part of the diet which they are not.
lol, why do you eurofags act like we don't watch your tv shows? We still get bbc here in america and we can clearly see you guys are just as dumb as we are. We can relate to you guys and your crazies/dumbasses over there
If you think natural sugar from fruit is just as bad as added refined sugars to processed food you're a retard
I think that is just an expression for sugar ingrained from growth in certain foods.
Like hidden sugar in apples, ergo hidden sugar in apple juice.
Just a throwaway phrase to discren between added sugar.
And beef liver/blood has all that x100, without the liver toxic sugar.
what's the difference, same shit at the atom level
I was doing prolonged fasting, now doing one meal a day. I usually eat raw steak or liver, raw eggs, and butter. I have zero bloat and even after I eat my meal I still have that good empty feeling of being fasted. Seriously I can drink 6 raw eggs and it feels like I drank some water.
>see pic
>must be an american
>look closer at menu
I'm not a eurofag, I'm american
Not quite. Refined sugar (sucrose) offers better digestibility as it has a fructose:glucose ratio of 1, whereas many fruit sources do not which could be implicated in fructose malabsorption. The guy you're replying to though is probably one of those brainlets that think refined sugar = pastries, cookies and other snack foods, which obviously tend to cause issues, as is any case where large amounts of sugars and fats are presented in conjunction.
Go zero carb carnivore
>while the fiber and other nutrients found in fruit are a great part of any diet, many varieties can also be very high in sugar
At this point you lose sight of why sugars are bad in the first place. Sugar in the form of fruit isn't bad for you. Sugar becomes bad when it's extracted and added to other foods where it adds calories for no reason and is too quickly absorbed. It's not bad just because "it's sugar."
>treat vegetables like seasoning
Ok then bud, you go ahead with your all meat diet. Surely this will only serve you well in the long run.
>buying low fat yogurt
>buying flavoured yogurt
Even if you're not eating keto you shouldn't do either of these. Flavoured yogurt always has added sugar and often times other harmful chemicals. Always buy unflavoured and just add in berries. Adding the berries and refrigerating for a while beforehand helps the flavours incorporate better. Secondly, low fat yogurt? You don't drink skim milk, so why on Earth would you eat yogurt that was fermented with skim milk? Read the ingredients and buy yogurt that was fermented with heavy cream, or at least whole milk.