>EU set to ban veggie 'burgers' and force shops to call them 'veggie discs'
>Protected words would include steak, sausage, escalope, burger and hamburger
based EU stomping on the vegan soibois
>EU set to ban veggie 'burgers' and force shops to call them 'veggie discs'
>Protected words would include steak, sausage, escalope, burger and hamburger
based EU stomping on the vegan soibois
>veggie discs
sounds yummy
Meatcucks are so scared they're resorting to changing petty labelings in an attempt to obscure vegetable products.
Absolutely based.
This is only a western vegan thing, only twink antifa western vegans are consuming that dishonest meat dreaming crap.
Reminder that (((they))) attempted to do this with vegan milk options too.
And it's going through. You're not consuming milk. You're not eating burgers. You're eating processed soi and nut products.
Atleast be honest with yourself.
>petty labelings
vegancucks just want to steal all meat labels to compete
huh, didn't know EU can actually be based
No sympathy for veggiefags but why does the EU constantly have to fuck around and pass absolutely useless bullshit resolutions all the time? Who gives a single shit about this or anything else they've ever passed?
I give a shit. Kids need to know the difference between cheese and the plastic onions+oil concotion that the vegans also call "cheese".
They are vastly different foods
I understand cheese, but not "burger." Hamburger is a type of food, but "burger" is more of a shape or structure of food. Whereas cheese is a substance.
Ever think maybe the fucking world governments WANT you eating meat? WANT you to consume cancerous, putrid flesh because they WANT you to be diseased, they want to cull you off? It’s almost as if the governments recognise there is zero health benefits in consuming meat and all negatives so they want you to be fat and diseased so you’ll buy medicines to keep funding these economic machines. You retards thinking that the governments are being ‘based’ by suppressing information pertaining to the vegan lifestyle when in actuality, you are useful fucking idiots. You remind me of France when the Nazis rolled through, they all celebrated and had big fuckfests with these people who conquered their country it’s the same thing, you are celebrating being steamrolled and the government doing everything they can to keep your life short so you aren’t a monetary drain on their society.
I guess that's why onions is in everything
Labels were confusing consumers and hurting small producers.
on one hand, fuck the eu
on the other, fuck vegans
what do?
Finally the EU does something good.
>Ever think maybe the fucking world governments WANT you eating meat? WANT you to consume cancerous, putrid flesh because they WANT you to be diseased, they want to cull you off?
No, because that's retarded. The world government wants to make us weak and effeminate. That's why the put estrogen in everything and shill vegan shit.
Vegcucks coping because they cant lie to others and themselves about food. You chose not to eat meat so you gotta live with it.
In that case my fat dick is a patty and your moms pussy lips are buns and me fucking her like I did last night is, infact, a burger.
when autists make laws
So you bond burgered his mom?
So you bond burgered his mom?
If they wanted people to eat meat they wouldn't shill against saturated fat.
They want people to eat grain and grain byproducts. Seed oil, cereals, corn syrup, etc.
they'll ban themselves from governing eventually.
OK. than why have we been eating meat since before governments governmented. its only due to religions and modern shananigans that people started soley eating non meat products on purpous. your argument makes no sense. instead of making it a conspiricy at least go for a health angle fag.
I ate one of these "burgers" aka (((onions discs))) as a kid and it was really fucking horrible. Imagine expecting delicious, grass-fed angus beef and instead biting into one of these lab creations instead. Based EU.
THis is what happens to you everytime the whiteman tries to take away your chicken from your chicken and waffles. Black men rise up and beat back the nazi vegan opressors.
>The vegan movement is a globalist conspiracy.
>Big business and media shill animal agriculture, and the largest globalist organisation acts against vegan movement.
Well which one is it carnivore retards?
LMAO you carnivore cunts are as bad as the trannies and faggots."Protected words" LMAO neck yourselves you fucking weaklings.
seconded for FACTS!
absolutely based
I don't understand, doesn't veggie burger describe perfectly what it is?
It does. This is a result of agricultural moguls who tend to also have fingers in the media and politics being threatened by a 2% drop in profit because of a marginally increasing vegan demographic, so they try to ban definitions and words like the snowflakes they are.
ummm... rude much? why would you poat this?
Not based. Its just the (((eu))) bending over for big meat producers. They tried to pull this shit in the us with the beyond burger as well.
Oh look, another non-issue bureaucrats solved by passing another law. I bet they feel so accomplished.
God I hate lawmakers, each of them should fucking die.