Jow Forums humor thread
Jow Forums humor thread
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Thats based tho. Fuck girls.
No way that’s real, that guy would have to be like 4’5” and based on his arm length, it doesn’t seem like he’s a midget. It looks like he’s on his knees
I wonder what the point of this was.
OP is a faggot because I have quite literal dumped ALL of the stuff in here. Don't open a thread and abandon it, you colossal fucking retard
the fucking response to this
who could've seen it coming?
Kek i'm this retard too.
It's been 2 years since i haven't fuck
I'm not proud but I had to lol
Did anyone cap the thread where the guy didn't know his coworkers called him "muscles" ironically?
Me in the back
Always kek at this one
Had a go at Jow Forums minimalism pls r8
Holy shit, the delusions
Science agrees that fatties are deluded
childlike, but it's missing something
>deserve to be beautiful
talk about privilege holy shit
what if i'm gay and i don't find women beautiful, are gay people the most bigoted people on the planet?
>You guys crossfit?
>You can crossfuck off
No it's not. It's a autistic thing to do.
You're a loser now and forever
That's both alpha and autistic.
>fat black bitch
>like a 3 all dolled up with the most favorable selfie angle
>hehe call me daddy bb
Absolutely based and nofappilled
Poor girl. Great to see she was able to get better
Lmao of course. This is why fatties stay fat. Disgusting
So fucking based and alpha dude, life goal
This is the funniest thing I've ever read, how the fuck did I miss this
>tfw took this screenshot of article I found years ago to btfo somebody on Jow Forums or something
>mfw it still gets posted after all this time
stay away
Holy god I went and read it, fucking kek.
Was he the first discord tranny? The Primeval One?
holy shit i laughed so hard
someone has to make the screencap i want to save this
I hate this stupid chinese "funny" videos.
Off yourself
i use to watch this dudes shit every night while doing homework
lmao op is a fag
low fat milk is unironically disgusting though
t. not fat
>fight all the dudes that fucked you si t can be my turn too
Based and cuck-pilled
I dont even get why this is so bad, like literally. He complimented her potential and genetics. You can't normally expect people to be attracted to you if you are fat, when girls told me that I would be super attractive if I wasnt fat I would always be happy for it.
>Applying logic to anything female related.
Never gonna make it user
ayy, it's muscles!
Here is some inspiration
>why do you think I hit on black chicks
Very good, user
I'm one of those basic bitches who genuinely does power yoga every day, but I'd never call that "exercise". It's what I do to get myself out of bed, to give my boyfriend something to look at and to not feel so lazy on rest days. Because my "exercise" is weightlifting and martial arts 5 times a week.
>I'm one of those basic bitches
Stopped reading there... For real you probably 200pounds trying to justify yourself here, go back to the club where noone give a fuck about your fat ass
the moral of this fictional story is that universalising "alpha" behaviour to personal relationships and emotions is retarded. it will lose you friends and impact your mental health, and yet people still want to copy it. this is the source of the toxic masculinity meme.
This shit will never fail to make me laugh.
thanks I was hoping somebody would notice. feel free to steal and use. I want to see that joke somewhere in the future
ITT 28 (you)s and counting bois... H-have I made it yet?
yeah his windwaker runs were pretty comfy
I don't think that's it.
Only females in that story behave "toxically"
Guy just made an inconsiderate comment and apologized.
Girl 1 cheats
Girl 2 throws away a serious friendship over a rude comment.
Says way more about the females don't ya think?
>not based coconut milk.
Theyre never gonna make it.
baneposting will never get old
hey muscles~
Sup Muscles!
This little FREAK is a fucking abomination. It's a testament to how far we have declined as a society that he wasn't dashed against rocks as an infant. What a horrible, disgusting affront to the goodness of God's creation.
If I were anywhere near Los Angeles, our modern Gomorrah, I would choke the life out of this little mongrel's disgusting and hateful demonic face.
My day is ruined for having gazed upon such filth
those are my genuine thoughts every time I am forced by Jewish tv execs to look at this sinful conglomeration of disease.
The sheer unholy AUDACITY to try and pass this mutt, this mongrel, this ANIMAL as a human being fills me with such rage that I quake in anger.
Had this halfling resided in my village I would come to him at night with fire and cleanse the world of his stain. It is a failing of modern society that now I would somehow be accused of a crime for ridding God's kingdom of such affronts to his glory.
lol damn that wobbly yoke walk is a great way to get a TBI
holy shit that bait's good
will use in the future
literally the only time i've ever done this.
I got protective pics so I don't have to respond, but damn better safe than sorry
May your future wife be black, foul heathen