How often do you go insane in the gym and destroy the weights? I feel like i can't let him out always but sometimes I cant control it
How often do you go insane in the gym and destroy the weights...
>destroy the weights
If you need an explanation you are clearly a fucking beta who wouldn't understand this feeling if I explained it to you
Wtf are you actually retarded or just 14?
this is a sign of high estrogen
Everytime I see pic related at my gym I just go berserk, and destroy half the weight at my gym due to the beast inside me
I once ate a 5lbs dumbbell on accident, I had to be rushed to ER. Some gym thot was posing to the mirror, so I grabbed the dumbbell and started deepthroating it infront of her to show how ridiculous she looked. It slipped and I swallowed it
haha faggot
Have your Boy fetch new weights.
It's called being aggressive and training in a way others wouldn't understand
Nothing wrong with this just control it
what's he doing wrong? I don't get it
none, because I'm not a low IQ, low inhib retard
>be me, doing lat pulldown
>everything’s going good, when suddenly I hear *CRACLUNND*
>whole gym stops
>turn towards enterence, see a 5’6” skelly wearing a DBZ tank top and gym shorts stomping past the front desk
>receptionist greets him with a big cheerful smile “Hello! Enjoy your worko—“
>”Sorry, I’m doing this for ME. Get over yourself, slut” he smirks to himself as he walks with his arms not moving from his sides
>she looks visibly disgusted
>everyone has returned to their workout, some people guffawed/let out audible keks, some of us are just watching him in the mirror while lifting
>he walks right up to the power rack, sizes it, hands on hips
>”heh, sorry I had to do this to you. But today’s the day”
>he turns to everyone, clanking two 5lb plates in each hand really hard and fast
>”ATTENTION! EVERYONE MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION! As many of you know, I have been lifting for quite some time. I know my workouts can get a little.... aggressive! But I can no longer take it! I can not contain the growing beast that lives within me! If you think I’m too intense, then your presence will only detract from my workouts and I’d like you to please leave for today I let.. HIM.. out to play. Thank you.”
>some people started filming half way through this, a few of us shot looks at each other, the gym receptionist is hiding her laughter
>he turns back to the power rack “sorry it had to be this way, old friend”
>adjusts the bar to the right level, loads up 2pl8, gets into position before I racking it
>”It’s game time, baby”
>stands up with bar, inhales slowly
>exhales a horrific screech and pumps out 4 super fast squats before dropping the bar and allowing the safety bars to catch it
>spins around super fast, grabs the bar, looks up and winks
>tries his hardest to row it but instead just clanks it a bunch to where it’s coming maybe an inch off the safety bars for 2 minutes straight
>leaves and never comes back
>How often do you go insane in the gym and destroy the weights?
Whenever my ex/oneitis comes in with her boyfriend.
nothing, thats the joke
I find that I can really only feel great at the gym once a week. Usually it's on mondays because I am actually able to sleep on the weekend and don't have to worry about waking up for work.
Kek imagine being this dense
Fuck well this sucks
My whole workout is kind of ruined right now
There is way to many people here for me to let him out and I cant do this. I cant just lift in a normal state of mind
I have to let him out completely but I can't
Fuck this is exactly what I was talking about
I can not train like this. I need to get mad and let the anger out right fuxking now but there is too many people here
Fuck more people showed up
Just leave damnit
I need to let him out
Hey I remember OP doing this, good times.
That isnt me
I dont care about these people but damnit do not tell me how I should train
I am fucking serious here
OP here, I can't hold it in anymore I can feel it pushing its way out I cant control him anymore I'm sorry everyone I cant- I CANT HELP IT I-
Thanks for the laugh but when you've been through what I have been through you'll see the need for the beast to come out
Truth still stands
I'll be dead either 2019 or 2020
Might as well live once again before I finally give up
If I have had a tolerance break from caffeine and take crazy pre-workout, also recently I went to the gym when I was really angry and I broke all kinds of personal bests it was insane. Doesn't happen often but I'd like it to occur as frequently as possible. Need to be well rested for this.
Which is a good thing as long as your test/dht levels aren't shite. Estradiol is anabolic on its own and is necessary for IGF-1 synthesis.
t. 175lbs dyel
Implying I'm a dyel
I'm a former powerlifter who has come back for his throne
I lift how and when I want
I let the beast out again. Fuck these idiots
They will not control me