Be black

>Be black
>Live in the ghetto
>Start working out because I'm a weakling, have depression and low self-esteem
>Enjoy it
>When I leave or enter the gym I pass a group of 6 teens who intimidate me and tell me they'll knock me out
>Stare forward with an unphased faced as they continue on
>Shitting myself on the inside
It never fucking ends.
>Socially inept
I don't think I was meant to live a life where I'm ever satisfied, bros. Working out is actually a something I'm enjoying and I can't even do that.

Should I train my cardio to outrun them? I know I can't fight them head-on. What do you guys suggest? I feel so fucking pathetic and helpless. I hate this so much. I legitimately can't do anything. I'm trying to fucking hard but there is always an obstacle. Life has shown me through my time here that it just isn't meant for me. Is it just time to LDAR?

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buy a gun. but it sounds like they aren't even doing anything and just talking shit so i don't see the problem

Try finding a new time or entrance to go to the gym. Or find a bigga nigga than them to scare them off

Keep doing you senpai. Hope you make it out one day. Itll be a coming of day story you can tell your kids.

For fuck's sake kid just ignore them and do what you need to do.
Also speak to the gym manager and tell them these guys are LOITERING outside the gym and harassing people. That kind of shit is bad for business and they'll do something about it.
If the gym manager won't do anything about it then look for another gym to use instead and make sure the gym *owner* knows you're leaving because the gym *manager* won't do anything about the situation.
This is how adults handle things, OP.

Do as your ancestors did. Kill them and eat their hearts to absorb their fighting spirit.

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Sorry niggerbro, but your only hope is to harden up, get through it alive, and learn a marketable skill so you can escape the hood.

Look into the trades. If you're so hopeless that you feel like you have nothing to lose, then you can be one of those people who signs up to fuck off to some faraway place to weld or something and make a killing.

Mike Rowe runs a whole foundation centered around helping people who want work find it, and they're especially helpful for people from rough backgrounds who don't have a lot of education.


Do us and yourself a favor and stop using racial epithets on Jow Forums, even if you don't mean to use them in a racist way, okay? Even if you're black nobody knows you are and it encourages the racists around here to keep using racist terms. Okay? Thanks.

>being this butthurt on Jow Forums.
First day here eh?


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Ok here's what you do kid: Walk up to the biggest Giga Nigga In your ghetto gym and suck his cock in front of the whole gym.. That way those darn teenagers will think twice before bullying the Gym Boss's twink

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Shut the fuck up niggerfaggot. I *am* one of the racists, I'm just not a bigot down to the individual level if some nig wants to rise above his situation.

>makes only low-quality posts
>ignores site rules
>overall degrades board quality
You're cancer. Fix your shit, faggot.

Aww wassamatta, Jamal steal your girl? She get Blacked? Tough shit, stop being an asshole or GTFO, your kind are not tolerated here anymore. if you want to be an asshole.

They don't even loiter. They play basketball and they live in my apartment complex. If I do tell the manager they'll probably know it's me and beat the shit out of me. Though they were going to do that in the first place so it's worth a try. Thanks for the suggestion, it never crossed my mind.
And sorry, I'm trying to start my journey in becoming an atleast functioning adult. In the process of starting electrician training. Going to the gym is on the list of the many many things I'm doing to fix my cluelessness of the world around me.

If I could afford one I would have saved up to move out of my mom's house by now. Much better investment in the long run.
I want to become that bigga nigga, but they're sending me this mission too early for me to take up the challenge.
Thanks. Planning to. 5 days until I go to an information session that puts me through training to be an electrician. I really want to get on my feet. Really tired of being the loser. This way I can go from a socially inept loser to just well-off and socially inept.
I was thinking of doing the naruto run for speed but my form is poor and it probably takes a toll on my endurance.
Funnily enough, I actually went to an information session 3 days ago. Going back in 5 to finalize it and get into training.

Are there any step-by-step tutorials on giving blowjobs?

Guns are cheap man. You could get a highpoint and further the stereotypes of that gat but its only like 100$

>Kvetching about slurs while somebody *actually gives direct advice that could change a young black dude's life*

As typical as this attitude actually is of deranged Progressives who are perfectly content keeping Blacks as society's ever-victimized pets to fawn over, I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.


It wouldn't hurt. You're right. I have to wait a bit for this training in order to be able to afford it, but it would be a good thing to have.

Either this is top tier bait or you REALLY need to fuck off back to Tumblr.

