Sipz General

>His office doesn't have bang® energy readily available.

NGMI sorry!

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>Work at airport
>There's a gnc inside right at my job
>Employee discount makes them cheaper than buying anywhere else
Life's good Jow Forumsros

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Based and bang®pilled.

> bang

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>Inferior blend
>Inferior flavirs
>Less caffeine
>Same price
Are monstercucks born retarded?

>same price
bang is like $5/can
monsters are 2 for $4

>bang is like $5/can
>monsters are 2 for $4
Both are 2.99. monster stopped their 2/$4 promotion and raised their price to sell those tiny cans at the old regular price. Fuck monster.

>being this retarded
Everywhere local they have bang for 1.87 per can.
I love monster but bangs energy burst is so much stronger and cleaner.
>not drinking the new ultra paradise monster

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I prefer bang, but at my 7/11 it's more than twice as expensive. at any rate, i just use nitraflex for dat dere dmha

Bang is new here so it's $1.99/can

Bang, yikes! They are being sued because they do t actually have creatine in them

I prefer the classic choice myself.

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The holy trinity

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>drinking banq

Been saving so much of my coin by cutting this shit back, don't regret it

Redpill me

Secretly relieved since I'm a hairlet

What's burn taste like?

Same, but I'm too addicted.

the one is particular has sweet, fresh smooth taste. Hard to explain.


1. Lemon drop tea
2. Piña colada is tied with citrus twist
3. Rainbow Unicorn
4. Star Blast
5. Cotton Candy
6. Guava Pear
7. Champagne
8. Sour headz

9001. Black cherry vanilla

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>literally cant mix powder and water at $1/scoop and much higher quality

New Ultra Paradise is based my dude

it looks like bang's root beer is branching out

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Who else /addicted/ here?

coffee/milk and water. what the fuck else is there to drink that isn't pure sugar?

>drinking anything but black coffee or preworkout for caffeine

pic related, it's you

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>drinking coffee
Keep coping basedboy

>everyone with opinions that are different from mine is stupid
You literally have autism. Not even trying to be a dick, this is actually one of the biggest red flags. You aren't great with people are you?

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Champagne is fucking disgusting shouldn’t even be on here

Is this a shill thread? The only person I know in real life who drinks these is a chick at my gym who works at a supplement store.

Where can I buy a bang bros??

Isn’t Bang just Monster but for thots?

I drank a sipp every day for the last five or so years and recently switched off. I feel great and don't crash in the middle of the day anymore. I'm also saving money.

There is no reason to be upset, young one. Don't feel bad that you cannot stomach the delicious, bold, acidic taste of arabica bean juice and instead opt for maltodextrin and food coloring mixed together.

>implying that opting for oversweetened garbage over coffee somehow makes you more Chad
you are a child

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recently I've noticed that it's gone from thots to hamplanets where I live. It's very common to see a chunker walking around fisting a bang in one hand and some food in the other.

New sips taking over friends

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Post ankles

Reign master race

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29 years old, still mentally vulnerable enough to have been convinced to start drinking SIPS after lifting for 6 years. They're kinda growing on me.

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Literally BTFO'd by based BANG

I drink black coffee but I get sick of it and have to switch it up every so often.

Has anyone tried Bangs brand new Frosé Rosé flavor?

How does it stack up to other delicious Bang flavors?

you ever try cold brew? shit is delicious. i love it.

Been on the hunt for this. Will report back later with my findings.

Not him, but cold brew is my favorite.

Once from peets coffee. It had coconut in it. 8/10, would sip again.

Tried this bad few days ago. The only monster drink I have somewhat liked, all other monster drinks taste ass.

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Hmm I'll add this to my list

I don't even drink caffiene anymore, and I actually love coffee. I just saw how autistic your comment was and felt like reaching out. You don't have to struggle with autism alone.

easy to make gallons of this at home for under 5 bucks, too

if anyone is autistic here, it's you buddy. i literally only stated that sipps are for children and you sperged out.

there is no need to be upset.

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Where do you guys live at? Bang is $2 while Monster is $1.88 at my local Walmart in Tucson.

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oh ffs the summer marketers are back again with the fucking /sip/ threads. GTFO we dont want you here.

>I don't liek thing
Thanks for the bump boyo

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>replies mean someone is mad or upset

This guy slaps your girlfriend's ass what do you do?

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energy drinks are poison

Have I been transported back to the paradise that was 2011 /sp/?

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Sour heads it the best bang

Quit subtle bragging about being an oldfag!

>What's burn taste like?

it burns


2011 /sp/ was basically a barroom for shiposting and creating the best power rankings of all time

Jow Forums was destroyed by general threads, tripfaggots and mods who can't handle banter and balance a little off topic shitposting with board related material

I like pic related, tastes like pineapple jews.

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just try dmha, it basically what the used when DMAA was made illegal. go to a gnc/vitammin shoppe, they have some single serving preworkouts sold in bottles kinda like how bang is sold in cans. first time i took it i felt like a crackhead in the gym: only cared about lifting, ready for another set after about 30 seconds, didn't even notice anyone else in the gym, not even the puerto ricans who slam the shit out of their 1pl8 rack pulls.
fair warning it's addictive, so it may not be wise to use it every day and take a break when you finish off a tub of preworkout

Flip that Lemon Drop and Star Blast and this might just be it

Bang him to show him what fucking time it is

>drinking a pre-workout to give you the energy to sit still for 8 hours
>ingesting your entire daily allotment of caffeine at once
>ingesting artificial sweeteners, spiking insulin so those donuts martha brought can bring you one step closer to type 2 diabetes

>rainbow unicorn
>cotton candy
Sounds gay

I used to drink those before I did my math homework back in my college days.

Black cherry is best you fag. Also, what does that unicorn shit taste like, I’m scared it’ll be a waste of sip if I don’t like

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Dubs of Truth

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Britbong here, never tried Bang. Which flavour should I go for first? I'm not a big fan of overly chemical/sweet flavours

>I'm not a big fan of overly chemical/sweet flavours
then dont buy it, but blue razz is my favorite