Is it stupid to use the leg press right after squats? Pic related
Leg training
There's a few webms that show what happens, I'm sure someone can dig them up for you
nothing wrong with it at all lad
Leg press is trash bro. Squats and Deadlifts.
Only if you're an ego lifting retard who locks legs, but leg press is dangerous anyway due to the large amount of weight and how your back will break from a slight error in form due to the sheer weights used(speaking from experience)
What if I do squats, then leg curls, then leg press and finish with deadlifts?
why dont you do an actual program instead of just fucking around in the gym.
What's wrong with doing a leg day?
What if you try not being retarted?
I dare you to explain what's wrong with this properly, without autistic screeching.
why is it always balding incels that over focus on legs what are they trying to prove?
Good practice to do heavy compound movements like Dead lifts and Squats before isolation exercises. They tend to take the most of you.
I don't think he's balding, just a big widow's peak
Ok, I can see this point, sure. I'll try doing them first, right after squats and see if that changes things.
I'd have also agreed to a comment about lack of calf exercises, but I just can't find one that works for me.
>I don't think he's balding, he's just balding!
If you do compounds your legs will already grow to the size of tree trunks. There are people who specifically avoid working legs more than once a week otherwise they grow to a disproportionate size.
Why the fuck would you throw legs isolation on top of compounds. Why not use that time to grow muscles that are harder to develop?
>There are people who specifically avoid working legs more than once a week otherwise they grow to a disproportionate size.
Yeah, people on gear.
It's okay as an accessory but I prefer hack squats since I do low bar and I like getting some extra quad work.
>when your legs look like cavalry pants
check SS transformation compilations
legs respond tremendously fast to training, you don't even have to lift weights to build them up, just walk down hills and do some burpees lmao
You can have a windows peak without your hairline receding idiot, I've had one since I was a boy
Cope. Start minoxidil and fin. You'll thank me later.
>why is it always balding incels that over focus on legs what are they trying to prove?
>There are people who specifically avoid working legs more than once a week otherwise they grow to a disproportionate size.
lmaoing @ these posts
>avoid legs to look disproportionate
literally how small of an upperbody do you have to need to avoid training legs ahahhaha
>bbbut only incels train legs
Anyone who wants to look in balance will train legs, having skinny legs is like having skinny arms
Train your legs you faggots, squats or leg press, it doesnt matter just do any of all. None of that quarter repping shit though