Cheese bread and feta with spinach stick from the AH edition
last thread got removed because we only spoke Dutch, i guess we can only speak English now.
Cheese bread and feta with spinach stick from the AH edition
last thread got removed because we only spoke Dutch, i guess we can only speak English now.
Mods are gay faggots
Kanker op
raw spinach? AH has the best spinach for sure, Jumbo is awful
Hallo what about Calve peanut cheese? Is it the best peanut cheese?
Waar haal je goede bagels?
>dgw neusschot correctie over 2 weken.
Ik hoorde dat je daarna een aantal weken niet meer zwaar kan trainen. Ga ik mijn gainz verliezen jongens?
>peanut cheese
>for your calves
you dutchmen have cool toys
Droge rotzooi. Hoe goedkoper hoe beter de pindakaas
There’s no reason to make a thread about a country on Jow Forums and I hope this gets deleted too
>implicerend dat je uberhaupt gainz hebt lmao, kanker toch op
>weet niet hoe die moet greentexten
Kanker autist
takes one to know one, baardaap
This is incorrect. You will now be forever a manlet who will not know the secret of the Dutch height
AH 100% met stukjes is obv the best by a mile
anyone here made 5/4/3/2 yet, i hardly see any big guys in any commercial gym and if they are big theyre on roids and dont do compound excercises
>5 pl8 ohp
are you retarded, or just plain stupid?
the dutch are tall but they've probably got the most effeminate men in the whole of europe, you win some you lose some
good win yesterday lads, sunday we'll overtake those cunts from alk maar again
you havent made 5 plate ohp yet?
Dutch guys make the best femboys and traps, how do I learn your language?
>feta with spinach stick from the AH edition
dat heet een burek
>Your children sleep more than 1h than world's average.
>Growing hormonae is released while sleeping.
Also genetics and fucking hormones in meat, the north of the country had so much crap in the water due to massive farming that it humbles india efforts
>181.7 cm
kanker manlets,
everything beneath 195 cm is a manlet!
3rd place is ours, get fucked roach
For real
Geen 180cm? :(
Who's /013 here?
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