Ramadan is close,are you ready for the yearly holy cutting month ?
Ramadan is close,are you ready for the yearly holy cutting month ?
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this is christian site
This is a multi-religious board sweetie.
the only "cutting" that should be happening, is 49 more fucking mussies getting cut down by machinegun fire
pfft ramadan fasting is for pussies.
why dont you go for a 40day marathon like our true lord and savior?
*puts you on a list*
Uh-huh, and how do you feel about Donald Trump?
Nope. You have to go back.
this is a mongolian goat herder forum retard
Remember, lads.
Kys, sandnigger.
This is a Swiss deep sea diving forum babycakes.
>why dont you go for a 40day marathon like our true lord and savior?
Why don't Christians?
Oh, user, but I am.
>tfw you lift for Allah but other Muslims don't like that
No because im not an inbred muslim.
>other muslims don't like other muslims
Yeah they've been killing each other who knows how long.
No, i am a christian
>thinking that you're better because you follow a retard that died of fever and every other religion deemed him a false prophet
Imagine having this low of an iq
Also the faggot jannies delete threads like its nothing but never delete threads about islam
I wonder why. Should be called Janissaries fucking shitskins
You know Jesus is also in the Quran, right?
You know that doesnt mean shit right?
Umm, sweaty, this is a Laotian pearl diving enthusiast's notebook
The guy you replied wasn't precise enough, Jesus is also said to return on the earth at the end of the times to save us
Its sounds very healty.
Feed in the morning like a pig, fast and feed like a pig again.
I dont belive you can cut fat with that.
/fa/ here
how to obtain this mode from skeleton?
But steroids are Haram!
misspelled "degenerate atheist raw carnivore homo" site
no, fuck off
That's a sikh you fucking moron
low test christian
Fake and gay
yeah unlike the christians amiri--- oh shit wait
This is just pure superior arab genetics
That sounds extra haram
islam is a heresy of christianity.
>All these butthurt christians ITT
Redpill me on ramadan, muslim bro. Any tips and tricks you would like to share?
Um no sweaty Christianity is an off shoot of norse paganism
Baldr comes back and becomes God
that's because quran is basically the old testament of the bible, try to read the books and you will realize they are similar
What is the most Jow Forums religion/ideology?
One day, Muslims won’t be so hated because the narrative will shift to the next big bad guy. Then there will be a flurry of propaganda that will demonize this new big bad, and all the rafters will tremble with stomping and calls for war. Eyes will be shrouded, and venom will flow freely even from the mouth of a child.
To me, though, America is great. Will always be great. If the west does eventually swing red, then further red, so be it. If I have to be stuffed into a camp or executed, unfortunate, but also fine. The universe is transformation, after all.
But, it will be worth it. Because I tasted freedom. I had a chance at the American dream, and I am content.
God bless America.
في أحد ينحف في رمضان؟
Nips don't have a proper religion
All it takes is to nuke the major Islamic cities. Mecca and medina. Fuck Islam
Islam is not the type of religion to ask "why god did that to us",god can do what ever the fuck he can ,we just worship him,also, mecca will get destroyed ,its in the hadith
>lent is the same as Ramadan
I’m not even Muslim and even I know that’s fucking dumb, the thing Christians give up is purely materialistic in comparison to literally intermediate fasting
lmao what the fuck is this real?
you realize muslims are not hated only by Americans? Chinese, India and even buddhist monks hate muslims. Even muslims hate muslims. Talk about religion when all they do is to kill for not beliving in some goat herder.
>i'm part of the making of a HUGE false flag. A LOT of money was put into this, and I have to go underground afterwards to not be recognized from the video.
>This thing we're doing is supposed to change the political consensus on weapons, or cover for Israeli bombing of Gaza or some shit (i'm not sure, I'm just getting paid)
>My feet are cold. I know, while the "shooter" is looking away ill just quickly put on my blue socks, that I have in my pocket!
>There, nice and warm.. no one will notice I'm sure.
This is what false-flag-shills actually believe.
That's not how Lent used to be. Christianity has become incredibly diluted and weak compared to how it was practiced in the past, it's almost not a religion anymore.
Inshallah this year, i'm doing my first Ramadan fast.
مش هتعرف تبلك في رمضان يزميلي
fun fact: the reason they uncover their right shoulder during pilgrimage, is because mohammed and his followers used to do this in mecca to terrorize the kuffar with their built phsyiques and ripped muscles.
You monotheistic chucks know nothing about true cuts. You Muslims fast only as long as the sun is up, then you gorge yourselves like the pigs you hate. You Christians rarely fast during Lent these days, and when you do you lie and tell yourselves fish is not flesh.
Follow pic related. He will teach you how the desire for food is a cause of suffering, and he will tell you how to overcome this desire & suffering. The Eightfold Path is the true way to /fast & cutting.
seething christcuck cope in this thread
>i follow an abrahamic sand people religion
fasting in Bosnia is not that easy, during the Ramadan (especially summer), there are all these thots giving seductive looks and wearing all kinds of provocative clothing, given that we are Europeans and not extremist middle-eastern barbarians.
Jfc, you just got a game machine, you’re not going to the dentist, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!!!
>Denying Jesus is the Christ
No thanks user.
He is the Lord and Saviour of all, not your pedophile goat fucker
>My rabbi Yeshuah Bin Miriam Al Nazarathi is the superior middle-eastern desert cult
You cant be muslim and European you can only be two if you're residing in Europe.
1. Traitor
2. Invader
Now fuck off my continent
tell that to my ancestors
also: check the haplogroup markers for bosniaks, chances are we are more pure than your pretentious ass
fuck islam
I agree so get out all you satanic goat fuckers. Or covert and serve Christ and let him redeem your soul.
