Fuck guys I think i'm having an issue of some sorts here, I'm starting to get bored of women by the day. Had sex an hour ago, finished and came home but now i'm really disgusted about smelling her perfume all over me, it goes away but suddenly comes back, took a shower and I still have it in my nose I just want to forget it ever happened.
I'm not even bi, am I having test issues? All those afternoons of lifting just to have a somewhat decent body and now I feel like I did it for the wrong reasons.
I think this is a psychological issue rather than a test issue. Do you even like any of the women you fuck? I bet you thought you'd just fuck your way through the city without considering that maybe that's not what you really want?
Daniel Gray
yeah, that's a common issue, you are cannibal
Michael Brooks
Most likely ur gay.
Lincoln Cook
I had the same problem until I realised I'm unironically a faggot.
Julian Roberts
Once you realize how shallow and childish women really are it's kind of like taking advantage of a retarded person when you get good at game. It's a weird feeling. It's a good thing, it means your getting older and you're not a soulless creep. Find a girl that you actually like and has good motherly qualities and try to make it work. It's called maturity, don't fight it.
Leo Allen
Bi is not a thing.
You are disgusted at both yourself and the whore and you are both degenerate fornicators indulging in destructive hedonism. This feeling is you realising you are wasting the years you should be spending fostering a loving relationship in preparation for atarting a family.
Aaron Wood
Never gonna make it
>I think this is a psychological issue rather than a test issue I don't know man I just find it really weird it's like I'm really horny and then i'm not, It takes a while for the first time and I don't even want to keep going after it and just do it so that I'm not considered a bad lay.
>Do you even like any of the women you fuck? No but does anyone, I mean some of them are actually hot so that should be enough to get me going but it doesn't really change much.
Carson Barnes
The routine is tiring and dull and you don't thrive in it. Might not be your scene dude. Might need to find someone to be with instead of fucking Stacys
Colton Jones
Same thing happened to me and I like Jow Forums white guys now, leave inferior women behind user. Don't become a flamboyant faggot though
Carter Wright
Chase Peterson
It’s because sexual immorality is a sin and will bring sadness in your life.
Either wait til marriage or be celibate while you’re single.
Dominic Ross
It’s because you don’t like or care about the woman. Sex with someone you really love and admire is 1000x better and you feel great for the whole day after.
Evan Bell
What are you like 18 years old? Have you ever noticed that the only people who are obsessed with sex and always chasing it are teenagers and old losers? It's just another aspect of life that can be pleasurable but isn't always. Imagining all that lifting and autism and obsession just because you wanted to test drive a car "what's the problem Jow Forums I did all this just to dive, and then I test drove a used civic and it was actually kinda shitty!! what??" Our cultural satanic overlords are trying to make you have sex exactly the way that gays do; meaningless and as disgusting as possible with all kinds of anal and other perversions, and completely sterile and meaningless with a variety of strangers who you never see again. This is something I thought was normal to realize like... after you have sex a few times.
Noah Jenkins
Find a women you care about
Colton Diaz
I don't want to suck dick though, never even felt like it. Trust me I considered that maybe I was a fag but men don't do it for me.
I really don't want to have a family though, I hate kids and I just can't see myself living with someone that's not a relative.
Also i'm 22, I don't want my life to end so soon
Charles Lewis
I was a self-centered faggot at 22 as well m8. You'll grow of it unless you consume too much soi or are ultimate good goy.
Landon Rogers
Post body or incel
Jonathan Smith
>I really don't want to have a family though, I hate kids and I just can't see myself living with someone that's not a relative.
1000% confirmed you are a gay homo, seriously gaylord, you are very gay
Nothing wrong with working on your career and staying single for a couple of years. Get your shit together and find happiness by yourself. Should be doing that anyway before you settle down. Your feelings about kids will change as you get older.
Nathan Anderson
Maybe if I just focus on studying and lifting for a couple months it'll get better.
Never had the chance.
I'm 22 and no I was never a loser, i'm not obsessed about sex either it's more like i'm obsessing over the fact that I don't enjoy sex that much despite being with Jow Forums girls that anyone would enjoy fucking.
Jayden Bailey
are you in a relationship with her or was it some random tinder whore? sex without love will always make you feel vaguely disgusting afterwards - especially if you think about the sheer volume of dicks tinder whores have taken. you probably have the herp. conversely, there is nothing better than fucking someone you love, having them moan or whisper that they love you as they cum and kissing them deeply as you plunge deep inside them. then falling asleep holding each other.
Christopher James
>No but does anyone,
um yes? I don't fuck people i dislike or even feel ambivalent about. i mean why would you fuck someone you didn't at least enjoy talking to?
>i don't even want to keep going after it and i just do it so that i'm not considered a bad lay
you're retarded. why do you even care what one night stands think of you. if you don't want to do it then don't do it. i don't know why you insist to keep doing stuff that doesn't make you feel better about yourself
Wyatt Collins
As others have said, find a woman you genuinely care about. Make love, sex is supposed to be intimate.
