How to escape this mode?

How to escape this mode?

Attached: 1553955769682.jpg (364x768, 95K)

Attached: preparednesspepito.png (999x1030, 390K)

stop browsing reddit

get bigger

his face would look fine if he changed his glasses and trained neck
that beard and those glasses make him look like a onions


head still looks big but it might be just the angle

Attached: 1554451942751.jpg (364x768, 45K)

Hahahaahah oh Jesus.

Don’t worry, you will never escape from being a dyel

holy shit

don't do roids and you won't look like a disgusting freak

different perspective

Attached: p.jpg (364x768, 43K)

Lurk before posting faggots

Drink less soi

This, plus hairstyle.

Also, ottermode would look a lot better on a short guy like him.

I can't put my finger on it
is it just his head?

I mean, his torso looks good right?
but together with his head looks weird as fuck

Attached: Untitled.png (364x577, 299K)

Fuck off newfag cunt.

Found the newfag

Woah budday what a comeback.

im pretty sure you did more than "change the perspective" lol you completely changed his proportions

neck pill is real

do you think i can magically change the angle after the photo was already taken you fucking retard?

I'm 100% sure that he mogs all of you guys. Just quit with this crab in the bucket mentality. Holy shit.

Skip library day

Is it normal for your head to be over half the size of your torso?

That guy is a redditor and that was just a poorly taken photo.

Attached: VIopQrI1sdoyZC9jv-7HeHK7qSaweUo9PGYrGi7HGy8.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=96af238 (640x490, 412K)

whisper "grow grow grow" 3 times a day.

doesnt change the fact that hes 140 cm

He needs to not roid when he’s only 5’6”

less soi

by he way its deformed it looks like yoou were tyring to "change the perspective" yeah
in the same way youd deform an image of a painting to extend to a vanishing point on a horizon

get contacts and you'll go up a point or 2 in looks
Wish i wasn't such a gullible faggot when I was a kid and got told that you can look good with glasses.

mother of god

My bet is his quality of life is way better than yours despite him being short

I know the aroma of manlet comes out of him but he must feel stronger, faster and leaner now.
Maybe he wont get all the ladies but cmon... his life is 10x better now.



Its mostly shit hair, Glases and beardstyle. Cant

He's 5'10. Not exactly tall, but surely not 5'5 (what he looks like in the op)