Is tanning good or bad for you?

Is tanning good or bad for you?

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small good for aesthetics
big bad for aging and melanoma
in my opinion not worth it but I'm not living in southern california or miami or some shit so it's not like I'm the only translucent white guy in the room.

To much is probably bad but a moderate amount should be very healthy.

Is skin cancer bad?

Probably good in very small doses. Probably very bad if you live in Australia.

The sun is your enemy. Nature gave us adaptions to our environment for a reason. The darker your skin is, the more sun you can withstand without damage. Light skin is adapted to be able to receive more light so we can get vit D. It's an adaption to the north where light is often thin.

If you're light skinned and get too much sun, you turn into Scooby with his allegator skin.

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don't tan, just go outside like you would normally

the problem with skin cancer is the bad burns, be especially careful if you live somewhere cold and go somewhere warm on vacation during the winter/spring months.

depends, like should you go out in the sun until your skin turns brown in as short a time as possible? Hell no. Should you go out in the sun for short bursts or while walking/doing activites and slowly tanning over a few months? sure.

>Roiding for this

Moderate tanning is good. Over-tanning will age you and possibly give you skin cancer.

Any amount of tanning is unsafe.

If you want to look tan get a spray on.

Even if you don't burn sun will age you. Look at the effect of simply driving around in the sun on one side of the face

Attached: o-BILL-MCELLIGOTT-SUN-DAMAGE-570.jpg (570x844, 150K)

Tanning in 30-60 minute increments on the weekends is fine. Tanning every day is bad. Moderation is key.
You want to have a golden glow. You don't want to be too pale or look like a wrinkled brown paper bag either.

Only if you are a vegan.

She was funded by sunscreen companies, and the exact opposite is true.

>driving around
that's brutal, wonder if that was with the window down

>Moderation is key
Come on, fuck off.
>Moderate smoking is fine bro, you'll only get moderate cancer
>Moderate radiations are fine, too
>So is moderately drinking bleach dude.

What is wrong with you basement-dwellers. Moderate amounts of sunlight are HEALTHY.

Try to moderately expose your skin in summer with a UV index of 9+ between 12 and 4.
Go for it bro, just moderately, you'll be fine, you won't fuck up your skin I promise.

As someone in the higher latitudes, I try to get sun whenever I can. Once you go without it for long enough you realize just how important it is not only for training and a healthy endocrine system but also for mental health. If you're worried about alligator skin just use a dermaroller every now and then or get stem cell injections...

vitamin D is a vitamin

Off-season no-pump Arnold and Colombu look
so mediocre to me now. Getting into fitness has really fucked up my perception of a good physique.

Well, considering I tan people think I'm 5-6 years younger than I am when I shave, yeah, you're full shit. But then again, I live in south-eastern Europe. We don't have paper skin like north europeans.

This is the only objectively scientific answer:

Go out in the sun enough to get sufficient vitamin D and then put on sunscreen (preferably physically blocking screen; don't fucking slather benzones on your body every 2 hours you are in the sun).

Vitamin D can be taken as a pill but your skin's production of vitamin D from UVB rays is so much more complicated than ... hurr durr vitamin D. So when you get a chance to spend 10 minutes with your shirt off, do so.

It will help remind your body that it is daytime. You will literally help stave off a host of degenerative conditions.

If you are self-conscious about your skin tone, realize that beta carotene will do more in terms of your attractiveness than will tanning. This is scientifically proven.

Tan very moderately (and never burn, ever) only for the benefits. If you are white, you are able to get the vitamin D you need within 5-30 minutes, depending on the amount of exposed skin and the time of day and time of year.

That's Bill McElligott and he has some kind of skin disease which was triggered by sun exposure.

I mean, you do notice that it's not like half of his face is tanned and the other not, right?

I think if they were standing up they'd mog 99% of people today, even Zane who was winning the Olympia at 185