what is this exercise called ?
What is this exercise called ?
Other urls found in this thread:
"showing off your ass"
who owns that brapper
Looks like a sport specific conditioning movement. That, or she's just flexibility mogging her gym.
Ops mom showing off
Protip: she's a butterface
How do you know?
She's ugly. Just leave it at the webm
Don't bother user. Seriously she is a trainwreck.
Please stop trolling.
Saw her Instagram she looks like a fetal alcohol syndrome version of maisie Williams but with a banging body.
use the archive if you want to find source, dumpass
I fucking hate women.
Don't know how.
There's no need to be mean to me, because I can't do what you can't do user.
Why not lift another user up? Instead of beating them down?
I thought we were friends.
she's so fucking juicy. face isn't that bad desu, all a bunch of virgin cope
I meant to write...
There's no need to be mean to me, because I can't do what you can do user.
katiesonier on insta famalam
find this thread
under the op image, click on View Same
click on some other posts where the webm is used
ctrl+f "instagram" on each one until you find it
good luck dumpass
Made for the bbc
Standard womynz
Showing off or not it still looks impressive bro.
Imagine the smell...
Thank you user!
You're the MVP.
Katie Sonier
Unapologetically building her glutes 24/7 because her face sucks. Basically fit in a nutshell
Face compensators
She's an actual 3/10 and would be less without makeup
>what is this exercise called ?
It worked IMO.
Her body is fantastic, I do not care about her face.
She's also obsessed with fitness, so she'll keep her body looking good until the wheels fall off.
I would wife. I honestly get bored of women's faces anyway (honestly, only women's bodies turn me on long term).
>tfw women only have to worry about face and not being fat.
>tfw men have face, balding, height, masculinity, frame, muscle, jaw, facial hair, etc to worry about.
Clock cock crushers
>I honestly get bored of women's faces anyway (honestly, only women's bodies turn me on long term)
i understand where you're coming from and agree to an extent but if a girls face is truly fugly it's a dealbreaker.
i mean this chick looks like freddy kreuger for chrissakes
Fucking hell why would you post it?! I just got her to stop haunting my dreams!
would take at least a 12 pack
I know senpai.
virgin cope detected
Still would tbqh. There's something uniquely hot about ugly girls who try really hard to work with what they've got
looking at her instagram she has the usual man-face boy-body thing all these insta-thots on anavar eventually get.
>Katie Sonier
She's not photogenic.
Her face looks better in video...
Again, her body is fantastic.
If I enjoyed her company, and she had a body like that, and was obsessed with fitness so that I knew she would keep her body looking as good as possible into her 50s... I would wife her.
I'm 35 and divorce (and I don't sleep around), and it honestly worries me that the majority of women in my dating age aren't into fitness/training. I would gladly date someone like Katie, someone who doesn't just rely on their genetics to stay looking good and healthy until old age.
(Honestly though, if people are happy no working out, then OK. I value health and fitness a lot though.)
Ultimate thottery
>If I enjoyed her company, and she had a body like that, and was obsessed with fitness so that I knew she would keep her body looking as good as possible into her 50s... I would wife her.
Absolutely. I agree with you and would do the same in your situation, I'm just saying I'd prefer a woman that doesn't look like Steve Irwin if I'm fortunate enough to choose.
Even where does this apply athletically? Dunking on the inflexible is cool but no else application?
Damn, you're harsh man.
Honestly, I've watched a few vids, and her face looks better in the vids.
I have an average looking face, but it looks below average in pics.
Katie = Wifey Material
Character and Body > Face, for me. 2 things that a woman can work on to improve, with hard work.
The dumb bitch
The wife set
Example of what I mean, when I say that her face looks better in the vids...
>Her body is fantastic, I do not care about her face.
Spotted the only actual man on this fucking thread. Only Low T numales and bitter roasties complain about a woman's face when she has a nice body. I mean seriously I just wanna slide my pipo between them cheeks fuck do I care if this bitch has the face like a morrowmind character
>needing alcohol to fuck a butterface with an amazing/fit/ and flexible body
Just come out already faggot
Training her thotus maximus
pretty obvious that you are katie and you are just here to shill your youtube channel that you created 5 days ago. nobody here has heard of you before this thread, the few who read this thread now know you as the chick with the busted face and more money than sense
The "follow this varbie on insta" shuffle
No, user... Just no. You're too paranoid.
I love fit girls. That's all.
A-are you gonna cum princess?