>go to gym
>see her
>fall in love again
Go to gym
Not op but at gym theres so many top cuties
One chick is best, tall and lanky, cute face,always small ponytail and tshirt seems tad bit shy and reserved. Cant lift for shit.
Tfw ywn tell her how to brace diaphgram and root feet into floor during squat
The only one stopping you is yourself.
>One chick is best, tall and lanky, cute face,always small ponytail and tshirt seems tad bit shy and reserved.
Dude, literally who i was talking about. She has dark hair and eyebrows, is tall and fit, but has a very firm and juicy ass, nice cute tits. Always works out alone, barely looks at anyone ever - minds her own business. Has a nice routine and is pretty regular. She is top qt and most guys can't help looking at her, including me
Anons, excellent idea.
>be me, 3rd year uni fag gymcell lanklet
>meet 8/10 cutie with legs that could triangle choke out a moose
>we talk about sports she did in highschool
>"user, we should go to the gym sometime"
>go with her every day for weeks now
>she has really good core strength from sports, we learn & get gains from eachother
>keep lifting user, there's a wheyfu out there for you, when you're big enough
>just stay away from ((((porn)))) it'll mess up all your hormones and make you a beta
I know that feel brah. I’m in love with this qt brunette at my gym kinda looks like pic related.
I saw her (and not only her) looking at me sometimes
Im sort of uglh but i have the height and frame and im builtfat
Too bad ill never grow a pair to talk to her
>she has eyebrows
>>keep lifting user, there's a wheyfu out there for you, when you're big enough
>>just stay away from ((((porn)))) it'll mess up all your hormones and make you a beta
Is this advice she gave you? Marry user.
>go to work
>see her talking and laughing with other guys
>going to lunch with them
>leaving work at the end of the day with them
>she's probably sleeping with one of the Chad guys I see her with
>try not to care, but still do
Talk to her you stupid whores
God I just see this guy at the gym staring at me, thinking I won‘t notice and I want him to fucking ask me out already
I know he wants me. I want him. Whats the issue?
you guys still fall in love past age 12? wtf. i thought that was a meme
I wish. How does it feel, being in love?
24 here and going trough cringy teenager shit with some girl
Enjoy it user.
>that girl who is obviously on anavar doing crossfit stuff in volleyball tights
i bet she is horny as hell
>tfw literally no qts at my gym
How can he be sure you like him?
you'd post the exact same image if there were
i have the opposite problem, a girl has a crush on me
>tall skinny blond girl
>horse face but very hard body
>always staring at me
>when i look back at her she looks down and smiles really big and awkward
>goes to the gym every single morning, stares at me every single morning (i work at the gym)
i'm afraid she's going to stab me on the way to my car one of these days
God I wish that were me.
talk to her your moron, i bet she fucks like a champ dont waste this opportunity.
>fucking your customers
either you're a virgin or a retard
>asked my ex-gf if she'd be up for eating some ice cream on saturday
>she replied "hey user :) i have to ask: what's the background here? i don't want to give you false impressions if i accept...
i answered with
>the background is , it's going to be hot and ice cream cools you down a bit
she just answered
>okay under the premise that we go and eat some ice cream purely amicable so that we aren't a awkward ex couple we can do that
meaning... she wouldn't have done it if i had said otherwise?
i forgot about your murrican lame rules sorry man
What are you asking here? It sounds like she wants to fuck.
Cucking yourself with an ex is arguably even worse than being an incel. But now if you don't go she'll know you still like her
not advice from her, just advice that helped me get in this excellent situation. Might date her after I figure out how insane she is.
Advice was actually from my dad who was pretty Jow Forums in the 80's 90,s. Boomer alpha advice is usually reliable
>she wants to fuck
how so? i'm reading the exact opposite out of it
either way i'm fucked eh?
If you wanna salvage it, pretend you want her advice about a situation with some other girl. But if you're going back to an ex I don't know how convincing you'll be able to be about it.
Be yourself
we were seeing each other end of decembre up until the week of valentines day and i ended it because i found out she was fucking some other guy too
going back is out of option
>some thinn smol girl comes up to our gym
>shes learning how to be pt or something
>super short, weighs like 40kg
>am 6'2 90kg builtfat
>see her miring when i was lifting heavy shit (5 plate deads bros thats like 2 plates more than anyone else iun the gym lamo )
>she casually says hi to me when im by water fountain
>i catch her looking at me often, very often
>casually walking past her to see if i can bait smile by smiling to her
>she doesnt tho, but looks me in eyes
shes probably a thot, but id love to cuddle wit hthat small thing
looks wise shes almost perfect but her voice sounds TERRIBLY annoying for some reason to me
Then why tf did you ask her out for ice cream? Cheating is a hard next bro
i guess because i need to figure out how to react when i'm around her
same friend circle so it's inevitable that i'll see her
>under the premise
This means "as long as we do the opposite of"
>"as long as we do the opposite of"
you sure?