>who's going to fast for the most historically inconsistent religion in existence
>herr derr muh kaaba was made by Abraham who cares if most historians outside of Islam disagree or that there is more evidence that it was made by pagans, even though they kissed and circled the stone, that doesn't make a difference because they actually copied us muslims
Yes, and the quran got most of the stories from Jesus from the
>Gospel of Barnabas
Which is considered a forgery for various reasons
>eerily similar to the four gospels (bible) but has Muhammad added onto stories (like Adam mentioning Muhammad by name)
>Barnabas knew greek, yet he wrote "Jesus Christ (the messiah) is not the messiah."
>no origin other than second hand accounts by muslims
>is considered a christian by any historian outside of Islam
Most of the stories the quran got are from a highly questionable source. They even adopted the story of the clay bird and Jesus bringing life to it, even after that story was considered a forgery by various christian theologians, historians, etc.
Adding Jesus and Mary to your book multiple times has no significance. Also, speaking of Mary, the quran confuses two seperate Marys with one.
>Mary the mother of Jesus and sister of Aaron
And the bible says Christians will be persecuted and hated by the world near the end. Most of that persecution is currently from Muslim majority countries.
Get out you subhuman
>tell that to my ancestors
Then again, modern Bosnians probably share 30% of their DNA with the Turkish bull
The five pillars of Islam are:
>1. Declaring your faith
>2. Praying
>3. Alms giving
>4. Fasting during Ramadan
>5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
You literally don't even need a Koran to be a Muslim.
So let's look at the guidelines for being a Christian:
>Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
>Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
>Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
>Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
>Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
>Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
>Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
So is it really that hard for you guys to get along? It's almost as if you're being goaded along by someone else, your hatred for each other is unnatural and makes zero sense.
GLORIOUS NIPPON practices a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhist religions, holding that the Japanese Emperor is the holy descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu.
but 30 years ago Russians and commies were the most vilified people. I bet in 5-10 years it's going to be the Chinese since they're making moves to gain power from america
*facepalms* *sigh* I thought we made it clear that this is a lebanese prune pitting 101 forum
Sikh are muslims, bro? I guess they're not, giving the fact that this sikh is in an islamic sacred ground where they preform their pilgrimage, and is wearing the proper attire to preform said pilgrimage while it's taking place.
You seem to have been baited, sir.
I dont condone pedophilia
ITT a bunch of low test non Muslim betas
>but other Muslims don't like that
>The interior ministry oversees the religious organisations of Christians, Muslims and other non-Jewish minorities in Israel, and it has the final say over the full-time muezzin's job.
>The muezzin's firing has caused a stir among Acre's Muslim majority.
>"How can they separate Ibrahim from his work just because he took part in a competition?" asked Wissam Zalafi, a guard at the mosque.
>"We don't have another muezzin with a voice as beautiful in all of Acre."
At least read through the piece, user.
Oh have I? And what does one do when baited, might I ask, kind sir?
Where in the pillars of Islam or in the Beatitudes of Christianity is child abuse condoned?
I believe you have been baited by the gentleman whom incorrectly referred to the Muslim bodybuilder in the OP as a Sikh, as his motive was likely to illicit a reaction and draw (You)s. As for what one does after being baited, I don't suppose there is much to do, perhaps you should internalize this remember it during the next occurrence of absurdity in the replies.
Isn't Mohammad, as Allah's final prophet, considered to be the infallible peak of righteousness?
Aisha was a child (not even a JC) when he consummated the marriage. This establishes a clear precedent for pedophilia.
make me
>Nowhere in the Five Pillars is belief in Koranic infallibility required. As a matter of fact, the Koran was not compiled until several decades after Mohammed’s death, making it impossible to tell how much or how little of its content came from Mohammed himself. Of particular suspicion is that Ali’s personal manuscript – submitted only six months after Mohammed’s death, thus likely the most accurate version - was immediately rejected, and burned following the release of the ‘official’ Uthmanic version. (Some claim that Ali kept a second, secret text (the Jamia) of Mohammed’s teachings, which will reappear to the world during the end times.) In terms of content, the Uthmanic Koran gives itself away as corrupted by recognizing many Judaic teachers as “prophets”, even though Mohammed himself explicitly stated that the Jews killed every prophet ever sent to them, implying that Mohammed only recognized John and Jesus (since they were the only two killed by Jews) as genuine prophets (prior to himself) among all those who had preached to Jews.
Like I said earlier. You don't need a Koran to be a Muslim. (Technically, according to Shia Islam, as a non-Muslim you are considered honorary Shia if you support the Shia in the Shia/Sunni debate). Knowing this, it's easy to ignore an obvious slander of Mohammed in the Hadith
Disgusting but true.
Your prophet Muhammad fucked a nine year old, your book does not condemn him for this, your book condones pedophilia.
Read the sticky you dyel.
How can you deny the benefits of intermittent fasting when Allah himself decrees it?
Via the scientific method, peer reviewed studies and updating existing data, your moon-spirit holds no water on any of this.
You're worse than christ cucks if you're of European blood but aid the muslims.
Traitors get the bullet first you fucking whore
"My book"
You mean the Koran, which was written, burned, and subsequently re-written after Mohammed's death.
>of European blood
I don't remember making an alliance or a club with you? What's with this tribalism? Are you Jewish or something?
I'll never understand you niggers
>Sandmonkey posts about intermittent fasting via a religion and everyone loses their shit
>Random intermittent fasting thread and everyone has a discussion on it
On a side note I tried it once during Ramadhan because my brother in law is a Muslim and I wanted to see what it was like, respect to those that do the entire 13 days
>Well it's not specifically MY book.
My point still stands.
You're all degenerate in the eyes of Zoster
Pic not related
you have to go back