Is yoga/stretching a meme?

Is yoga/stretching a meme?

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Of course. That's why only women do it

>Asian woman

No thanks.

Flexible girls are great, so something must be going right

Attached: 1550195841089.webm (1080x1468, 2.91M)

Flexibility is determined by your bone structure and ligaments. Stretching does not make you more flexible.

How does it feel to be this retarded?

How does stretch change the way your joints bend? Or the ratio of your bones? Can you stretch a tendon?

>not tearing tendons and ligaments for gains
>current year

I've been trying to do a split for 6 months and now I can basically do it.

Explain. Is it magic?

Yes and no. If you stretch before workout, it is. Unless it's active stretching (not yoga, but warming up by moving similar to how you would move while lifting)
Yoga is good if you do it on off days

Yoga is redpilled. Stretching on its own is cringe though


On youtube...

Athelene X has great stretching routines.

Combine that with a good mobility routine, and you're good...

most retarded thing i've read all day

Strength is also determined by bone structure and ligaments. Weightlifting does not increase strength.

>not knowing what facscia are

Muscles don't just knit together, they are connected by fascia. You can st

retch fascia.

OH shit! I think candlej

Best way to gain mobility is
>short stretches and foam rolling to get the short time looseness
>immediately after that do weighted exercise to increase to range of motion
Best way is to do that when doing your warm up sets. A little bit of foam rolling and stretching between warm up sets.
Also long static stretches shouldn't be done the same day as the muscle was worked hard.

most people who can't squat are like that because their hip flexors are stiff, of course it is useful


The Yoga girls do literally isn't Yoga. It's like posting pictures of a cardio bunny curling some 2kg dumbells and asking
>is weightlifting redpilled or just a meme?

Yoga has been redefined by female vloggers to mean meme stretching vaguely based on Yogic asanas. knows. Actual Yoga, the one done in India 6000 years ago, is a very straightforward and specific progression of stretches, asanas (positions) and rests designed and practiced originally by male soldiers to build strength and flexibility. It's basically advanced calisthenics. There's a funny video somewhere of a New-Age hippy interviewing an Indian military Yoga instructor who was just shitting all over Western "Yoga".

The idea of a "flow" of stretches is fine for a low tier workout for small vegan women but dont confuse it with Vedic Yoga, otherwise known as "Yoga". Yoga is about understanding your body and keeping it strong and youthful in a way that doesn't wear out joints, and can be sustained daily for decades.

I'm just going to save this as pasta for when you post this dumb thread again tomorrow.

Attached: 93476789-old-man-practicing-sirsasana-yoga-head-stand-asana-pose-against-dark-background.jpg (965x1300, 74K)

link me to a good routine por favor? i've wanted to do yoga for ages but seemed to get shitty teachers

You need a book to study with.

Anyone in doubt just take a second to look at the actual poses the guy is doing here and think of the strength and balance that would require/build for a big man.

Attached: 81VF1OwPhWL.jpg (2142x2560, 381K)

Buying that book tonight, thanks!


And you can stretch posts too apparently


You're used to the pain now. Physiologically, what in your body is changing?

Stretch your knee to bend backwards.

I stretch every day to improve form on my lifts. It especially improved form on my squat. Pic related.

Attached: O0MYPjF.jpg (1912x2475, 548K)


this book is total trash, why does fit keep shilling it or is it the same peron who does so?

based and redpilled

Did you die midway typing your post?