I don't know your ex, but is see really thick enough to miss a line like "it's going to be hot and ice cream cools you down a bit".
i don't know, she did say "under the premis" but also the word "friendship" in one sentence and that she doesn't want to give me false impressions
not everything is a sexual innuendo user
are u retarded? she fucks other guys and you want to go with her icecream like 12 year olds? how is this supposed to work out? i think she prefers popsicles and not yours...
she fucked another guy because she "didn't want a relationship" which was clear to her, but not for me
i don't want to fuck her user, i do not want a relationship with her again
i need to make peace with her if i'm around her and our mutual friends
Yeah, that's what "premise" is, you're going out to try and be friends after you broke up, the reality is you're going to fuck her in half, now get out there champ.
It is if it comes from your ex out of the blue.
go for it give her advice or help her with something, tinny girls love bears so she propably will try you.
>the reality is you're going to fuck her in half, now get out there champ.
we already had that phase user, this january and february
you better go find other girl preferably not a whore godspeed
yeah i'm better off
I'm in a relationship limbo.
Don't be like me.
Shit sucks.
don't hang out with exes user. You're better than that
i am but it's for a reason
fair enough, just don't let her become a gains goblin. The last thing your ex wants is to see you get better/out of her league.
she won't hold me back, i will surpass her
i'm going to watch her in the back mirror
just need excuse to casually talk to her
wanted to compliment her hairstyle once (works fucking everytime bros i swear, especially if its actually different)
>See her again
>She chit chat me a bit
>Chit chat her a bit before she leave
>She ask for my fb
A part of me wonder if I should act up but so far I've been winning by doing nothing so maybe its the way?
riddle me this
>be me deadlifting
>spot cute braphog (best hips / ass / waist ratio ever, tanned skin, nice rack, just epitome of breeding)
>think what a nice girl
>week later she comes up to me and compliments my technque and shit
>we talk some over the weeks
>she smiles to me and stuff, makes cutesy faces and shit
>i eventually ask her if she has a boyfriend
>she says she does
>well, tough shit so i say shame and move on
>lately she asks me whats up
>respond tht im changing jobs and probably moving to city far away
>she says "but im still going to see you for few weeks right?"
>i say yeah and say i have to go
i know im autistic but this girl confuses me
shes also really beautifull
throw her a cheeky nothing serious msg on fb as a bait and see if she bites
sometimes they just need excuse to start talking
Similar spot. Me and my coworker have the most amazing chemistry and all out coworkers tell us we look so cute together. One of the managers took me on the side and told me that she never saw her as happy as she is with me. Some of the coworkers told me they see me just looking at her as if my eyes are saying "I love you." However turns out she has a boyfriend, and I'm just so fucking sad. You can't understand what I'm going thru right now. She's the 10/10 in my dreams, we have so many things in common. We both laugh together in public and I'm so conscious of my laugh. God I can't name a single flaw of her even tho she tells me all the little details she hates about herself. I want to be her boyfriend so bad. I'm at the point where I think I'm either friend/brother zoned. And it really stabs my heart. I
I had similar time with one girl (bookworm math nerd with cute face and freckled nose) and she was single and interested in me. And i couldnt allow that in my mind that she would be into ogre like me, we talled, we laughed but i never made moves and she just lost interest.
I hope im just making this shit up in my mind but the big signs were there, otherwise i lost chances at best girl i coild have. At least im not seeing her anymore so my heart doesnt fall apart
Soon i will forget i swear.
Then theres this another woman, shes older than me and has a child with some bloke but we get along so well for some reason.
Almost feels like she has crush on me but its a forbidden fruit and i dont want to fuckup the childs life or the drama involved.
Like swimming in sand
>see “her”
>feel nothing
>couldn't allow. . . be into a ogre like me
Why does this speaks so close to me? She's so beautiful to me, that I feel like I don't deserve her cos I see myself as very ugly. :/
>cute tits
What did he mean by this?
the long term pain of never knowing is much worse than the short term pain of rejection
and if you just wait around she WILL get taken by chad
>go to work
>See her
>Chest hurts
>Pretend she doesn't exist
She's my favorite person and I don't mean a goddamn thing to her
Never give energy if all they do is take
why is it that whenever i'm truly in love she either doesnt like me at all or i fuck it up completely because i always act awkward as hell around her?
>i need to make peace with her if i'm around her and our mutual friends
Define 'make peace'. It sounds like she is over it. If you feel it is weird around friends, while she is there, that is on you. Closure is a meme.
because it is awkward as fuck to get turned down in the gym
how about you give him some signals too you retarded whore
so sick of passive women wanting to get "picked up" its boring as fuck
>start new job
>find out I have coworker who’s the same age as me (everyone else is 10-20 years older)
>coworker is cute, at least a 7/10, slightly chubby-thicc with an amazing ass, at least d cups and cute freckles across the nose and under the eyes
>hit it off on the first day I meet her
>find out that I’m never shifted on alongside her because work only needs one of us on per day
Enter gym
>and someone is calling my name from the back of the restaurant
>and someone is playing a game in the house i grew up in in
>and someone will drive her around down the same streets that i did
Just end my pain