/sig/ - self improvement general

What is the difference between being constructively critical of yourself, and being judgmental of yourself?

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu
>Meditate ( Guide: youtu.be/F0jedwTzIJg - important: relax your jaw, lips almost parted ).
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Have the balls to follow any beliefs to their logical conclusion. Think critically, question everything.
>If you need to put others down to feel good about yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are dependent on the people you look down on.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout. Little by little.

>4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky - The most basic shit is here.
>dbtselfhelp.com - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy self help resource. Particularly useful for those struggling with anger, depression and anxiety issues.

>gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680 - Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Mindfulness in Plain English

Old thread

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>You don't need a relationship, you want the feeling you've convinced yourself a relationship will bring you.
>What you actually want is not wanting anything anymore
>This is true of everyone. You aren't abnormal.

>The famous, beautiful, rich guy can be more miserable than you.
>The impoverished, ugly, unknown guy can be far happier than you.
>You decide your mindset, and the reasons for your misery or happiness.

>Live in the present moment
>Don't fantasize about the future, don't dread it
>Don't reminiscence about the past, don't regret it
>This does not mean you don't make a note of learning from past mistakes and critically consider the steps to take for your future goal.

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Am I too critical of fat girls?
>cute skinny girls have bad personality or are taken
>80% of girls are fat
>single girls with personality are always a little chubby
>cant get off if she has that bulge above the pelvis
I'm I just an ass?

People can lose weight easier than they can lose a shitty personality.

What you are saying is really circumstantial and open to interpretation.

There is nothing wrong with you finding hot girls hot, in general it's your choice for what kind of girl you want to settle for.

Here is the deal, unlike Women who see men as done deal when they get him, for us men girls are like a clay, you can always get your gf to train with you and what not. If she is going to be insulted or angry that you want her to get in shape with you is the characteristic you should be making actual decision by.

Just started learning a lot about women and society lately. Redpill positive masculinity and all that. Are there some good guides that go straight to the point and reveal simple things to how create attraction with a woman?

True. I always feel like if I go that rout shell resent me for pushing her in that direction. And I doubt I could do it. I've dated a foodie but she worked her ass off Just to eat good food so whatever. I can't motivate someone to not eat garbage and work out if they don't want to. That relationship would build resentment. Its one thing if they wanted to get in shape but these days no one cares. Tinder is full of "I love cake. Be the Jim to my pam xD"

thank you Jow Forums and especially /sig/
>qt in my lecture has been dropping hints left and right
>instead of pussying out like normal I capitalize on it and start sitting right next to her, talking, making eye contact and making her giggle and blush.
>she even makes physical contact with me like rubbing my arm or touching my hand
>eventually asked her to get some food with me, she energetically said yes and we walked around campus talking
>I can tell she's really into me and I got her number today and we've been texting nonstop
>good chance I'm gonna meet up with her again tommorow
I know this isn't crazy or anything but I've come along way from litterally avoiding women and not talking to them at all.

Good for you but remember you cannot let your happiness be influenced by outside means. She can drop you tomorrow and you'll see her walking around campus with another dude. This shit will break your heart.
Dont invest in women!

Have any of you read pic related? what do you think?

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No More Mr Nice Guy?

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Your right man. If she dropped me all of the sudden for whatever reason I don’t think I’d care. I would just get back to work

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>want to quit gaming and focus on drawing and lifting and learning, just general self improvement
>have been playing games for a solid 15 years now
>scared to quit one of the only things I've done throughout my entire life
>have tried uninstalling all games from my computer but always cave and end up playing again
>thinking about getting rid of my computer and just getting a laptop

I'm scared to take the leap but I also think it's the only way I'll be able to actually make the change I want, by actually forcing myself to do so. I'm conflicted, /sig/.

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Do it user, you are running out of time in your life constantly. There's no more time to waste.

>try to learn drawing
>all tutorials behind paywalls
>find a few on youtube
>turns out drawing is just years of learning basic shapes before I can draw cool things
.. I gave up

everything is years of doing basic shit before you can do the good stuff. otherwise everyone would be able to draw and play guitar really well

>all tutorials behind paywalls
Go to /ic/ and check their sticky. Plenty of resources.
Also you can practice drawing "the cool stuff" from the get go, it just won't look too good or will take you much longer.
But you can draw that piece again after you have practiced/learned more.

Not him but can you please share some points from it that you found helpful?

Don't be discouraged, the journey is the fun part.

Is there a way to make a decent income from your computer? I have all the fucking time in the world and I have no idea how to go about it.

Also is IT and getting certs worth getting into?

I had a few books on my wishlist for some time so I just added this one and ordered them all. Thanks.

been reading it. Interesting stuff but it feels a bit black and white at times to me, it makes me uncomfortable and I can't really explain it.
a best friend of mine even called out my black and white thinking, which leads me to believe this book isn't helping me find a "balance," which is what I want per se.

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>my black and white thinking,
Elaborate, genuinely curious. I mean it's rather specific thing to get criticized by your friend.