She's watching us.
She deleted her post
did you cum yet princess?
what a princess
Quick rundown for a newbie Jow Forums reader?
Based cumyet princess
>"grinding for years to buy ferrari"
incels obsessing over an instathot
her ugly ass is barely a toyota carolla
She didn't get that ass form her workouts though, she's lifting baby weights.
She just stores most of her fat in her ass.
I feel like real life lore fallen behind in quality of the content lately.
She is like a turbo womanlet princess who somehow got 300k thirsty niggas following her
Imagine your 19 yr old daughter doing this shit, holy fuck
No she doesn’t.
>hundreds of pics to try and find one that’s most flattering
>minor pump
Anything on IG is worth exactly what you paid for it: nothing
She’s more of a newer model civic.
T. Italian don’t find her all that attractive
>she's more of a newer model civic
Meh, she's a used Impala from 4 years ago.
I'd say she's more like my 11 year old GTI
Shilling. STOP
>T. Italian
Yeah I wouldn't go around telling people that
The fact that she answered "Do you want me to" is a strong hint that she was whoring herself for money on that vid and the guy is actually a client.
post vid.
but I would believe it happened because
>insta model of some kind
>know this type of chicks
There used to be a video on pornhub but I can't find it. Link has been posted on Jow Forums.
find it
It was this vid but it's been deleted
And whys that?
T. 6’2” the big Italian
Typical slavic egoistic slut. Thinking her godlike genes will bring her happiness. If i could count how many girls like this i have seen. I can already hear her making comments about while she praises herself just because her mommy and daddy are rich as fuck. Trust me when they hit 25 they will tear their hair out just to find suitable husband. Slavic genes have strong maternity instinct.
>Golf 5 is already more than 11 years old
that ass is more like a minivan then a Ferrari to be honest
somebody post the vid
>Que delícia de bunda
Never change Brazil
I should of saved the video.
>removed from ph
It was shit anyway.
Who has the picture? I'm horny
Fucking niggers this is a fitness board, go back to /gif/ you horny faggots.
>tfw not slav thot gf that's desperate to be impregnated over and over
I mean a lot of people buy Ferrari’s and just let them sit their garage...
There’s got to be a webm at least
blessed post
anyone have the vid i cant find it
I don't follow thots but the OP image isn't really wrong on its own. No shame in showing off your Jow Forumsness, that shit takes time and effort.
Man how do you even please a woman, that dude was giving her a decent pouding and she wasnt feeling shit.
I'm pretty against broadcasting success and wealth.
It's a private thing. There's a reason families with lots of money never talk about it.
women don't actually enjoy sex, it's always about the status of the man.
The fact that women have more 1ns's than relationships disproves your post. Learn to have sex.
Who the fuck cares about some attention whore with a big fat butt and no boobs, and how is this even remotely Jow Forums related? Fuck off shitposter, go back to
This. 1 like for u
What happened?
Why hasn't she worked on that face for years? My gf who has never worked out has an ass just as nice.
>nastassia pornomakerino
Is there an archive link?
>why build good karma to be born with proper blonde hair when all you have to do is go to dr schlomo's hair salon and get it dyed
It just means she's gonna diddle her clit you retardo
Basato e Rossopillato
She got a rear like Alfa Stelvio tho.
literally 100000x better than anything anyone on Jow Forums will ever have any relations with lmao but yea 2/10 ugly elbows would not fuck
Reminds me of my '03 Honda odyssey
based r9k incel posting on Jow Forums love it. lets just merge r9k and pol into fit already. this board is pretty much a colony of those paranoid retards anyway
hello natassia
Seems like a good idea given that all these spaces cater to disaffected white men, once they realize that jews and their enablers such as yourself are the cause of their problems then we can see some real change
yea man jews are the reason youre a fat stupid faggot
someone post the leaked video
Nice projection schlomo, don't you have some foreskins to suck?
>Yeah I wouldn't go around telling people that
never change amerimutt
>jews are the reason im disenfranchised
>mocks that by saying yea jews are the reason youre a fat stupid faggot
>heh nice projection; i bet you're jewish
trust me mongrel, the reason you're disenfranchised is because your status in life perfectly matches your ability; you are a retard
Hello, im a white man. None of my problems are my fault. It's 100% the fault of the jews.
>t. Proud aryan go-getter
inb4 projetion and i quote his post literally saying the cause of their prolems are jews
I make six figures and have a beautiful family so ya my status in life matches my ability, just because I'm a superior specimen doesn't mean that I don't recognize the struggle that our race is in you retarded kike
Sure you do
Hello, I'm a proud white man. I make a million dollars a year have a QT virgin white wife (super tight pussy even after we had 8 children). I also argue with strangers on about the evil menace that is the Jews and how they are responsible for all my ...uhh..other white men's problems
btw if you disagree with me or mock me for my paper-thin LARP i will call you a Jewish MOSAD agent here not to take the piss out of faggots like me but to engage in some very high level subterfuge against me, a very important wealthy white male
her ass isn't even that good looking
I don't have any personal problems, in fact once I recognized that the jews were a menace to our race I started going to the gym every day and busted my ass at the office so that I could personally help put you parasites in the ovens when the time comes.
boy you're really mad ain't ya, Chaim? You're trying a bit too hard though lmao
real talk though user, yes the jews have fucked up western civilization but you can't fall into the trap of being resentful and blaming your problems on them. you beat the jew by being above their bullshit. stop watching porn, stop joining subcultures and wasting time playing vidya, get serious about your job and your family and get your ass to church. nothing triggers kikes more than a happy, successful, white Christian man with many children.
BUT you have to become that man first.
Right on brother, you pretty much described my journey once I became aware of white genocide.
did she cum yet? princess?
>want to beat the Jews?
>just practice the religion they invented to control goyim
10/10 masterful plan
Who needs actual action of substance and value when you can pray to Jesus about it?
You need to change your workout Nastassia.
Jews hate Christianity more than they hate anything else in the entire universe. Christianity literally says
>all the shit that happened to you in the Old Testament was just foreshadowing the real coming of God to Earth, you aren't special and God sent his son for the Gentiles
Jews are called "Kikes" because when they came to Ellis Island, they refused to draw an "X" on their forms because it looks too much like a cross, so they drew a circle ("kikel" in Yiddish).
Made for bbc
based haha poster
They have 1ns's with guys they couldn't be in a relationship with otherwise.
Someone post the vid somewhere comeon
Every fucking time a beautiful woman is posted there'll be some faggot saying she's ugly despite objectively being above average