>I'm putting together a team
I'm putting together a team
Other urls found in this thread:
Not on my watch Nazi scum
How do I get this body?
one last job and ill retire
After the last job? I thought I told you guys I was done with this shit
So this guy took a bunch of tren?
Goddamnit I hate being natty.
Sam is fucking monster holy shit.
Just hop on the juice if you hate it so much bro.
You've got a lot of nerve showing up here after what you did. Stop wasting my time and tell me what the job is.
You have my nunchaku
...and my sword!!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
>we heard you can use some eskimos
I'm pulling my last card
One last internal rotation
>I thought you'd never ask
You'll need some muscle. I'm in
Based swole left
Checking in.
>heh you know Im always down for a job
Something about this just isn't feasible to me. Like how can someone be that small. Ive seen a lot of skellies and used to be a skelly myself but this just seems like he tried to be that small. What confuses me more is his low body fat and gyno. Is he just the pinnacle of a $oy Boy
pls tell me he's doing reverse grip curls
>that guy
>45/50kg reverse curls
Not likely
>roiding for this
I'll take care of the (((Jews)))
I think it's his head that makes his body look small
post body
>no orange background
>effect written in flavour-text font
Absolutely Haram
He forgot to train the face muscles baka
How do i achieve this mode?
Thank you for the eating motivation
>me in the back, red shirt
This picture always makes me kek. How can you be built and still emit pure soiyaboy radiation?
I'm not an eskimo! I'm a Viking!
Funny you post that, because the image is both of Israelis. The buff guy is some Israeli army guy, and the other is one of those psycho Jewish cult guys.
>alex jones
His forearms are pretty good compared to the rest
Is he only doing diddy and farmer walk or something?
Have no fear
Because I am here
Why was he in the bath tub?
It’s a shoop brudda
What is that shot?
I already told you, Sarge. I'm retired.
I'll bring the spirit to the team
I promised myself I would never get into this again, yet here I am
The same fucking thread every day for years and it still makes me laugh like a retard
What is wrong with me
*pulls aside*
...it’s jeff.
I thought it was shooped at first lol
I'd fuck that.
rich looked terrible before he died
Better than he looks nowadays. Dude is basically a skeleton now.
its go time
You should know I'm always down under......
You can call me muscles...
Just realized his left hand whiffs ~5 times in a row
I am an expert at infiltration
Kount Me In
lets kick the fires and light the tires
Count me in.
>those wing chun punches
damn this guy is much bigger than I thought
You guys didn't forget about me already did you?
Hands off the lady. Shes taken
drumpf btfo!!
Lmaoooooo holy shit good catch
>that nose
The original is better at showing the s o i
Pretty impressive mobility in that squat for a morbidly obese woman tbqh
It's some football player who looks like Sam.
you'll need balance and universal peace
W-wait for me..
weighted stretching works.