brahs why does rice kill testosterone do i have to stop eating rice?
High test foods, supplement ect
lol who tf writes an “a” like that are you a robot mate
Is this why I can't get a boner when I drink too much?
Pic related is an "a" I just drew.
Anyone that draws it differently is a brainlet.
i was home schooled, sorry. Now can we get back to why rice is killing test?
carbs are bad m8 i hope you dont eat bread as well
What makes you think ANY of those foods reduces testosterone levels?
I mean any brainlet could have figured out it's a test killer just look at asians
>onions not on the list
>conspiracy kike news
The filter has been around for a year m8
>parents trying their best to shield you from ((their)) education
>turned out to be a brainlet anyway
user, i..
>tfw literally eat tons of cheese and yoghurt
Total broscience.
I thought Jow Forums said chicken and rice and brocoli for dinner is good for gains
crab bucket mentality. you've been cucked out of some extra test
I just did a quick search and could find no other articles referencing anything about this. Although I did find 2 articles specifically saying white rice does but brown rice doesn't (you shouldn't be eating white rice anyway desu).
so what do you have for dinner, cunt?
>source: foxnews
I sometimes wonder why the world just let retards like this reproduce
>fox news
3 eggs mixed with ground beef.