My muscles always feel tired as fuck. I get 8 hours of sleep regularly, drink shit loads of water, I don't drink alcohol, and my routine consists of compound lifts and calisthenics. (3-4 days a week spaced out)
For cardio I swim once or twice a week. Sometimes I hit the erg after a lifting day
Each of my sessions are 45 min- 1 hour. I never max out on my lifts but I always feel like death.
Eat more, consider getting a little more sleep too.
Christian Reed
Over reaching. Take 1 or 2 weeks rest.
Easton Morris
stop eating simple carbs
Blake Robinson
what kind of carbs do you eat?
Julian Sanders
Sleep more, eat more. Sometimes you need more than 8 hrs. Quality matters as much as quanitity. Take a stopgap self test for sleep apnea. Also is your life otherwise stressful, cortisol could be elevated from job or relationship stress.
Anthony Sanchez
Brown rice, sweet potatoes, sometimes whole wheat bread.
Easton Reed
You need more iron
Liam Wilson
>Also is your life otherwise stressful, cortisol could be elevated from job or relationship stress.
Is it really that crippling? My job stresses me the fuck out but it's only a 9-5.
Camden Evans
See A Doctor
There's literally a million things that could be causing this. We can't examine your body or run blood tests over an image board, so all you're going to get are uneducated guesses
Something about your diet isnt working for you my friend.
Carson Garcia
Got a physical a week ago. Apart from my magnesium levels being low everything was fine
Oliver Harris
>Apart from my magnesium levels being low So probably start with a magnesium supplement and see if that makes a difference. That's definitely something that could make you feel sluggish.
Carter Hill
Im in the same boat. Checked multiple docs over the years and tried Tons of different workout routines and diets. I just gave up and accepted ill be an npc husk waddling around for the rest of my life, without the energy i had back in the days. Hope you find a way out bro
Owen Davis
do you wake up in the middle of night? your sleep quality might be bad
Sebastian Gonzalez
This. Also get checked for sleep apnea.
John Mitchell
It's your diet or your daily life (i.e. work environment, relationships, things like that)
Hudson Adams
Yeah definitely. Sleep apnea could be a thing too even I you're young. Sometimes these things compound on each other. How much do you sleep on weekends vs weekdays?
Luke Wood
You are tired not a cripple. Ultimately sack the fuck up and workout like a man.
Cooper Davis
I snore and I have woken up a few times in the middle of the night yes
I sleep like a baby Friday nights. I dread going to work so the night before is a nightmare. Sundays are the fucking worst.
Fill this questionnaire out and bring it to your doctor I you want to fix it.
Aaron Roberts
get a new job m8
Cameron Adams
Job stress is a killer, can be a huge gains goblin. Mediation or simply doing something you enjoy regularly could help. Wim Hof is bat shit crazy but genuinely seems happy.
Connor Nelson
Eat more + 400mg of High potency magnesium (Nature made is good)
Carson Lee
Don't eat so many fucking carbs bro.
Charles Bailey
He's keto, it's just a bad diet.
Owen Brooks
low magnesium levels make you tired and weak, that's literally the reasoning behind keto "flu".
Jayden Walker
ok then you arent getting 8 hours of sleep. Read up on REM sleep and how important it is. By waking up like you do it disrupts the sleep cycle.
Remove unnecessary lights from your room (monitor, gaming mouse, tv, etc), get dark curtains that block out light, DO NOT watch TV, use your computer monitor, or phone 1 hour before bed.
Because STRESS might be what is waking you, look up how to meditate and do it 45 minutes before bed. Take a melatonin (helps fall asleep), and either continue to meditate for the full 45 minutes or read a book (dim lights here).
Im sure theres more info out there if you look hard enough. Good luck!
Logan Perez
also fix your snoring, could be sleep position. I dont snore but i think theres a product out there that helps open up your airways. Snoring is terrible for your health
Lincoln Morales
Yes, stress can cause you to feel a ton of stuff, fatigue included. Sometimes you may feel as if you worked out and have sore muscles for no reason. I strongly suggest you manage the stress before it develops into an anxiety disorder as the body's fight or flight system gets broken >it activates randomly or for stressors as opposed to danger The last thing you want is to end up at a hospital thinking you had a heart attack, when it was just anxiety.
Isaiah Nguyen
based and rawpilled
Justin Mitchell
>5/8 FUCK
Alexander Watson
Are you doing progresive overload in your workout? Maybe is a good idea take a rest week. Probably you are starting to overtrain.
Michael Stewart
I've stalled on my lifts I'm 2/3/4/5
Cooper Young
Your energy level is a product of many things. One of the most important is your mind.
Energy is or isn't there sometimes just because of your thinking.
Now that you know this, "Get back on the bar."
do it.
Zachary Hughes
Get blood work, check for insulin resistance and test. Do this before anything else fren.
Ayden Phillips
Post how much caffeine you have per day. You’re probably pic related
excess caffeine consumption, low dietary fat intake, zinc deficiency, fapping regularly (more than 3 times a week) you don't mention what your diet is or how many calories you consume in a given day
Michael Bell
But Dr. Goldblatt told me that coffee has antioxidants and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's.
Ian Diaz
Within moderation, I don’t see a reason to think it doesn’t. Problem is people’s definition of “within moderation” is twisted to hell and back. Despite the stigma against any form of addiction, for some reason we’ve unanimously decided that caffeine is the single substance to which addiction is perfectly acceptable. Hmm.