Why do people take steroids? Dont they know its shameful and cheap? And what about the side effects?
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Tendon injuries will go down, this graphic is a pseudoscience. Yeah you COULD tear a tendon if you are lifting too much but it would happen faster without the steroids anyways.
I was always aggressive. Steroids didn’t change that.
The only real side effects of steroids imo:
>Blood pressure
Both of which can be managed
If done properly the side effects are minimal and you can achieve twice the gains in your life time as someone who never uses them.
if your blood pressure goes up, sure.
if your doses are too high and you're predisposed to mpb, sure.
>stroke and bloodclots
if you're a retard and don't keep yourself healthy and blast way too many compounds, sure.
>bloodpressure and heart disease
if your doses are too high all the time, sure.
if your doses are all fucked, sure. otherwise, it's mental
>sperm count
hcg, arnold has like 5 kids
>aching joints
depends on how you train and what you're taking
>aggressive behavior
depends on what you're taking and how much of a faggot you were beforehand
>risk of tendon injuries
people literally use steroids to repair tendon injuries
>severe acne on face and back
if you're a retard and don't know what you're doing, sure
>devpt of breasts
if you're a retard and don't know what you're doing, sure
>liver damage
if you take orals only for years without stopping, sure
>urinary and bowel problems
>mood swings
my mood is more stable on cruise test than it ever was before i hopped on.
>prostate size
depends on what you're taking and how much, sure. otherwise take finasteride and saw palmetto if it's a concern.
>testicles size
absolutely, but hcg if you need em back at any moment.
i can't tell whether this image is trying to be informative or just scare tactics.
So basically the average roider, a retard, is fucked
Three possibilities.
>They're stupid enough to just not think/care about risks and long-term consequences
>They're arrogant enough to think that they're competent to fuck around with their endocrine system with cocktails of black and grey-market drugs.
>They're committed enough to some professional pursuit (and unscrupulous enough to cheat, if it's against the rules) that they'll seek out professional medical help to enhance their results.
the average roider, at least on this board, is much more scientifically involved and knowledgeable on this stuff, with the exception of a few outliers that either literally kill themselves or get laughed off the board. most people i know who i met here and talk to consistently are some of the most humble and well rounded people i've ever seriously met in my entire life.
>the average roider, at least on this board, is much more scientifically involved and knowledgeable on this stuff
what does that picture have to do with anything
this literally has absolutely nothing to do with what i've stated.
Loling at the roidmonkeys who dont get it
low effort
Holy shit. I was expecting some kind of handy rationalization - I don't think I was prepared at all to see a /fraud/ poster genuinely end up baffled by a basic psychological/educational concept that most every student is exposed to at some point between the end of high school and the start of undergrad.
Are these really the intellects who declare themselves scientifically literate, and then give each other advice about pumping dubiously-sourced drugs into their body to fuck with their hormones?
>posts a completely irrelevant picture
>you guys are dumb
you are a fucking idiot
the picture is not difficult to comprehend but is has no relevance for the discussion /fraud/ are not claiming to be experts, they are actively researching steroids are even humble as suggested
fucking brainlets
If you're baffled as to the possible relevance of bringing up Dunning-Kruger when you and yours start making claims about your advanced competence in a highly complex subject, then you've never studied your way past Mount Stupid in a single thing in your whole life.
>Yeah but I said we're humble too, that means you're not allowed to call us out for making absurd claims about how much we supposedly know about endocrinology and pharmacology
And apparently you're all clueless as to how humility works, too. Color me shocked.
Is this real?
it literally has very little bearing on my original statement.
you don't revert back to baseline without roids though, you still maintain some of the changes
you also make new muscle nuclei as a natty albeit slower
wow man you sure got me. got any other pics to post to save face because you didn't even understand the meaning of your own graph
the principles of physiology which apply to rats are much the same as humans
>seething druggie defending his filthy addiction
The battalion daddy came down to CHQ. He told the First sarn't to start handing out anabolics.
Not only that we had to start lifting heavy deadlifts, benches, squats, weighted pullups and dips. Also everyone had to at least run a 5 minute mile before even getting those roids.
IDK what it's about but the Coast guard unit I'm in is apparently getting deployed to SA. The guy was in Kandahar apparently and was going to advise us over there and apparently we're expect something
t. retard with shit bait
kys my man
hmg increases sperm count not hcg.
Does this mean its impossible to build muscle natty?
He’s saying you have high confidence and not a lot of wisdom idiot
Nothing shameful about it. They have priorities different to yours. What you meant to post was "I don't like people who use steroids".
> The only real side effects of steroids imo:
> >Blood pressure
> >Acne
> Both of which can be managed
How? I'm really worried about these, since I had a terrible skin while being a teenager, and now, at 27 I can get a zit if I eat too much of fucking icecream.
He's right though. Probably you know next to nothing about the side effects of the chemicals you're taking, but you think you do, because you talked to a few /fraud/ers and they told you cool stuff. might've have even linked you a few papers (that you didn't bother to read, obviously, but simply the fact that they linked them, means they exist).
>trying to make an argument on something you dont know shit about
yeah no, /fraud/ and Jow Forumssteroids are heavily research based
Have they increased this in their "research"?
First study on trenbolone I found. Surprise, you're gonna lose your balls.
not at uni so dont have access to the paper
the classic 'im doing it safely' cope
I am woke on roids. Natural physiques are shit and everyone in the fitness industry is a fucking liar. I saw a video of Nick Bare yesterday talking about how natty he was and haters "just didn't want to believe what hard work could do" I almost puked in my fucking mouth. Fake natties are disgusting and I can't wait to juice and get fucking yooge. "muh integrity"
What's worse is people actually believe there are naturals in the fitness industry. There's like 3, Omar Isuf and that guy who can't pronounce bahbell, and a few others. Everyone else is a lying shitbird
>And what about the side effects?
Not everyone experiences every side effect. And risks are dose dependent
Also people take drugs all the time that carry side effects of similar severity to offer similar benefits.
Look up the side effects of Accutane, for instance. Fucking crazy shit. Yet millions of people put up with those side effects, not to treat cancer but just to look better.
It's amazing how much normies cling to believing in fake natties. "Huuuhhhhh they're not THAT big!"
As if only IFBB pros are roiding
You can read the highlights though.
>17TB promotes the proliferation of 22Rv1 line through Akt/AR signaling pathway.
Stop showing off asshole.
>It's not even that bad dude
At least own it, you aren't fooling anyone
>anabolic steroid is anabolic
Wow nice knowledge there retard. Idiots like you don't understand the study go around spouting bullshit are the real dunning Kruger retards
the point is it promotes prostate cancer growth.