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>actually gives direct advice that could change a young black dude's life
I did, but you of course conveniently forget to think whether I did or not: How about you fix your own shit and be more thoughtful before you criticize someone else out-of-hand who did nothing wrong? Don't use racial slurs around here, it's against site rules and encourages CANCER. If you are part of the CANCER then either fix your shit or leave.

You sound like you're doing okay OP, just stay on track and do what you can to avoid getting into any shit with those jackasses, they're the ones who are likely not going anywhere in life. Look up the term "crab mentality" and you'll get an insight into why some people act that way.
Best of luck to you in all your training.

Keep going to the gym. Also you might want to join a boxing gym while you're at it. Be around other black men who are doing shit with their lives.

When I was training at King's in Oakland we would always talk shit about the do nothings hanging on E14th. Find people you can commiserate with about that while getting strong.

Go back to and stay there.

>your kind are not tolerated here anymore.

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>Funnily enough, I actually went to an information session 3 days ago. Going back in 5 to finalize it and get into training.

Good. Soar up and out, niggerbro. Nothing to lose means you have everything to give to the path.

Shut the fuck up, discord tranny larper. I've been here since 2008. We know the real rules. We made them.

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Nig-user, you seem like a cool dude. I used to be a plumber and while it is a more difficult trade to learn than electrical it is also far more lucrative. I don't regret my time in the trades (14 years) one bit, and unless you live in southern California you will be buying a house within a year of reaching journeyman. With a good attitude like you seem to have you will do fine.
Workout wise you could do calisthenics in your place if you have even a small amount of floor space. It is a great way to start with fitness anyway.

just learn to guard yourself so they don't break your bones when they eventually beat you, then take the beatings untill you're big enoguh to beat all of them

Telling people,what to do over a computer. Lulz, keep it coming pal.

It's the hood you stupid sheltered queer. That's not how things work there.

Just take the beatings, it's a good way to raise your defense and constitution, plus you'll slowly become more efficient at fighting other humans which will benefit you in the long-run.

Also I'm about to be a 2nd yr electricial apprentice and I would recommend. It can be stressful depending on the guys you work around but the pay is good and it's reliable work.

*cough cough*

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get a gat and become a statistic nigger

Nod to them, say "whasup"

Jeeeeeesus. I'm not sure if you're Jamal or Moishe, but please fuck off back to tumblr, you quadruple nigger.


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user, you have the right mind-set, you're gonna make it. Until then, just ignore those assholes. In 15 years, you're gonna have a house, a wife and a life, and those faggots will still be outside that gym, or dead.

>That kind of shit is bad for business
This. If it affects their bottom line there is no way they will look the other way. Also, try and make some friends. In my experience, the biggest strongest mother fuckers in the gym are generally the most chill, friendly people you'll ever meet. Get on their good side and no one will want to fuck with you anywhere near the gym. If you're not sure where to start, ask them for advice. Ask their routine. People love talking about themselves. This shows an interest in them, implies respect, acknowledges their progress, and gives them an opportunity to talk about something they clearly are passionate about. I'm an autist too but I generally get along with big guys at the gym pretty easily.

>be black
there's your problem

We’re here for you, fren.

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>we made them
Fucking newfags.

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>no mean language okay sweetie
I'll say nigger if I want to say nigger. I've got nothing mean to say to OP, but fuck off with your oversensitive bullshit.

Kys nigger

Running is not the way of the zulu. Seriously, kill them in whatever way you can and eat their organ meat. Mix their blood whith your GOMAD and watch your gains skyrocket.

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You're a Nigger

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Learn how to stand up for yourself, even if it means taking a beating.
In this case, look at them and say, "do it, then, bitch."
And if you get jumped and beaten, and you survive, then find a way to take your revenge upon them.
Living in fear is draining.
Get out of the hood as soon as you can.

N I I G G G E E E RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



If getting out isn't an option, then keep going. If they haven't made a move yet, then they're likely just trying to get under your skin. Continue training, get harder, and, biggest of all if you can, get a gym buddy. A friend, sibling, anything. Two are better than one.

>even if it means taking a beating.
You're thinking of white punks. Black punks will stab you or break into your house and fuck with your family, but only in packs. They're vicious cowards but worse, they don't learn lessons. So unlike most cowards even if you clock them in front of everyone, they'll shrug it off because they only live in the moment and they'll go back to trying to stab your younger siblings when they're at school.

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