> cut is over
> bulking hard again next week to get bigger and stronger
> got 60 protein bars for just $30
> grades improving and finishing college on a good note
Post your good feels anons
> cut is over
> bulking hard again next week to get bigger and stronger
> got 60 protein bars for just $30
> grades improving and finishing college on a good note
Post your good feels anons
Felt bikers hill for the first time today. It felt awesome
Got to spend a bit at my friend's farm in East TN near the Smokies to get away.
Learned to ride a big tractor and run a sawmill. Aw yeh, partner.
>> got 60 protein bars for just $30
Damn, that’s cheap. How’d you get it? Someone hook you up?
>tfw cant cut because fat cells never leave so abs arent visible anyways if i do it
saw a facebook ad for foodcirclesupermarket. It's close to their best by date though, will have to see how they hold up
protein bars are candy bars
Coming home right now from a trip in Munich with my friends ,
tomorrow I can get back to the gym
Today deadlifted for the first time after ACL surgery
stop making excuses, do enough exercise and don't eat too much food and they will show
Bumping for more positivity
> tfw gain positive momentum from cleaning room, grooming, making a plan and looking optimistically at life
We're all gonna me it clowns
Felt what, my g?
>new job making 70k
>moving out in two months
>away from gains goblin family, so more time to lift
>money and time to myself means I can start working on hobbies again
bikers high* and it felt like i was pumped up with pain killers that i didn't feel any pain or soreness. time passed faster, i was also lil bit light headed. I was able to go faster and it lasted about 20 mins.
>moving to a new apartment this weekend
>literally feel blessed cause I can finally go home after lectures, make a proper meal and then go to the gym
>I used to spend 40 minutes just to get home with a bus
>switching to PPL2x because basketball season is over and I have more time/less fatigue, determined to leave auschwitz mode so I'm starting a bulk, 5000 calories seem fucking impossible
>approaching 30
>unsure of my life or what I want
>no gf
>shit body
>just started taking classes again at local cc
>just finally getting over my ex who cheated on me after 3 years
don't know if im gonna make it lads
It can only get better from here, and it looks like you have some good opportunities to improve yourself.
>moving out of parents house next week
>beat nicotine addiction
>making mad gains by watching diet and switching up routine
>first week where I made over 1000 dollars
>Day Trading finally starting to take off
I think im gonna make it boys
>just barely passed math exam in uni
>still feel alright because lifts are going up and I'll just keep going
Besides, I don't even have a Bachelor's degree yet so whatever
>>making mad gains by watching diet and switching up routine
What you doing dieting vise?
>cut is over
>in april
>protein bars full of sugar
Hello this is the Jow Forums police post your body or shut
Include your age faggots so i can feel bad about myself. This literally what i want to do
>worked at mcdonalds for two and a half years, went from 150 kg to 90 at 190 cm while there.
>since i had fulltime job i could get own apartment
>lost virginity through tinder, she wasnt pretty but neither am i.
>just got a new job in a dairy factory closer to home with better wage and steady schedule which will help my gains
>lifts going up
Feels fucking great right now man
>Started doing small workouts, just enough for abs
>Finally fit enough to cosplay
>Go out with the boys dressed as the JoJo Passione Gang
>Get super confident, especially for a twink like me
>Ask a girl out, and we're together
>Pick up grades
>Clean room
Life is good Anons, if life can work out for a 119lbs, 5'10 twink like me, you all are gonna make it :)
more of a neutral feel
>averaging ~1500-1600 calories a day on cut
>seeing progress, slower than i thought it’d be
>thought i’d be able to hit 10% bf by june but realistically it’ll be more like 12-13%
oh well, it’ll still be lit to have visible abs for the first time
based and paggliacci pilled
18, finishing college and lost 60 lbs in the past 8 months. Getting my first mires and and sleep easier than ever. Mewing has paid dividends for my sleep and general comfort, even seen the start of facial improvements and jaw definition. try harder grampa
Just counting a lot more. making sure to eat good well balanced home cooked meals. proteins, veggies, and I cut out processed carbs sticking to whole wheat breads and and oats mostly. use to be a skelly 130 at 6' now im around 175-180. Im a 21 year old community college nursing program dropout.
In two months my court ordered license suspension will be lifted due to me finishing all the requirements of the program I had to go through after getting a DWI in March of last year
>averaging ~1500-1600 calories a day on cut
Are you 5'2"?
23, just got my degree in Computer Science, and the company that hired me is gonna sponsor the clearance.
i crunched the numbers, started cutting in february, a 650 calorie deficit was exactly the amount that would get me to ~10-12% bodyfat by june 1st
Doing an agressive 3 week mini cut to prime my body for next bulk as I'm relatively lean, lost several kgs in 5 days (I know it's mostly water weight, but visual difference is noticeable which makes me feel good). Keeps me going through hunger until refeed (more like shitload) on Sundays.
honk honk
Broke through an OHP plateau today.
nice job brother, but avoid thots past 30, at that age its time to find the wifey
>tfw learning new Jow Forums recipes for the poor man from my japanese bro
>tfw almost 100% recovered from the injuries from my car crash
>tfw gf
Feeling really good bros. If I stay on top of work for uni, the rest of this semester is going to be a great time for me.
thanks ,im 22 so plenty of time. Wasted my youth in front of the screen but now im on the highway to a brighter future. Gonna travel the world for a few years when ive gotten a sixpack and then settle down and study a trade, maybe industrial technician or something
Front squats up to 225 lbs for 3x5 as of Wednesday and they still don't feel too hard, nowhere near a sticking point.
As of yesterday when I do a sitting straight leg toe touch stretch I can now reach down to the sides of my feet instead of just my toes (so father than attached pic).
Good week for my legs!
>Chatting more and more with my coworker
>Talking more and more about dreams and future aspirations
>Something clicked and is now my oneitis
>She's super outgoing and social and I'm still autistic posting on Jow Forums
>So, low chance of success but motivation is through the roof and it's been so much easier sticking to good habits I used to always fail at, so I'm taking that as the big positive rn.
>Haven't thought about fapping or looking at porn in a month
>Keeping apt tidier
>Bringing my own lunch instead of eating a huge ass meal at a restaurant every day of the week
>Getting compliments on losing weight
>Traveling 5hrs to a 2 day company bike ride with her later this month
>May start racing crits too
>Performed better at work this week than I have in a long time
Idk bros, I know I'm delusional to think things are going to play out exactly how I want them too in my head, but for now I feel that sliver of hope I haven't had in a long time, and even with failure I'm gonna do my best to hang on to it.