Are you ready to make those healthy mind gains?

Are you ready to make those healthy mind gains?

Soon there will be a cure for the biggest goblin gain of all, jesus.

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Was this thread written by a robot or is op just retarded?

probably a bit of both. just ignore it.

>people unironically worship a homicidal sky genie and his dune coon son in 2019

The old testament (the homicidal part) can essentially be summarised by
God: hey jews dont do this or you're going to get fucked
Jews: lol whatever yolo
*jews get fucked*
Jews: why have you forsaken us Lord!?

is this shit some kind of psy-op? you're a bunch of racist, homophobic trolls who spend your day making people feel shitty on an imageboard and claim to follow christ.

its like the most obvious denial of persona i can fucking imagine. your shadows would make adachi jealous

>Jow Forums is one person
Your original strawman demonstrates you have zero knowledge about that which you denigrate. Your second strawman is an example of exactly what you're attempting to criticise.

Now if we could only cure the gay

This. Judges flips like this every chapter.

((They))'re not even trying anymore

Fucking. BASED.

Electroshock therapy made seemed to work just fine, what happened?

I am religious myself, but it's readily apparent that religious fundamentalism is a very strange and different beast, quite different from simply being a believer. It is very likely a symptom of attempting to recover identity and to delude yourself into feeling secure in a world that is post-meaning and highly fluid.

Spotted the degenerate. Truth and morality are not subjective.

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>I like to “””believe””” in religion, but also disagree fundamentally with the deity I claim belief in.

Not even remotely accurate, have you read the Bible?
YHWH is a literal war god who many times commands genocide and slaughter including women and children, and advocates owning and beating slaves (not just owning indentured servants - actual slaves)

How did YHWH telling Jews to genocide midianites and steal their land have to do with punishing Jews for disobeying?

Looks like somebody didn’t like going to Sunday school as a kid. Maybe if you paid more attention you wouldn’t have these questions you simpleton.

Modern “Christians” distance themselves from scripture and coherent theology because in modern times it is abundantly clear how impractical and untrue Iron Age mythology is

Oh I went to Sunday school and youth group, theology class in both high school and seminary school and taught youth group, and studied to be a Pastor.

I will say every Sunday school I’m aware of glosses over the more genocidal parts of scripture and goes more to summaries of YHWH teaching unbelievably old men how to craft boats

They distance themselves from it because the word has been neutered after the centuries of attacks by the synagogue of satan and they themselves have been fed decades of lies by the media. As a consequence, the Fall grows ever nearer

First off
>going to seminary school
Lmaoo got at your life you really are retarded aren’t you

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Nice fitness related thread, faggots.

>ugh no mom I don't want to go to church

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based schizo poster

>distancing yourself from authoritarianm hypocritical, identitarian and oft incoherent religious movements necessarily implies a distance from God
Also, do you not realize that theology is fundamentally a philosophical discipline and dogmatism runs contrary to its function? Its purpose is not to justify earthly power nor to control the life of the believer.

Going to seminary is admirable. It’s a hard road. I went myself, and didn’t see it through either. Few people do. I really respect anyone who makes it through and ends up in active ministry.

Mental health is closely related to physical fitness.