Sebastian Cox
Studying helps. Volunteering does too.
Julian Davis
>I do not like any of the women I fuck but does anyone? yes, people do. sex feels approximately 112% better when doing it with an actual partner you feel attracted to romantically. >you are wasting the years you should be spending fostering a loving relationship this. You will continue to suffer from your own hedonistic lifestyle until you feel like you are working towards a greater purpose such as starting a family or invading poland.
Xavier Powell
I met her through a couple of friends >ove, having them moan or whisper that they love you as they cum and kissing them deeply as you plunge deep inside them. then falling asleep holding each other. I can't see myself enjoying that, how do you not want to run away
> I don't fuck people i dislike or even feel ambivalent about I mean it's not that I dislike them I just don't want to spend the night with them and now I can't get her smell from me. >why would you fuck someone you didn't at least enjoy talking to? because she's hot?
>you're retarded. why do you even care what one night stands think of you. Dunno maybe it's because i'm from a small town so I always end up thinking about reputation.
I help with mascots, rescue them and give them to people that are not useless. Some I keep, does that count as volunteer work?
Jeremiah Gray
>I can't see myself enjoying that, how do you not want to run away i'm afraid that you've got the 'tism, user
Jason Myers
what if someone you like doesn't like you back?
Aiden Thompson
I'm willing to concede that maybe it's not test like I first thought and it's in my head like anons said.
You've fallen for the hedonism jew m8. Sex is the ultimate expression of love, trust and intimacy. That is why it should be reserved for marriage.
The fact we, as a culture, have overshot weimar levels of degeneracy is demonstrated by the fact that it has become completely normal to engage in this act with some random youve never even spoken to and never intend to speak to again
Gabriel Wilson
I guess I think traps can be cute
But hedonism is like the second name of this board
Have you tried spending time around her? Don't try to be WITH her, but always around her. In this first phase, all you have to do is not be obnoxious. Be sure to always act modest and extremely friendly, even shyness works often. Make subtle signals that show that you notice her. Repeat for months. Hope that she catches on to your bait. If she hasn't made a move by then, make your first romantic move. If she rejects you, you've already spent months trying, so it will be naturally easier to start seeing other people than her.
Luis Martin
no way, haha
Jayden Cox
Tried it to be honest I think she'd rather be with Paco the obese mexican guy than with me at this point. Seen her going out with some really disgusting guys
Brandon Turner
Why would you like someone who values themselves so little?
Yeah these other anons are right. This is the whole problem, idiot - you're disgusted with yourself because sleeping with strangers you don't even like is gross.
You're probably going to spend a lot of words ITT trying to talk around it or rationalize it away, but I'd suggest you remember that it's *your own* sense for what's gross and what's not that's getting set off here, not anybody else's. All we're telling you is that that's normal.
Maybe consider trusting your own gut for once?
Jacob Murphy
It's probably just mental illness.
Dominic Edwards
>I'm 22 and no I was never a loser, i'm not obsessed about sex either it's more like i'm obsessing over the fact that I don't enjoy sex that much despite being with Jow Forums girls that anyone would enjoy fucking.
no reading comprehension retard confirmed, a sure sign of gayness your whole life you have obviously been voraciously suckling down Youknowwho-ish media that gave you extremely retarded toxic gay ideas about how normal adult romantic interactions and mating behavior are supposed to work
News flash you autistic shitstain, getting herpes and hpv from random disgusting roasties on tinder is not the point of life. the fact that you're having a mental breakdown over noticing this just proves how out of touch you are. Maybe stop watching two and a half men and family guy every night you dopey goy.
Jace Foster
>literally can't differentiate between a 5/10 and a 9/10 >everytime i show slight interest in a girl, my friends point out all the flaws and i see them >confused and mad because i just want to be with an attractive girl who likes me for me Why am I like this? Is it porn addiction? I'm not gay right?
You should probably stop worrying about what your bucketcrab 'friends' think if you're happy with a chick.
My best m8 has been out with some absolute dogs but they were nice girls and he was happy. The only time i stepped in is when he was going out with a parasitic bitch who was basically squatting in his parents place (his family is cashed up), talking shit to him whenever he wanted to go out and bullying him (he's got some issues she was exploiting) or threatening yo kill herself every time he tried to end it.
Kevin Mitchell
I'm going to try and focus on studying and exercising, avoid women for a couple months.
Anthony Reed
>The only time i stepped in Where tf do you live? Why would a full grown man care for another full grown man? Are you a faggot? I thought everyone grew out of the cringy "best buddy" thing.
My friends want me to succeed but it makes me doubt my sense of judgement, which is already terrible. I don't even know where I'd place on a 1-10 scale. Furthermore I've hit this point where I can actually match with attractive chicks on tinder but I can't get a conversation going. I'm trying not to sound like an incel but these girls have so many more social connections to go to parties and shit because they just have to be pretty to be invited, why would they chose someone like me? I know how defeatist this sounds but I'm feeling shitty.
Sebastian Hall
You've screwed your head on just a little bit tighter tonight. Good man, good plan. Stick to it. You'll have a great chance to rethink your relationship with women/dating/romance in general, and you'll be able to do it with a clear head.
This thread actually got somewhere good. 10/10 glad I came on tonight to shitpost.
>everytime i show slight interest in a girl, my friends point out all the flaws and i see them Ignore your friends, there will ALWAYS be something wrong but if you end up with a really good one youll ignore everything just to be with her.
Jace Lee
Thats only you, bud.
Benjamin Ortiz
>having friends is gay
Colton Sanchez
If you're not willing to slap your buddy upside the head and tell him to stop fucking his own shit up, and make peace with him/thank him when he does the same for you, you're just a self-absorbed bitch. Soft-handed queer.
Men keep each other in check and on the straight and narrow. Opting out just means you're too damn soft for it, not that you're too good for it.
Aiden Edwards
anyone else have any input on this im living in a similar situation
Chase Brooks
just going to chime even though my story isnt like the OP's. gymcel here, eventually stopped being attracted to/jacking off to real life women (partly because hentai is available). i dont get aroused even by rl porn. not just the focus on hentai but the fact that i am unable to get a woman despite SICK GAINS. i'm not bothered by it any more. so maybe just...stop having sex? it might work out pretty well for you
Ryder Price
If they're pointing out red flags for things that may be actual flaws, consider their warnings but make your own call. If they're nit-picking at small superficial details, that's just weird.
If you suspect porn may be fucking with your perception of women, then just get off the stuff and see what happens - it's not like anythinig we say will be a substitute for actually running the experiment, quitting the porn, and paying attention to any changes that might come.
Hudson Ross
Sounds like you've grown out of the shallow physical gratification of hooking up. You want real sex, with someone you like.
Time to enter the next phase. It's better in so many ways.
Nicholas Russell
If anything, it is good not to watch porn as it is a Jewish psyop and funded by big shekels.
Asher Perez
OP you might be asexual. It's pretty rare but asexual doesnt mean you cant have sex, just that you don't get anything out of it and/or you're revolted by it.
Dylan Watson
It's simple, shes not hot or pretty or cute.
Levi Taylor
>My friends want me to succeed but it makes me doubt my sense of judgment, which is already terrible. If people can make you doubt your sense of judgment then you are easy to control and you are also dependent on others opinions of not only the world but also your self. Start trusting your gut feeling, start believing your own thoughts and ideas hold as much value as any others, be more firm in your convictions and your sense of judgment will improve over time. You'll probably be wrong a lot but you will get better at it.
> I've hit this point where I can actually match with attractive chicks on tinder It means you are attractive. They match with you because you are attractive. Perhaps you should listen to that inner voice of yours that know you are attractive and just admit it to your self?
Isaiah Fisher
I also become a bit like this, its a mix of shame and lowkey disgust. I guess its my conciousness telling med that I have sinned or something. It usually goes away, but as you say things like smells can remind you of it and its shameful.
John Perez
You might have postnut depression, or post-coital tristesse, user, it's not too uncommon. Should get it checked out.
Joseph Garcia
Damn son, that's some strong insecurity you've got going on there
Lucas Thomas
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you get to decide what you think is pretty and as long as you believe it it's true. No such thing as measuring people on a 1-10 scale, one man's 5 is the others' 8.
Owen Perry
During your next family meeting flex on your 15yr old cousin and take her to Alabama >solid
I would've fucked my cousin if I had the chance, she was cute
Ryder Russell
>"when you get good at game" guess how i know that you're an incel
Good decision. Start thinking for yourself and don't let media or FB reality tell you what's the target. Scoring hot girls is surprisingly rewardless for majority of people. Spare the chads that simply dont give a fuck and are in need of human cum bucket. Godspeed to them.
I never enjoyed sex much until I met my wife and genuine emotional connection formed. Early fucks were just meh, and with time as relationship grew it became much more enjoyable. Can't imagine myself throat-fucking a one night stand and feel good about it. Whereas wife loves when I throw her around and do whatever I feel like. Fuck the propaganda, make your own path.
> I don't want my life to end so soon I fucking hate this Jewish meme. Life does not end when you become a father. If it feels like that for you, your life is shit anyway and it's not because of kids.
Angel Turner
>always been an incel that only got sex paying >get the chance to deflower 7.5/10 white girl >time to put a condom >spergs out >dick gets flaccid >she notices and feels bad >lost unique chance because I got too anxious
Camden Lewis
>Using quotation marks in green text >Thinking lurking for a few weeks is enough time to fit in Go back
You were upset by the cheapness of it all. I stopped having one night stands in college for this reason. Went two years without sex on purpose until i found my current gf. I like her and we have wonderful sex. It’s a lot better when you care about who you’re fucking desu. Get over your ego. Get the bed notches if you need them but then let it go. If you love and want to please your partner then you’ll be enough.