173cm makes you feel like you re just a kid

I feel like a kid next to proper developed 6'1" men.
It feels like I'm a middle class kid who's going through puberty...
...but I'm 26

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And? What should we do for you?

fucking manlet, im 175 cm, how the weather down there ?? HAHAHAHAHAA imagine being that short, kys


Shut up i'm 1,68 cm at the same age

>tfw 192 cm but bald
I cant even mog manlets

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yeah im 178 and i still feel that way so have fun

Move out to a poor rural area with malnutrition issues

outside of the occasional Fat-Tall Cleetus you'll be the local king

lmao the things I'd do to be 173cm

Based 168 cm brother

>tfw 185 and have hair but have gyno

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I’m 180 cm, but in northeastern europe so I get heightmogged daily, occasionally by females as well (not wearing heels). I wish I was larping, 180cm is a decent enough height right? Nope, about 2/3 dudes my age and about 1/10 girls heightmog me, even when wearing shoes and standing at 182cm. I don’t have the statistics to back it up but I swear the average height of middle class (and up) urban males aged 18-30 here is around 183-4 cm. Also tfw all other male relatives are over 188cm, manlet of the family. Thank you for reading my blogpost.

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I know that feel. It's depressing.
I am 178cm and fully dutch. I am a joke. half of adult females are at least as tall as I am

179 eastern euro, i swear zoomers get higher every year. Remember the last grade of high school, most first graders were taller than us (we had like one 6'3 guy).

Same heigh but 19y old. Can I still make it r-right guys'

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anyone feel like the manlet standard is being raised? avg height stays same but i feel like in a decade "short" has moved from 5 ft 7 to 5 ft 9.
in a couple more decade 6 ft is short

>tfw 203cm, full hair, but absolute lanklord

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>Tfw double major scoliosis robs me of 7-8cm.
>Tfw I could be a 180cm giant

175cm/5'9 norwegian here

AVERAGE guy my age is a strong 6ft, you aren't tall unless you're 6'2 here

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>tfw 191cm
>good hair
>broad shoulders
>low body fat
>just over 1/2/3/4
No real problems here lads. Life is ok.

>still on 4chanel
do you have any frens ?

>in a couple more decade 6 ft is short
the future is now kiddo

>only 175cm flat

Fucking kek you absolute child, I’m 175.5cm in boots with my hair spiked up, the real life manlet cutoff

stop reading thjis board and all other forums like it, if u could see into future u would thank me for this suggestion

It’s not true at all. 5ft 8-10 has been considered manlet for at least a century. Look at “average” height actors from the 20th century - Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Anthony Hopkins, Robert Deniro, Stallone etc. All of them have been consistently described as short their entire career, despite all being over 5ft 8. You might argue they are held to a higher standard since they are actors, but even today actors who are 5ft 11+ are almost always described as tall, and anyone under that short.

>tfw a patrician 6'0 first thing but a pathetic 5'11.5 manlet by midday

same height seven years younger. Get height mogged by jap students and females everyday.
Everything is upside down. What is this world??
My paps is 6'2 I am supposed to be taaaaaall

Nigga don't scare me

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178cm Dutchie here too. I live in a university city and I'm pretty sure the average height for college females (i.e. usually from a better background) is 172cm or something. A lot of girls are in the 175-180 range as well here.

>Tfw no Amazonian Dutch gf

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I grew up in Arkansas. I was 6'4 throughout most of high school, but the average guy was around 5'7 or 5'8. The only guy taller than me was this 6'8 ginger methhead
t. fat-tall cleetus I guess

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192cm german here.
I'd love to have a gf my size but I hardly ever see girls that tall.

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I feel like I'm you wtf, legit the SAME situation, the height doesn't seem bad but in a tall country you really do feel shortish.

>makes you feel like youre just a kid

well you are though right, don't you still have to buy shoes with age ratings instead of sizes?

194cm US here, had a gf that was about 188cm and it was fucking great. Love my current gf but she's only like 178cm. Considering going to Netherlands and producing glorious Olympic sportsmen (and sportswomen)

i'm 162 and only get hit on by guys

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>tfw 172cm bald with gyno

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a fun observation I made in my (western european) country is that people at university are on average much taller thna regular workers. I'll get on the train in the morning and will be notably the tallest guy on the train at 6'6"/198 cm but as soon as I enter my department I'm on the upper end of average (tall, but not "that tall guy" so to speak - to be the tallest guy you need to be 6'9"-6'10"). Average in my country is 178 cm, but I'm sure at university it's more like 183-185 cm for males.

>never have any girl show interest in me
>many handsome 8+/10 guys hit on me
it's weird kind of feeling

24yo, 165cm
Everyone i know is taller than me

172cm. Woman don't hit on me ever. But my last two girlfriends were ridiculously hot, way too hot to have any business being with me lol.

Manlets have to put in the extra effort I guess, but if you let something like that bring you down, the lack of confidence is 100x worse than any trivial physical flaw.

ooooh nonono nonononooooooo ppppffffbbbbfhthhahahahahahahhahaha, I'm 175.67cm with stilts on you coping dwarf

this, I'm 173cm and my last 3 gfs have been taller than me, and quite hot. It doesnt matter as much as you would think. What matters most is if you let it influence your personality and start lacking confidence because of it. The guy I know that gets the most pussy is 170 cm tall, but he has insane game. He's just very outgoing and social and did it a lot so he got good at it.

I'm attending university in germany and there is no way the average is that high. Most people are shorter than me at 185cm

The sad truth is that tall actually starts from 6'3 anything under is just average in the eyes of womeb nowadays

im around 175-178 cm and i dont feel short at all, i meet plenty of shorter and taller people every day but the vast majority of them are within 5 cm. this board is like 80 lbs women thinking they are fat

I made the exact opposite observation. People in higher educations are usually smaller than me but construction work and other physical jobs are full of tall people. But i don't have a lot of contact with those so i could be wrong.

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>always thought I'm 173
>measured my height yesterday

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be glad you're not 5'5" like me you fucking faggot


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>tfw 6'3
I get mogged from time to time by taller guys and hate it,can only imagine what a manlets life must be like,I am sorry user

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i'm also 173 but i'm average where i live

Imagine caring this much about something you can't change, fucking hell you guys make me sick. The people most likely to judge based on height are spergs on here

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I'm 6'3" too, I feel completely mogged whenever I see someone taller than me because it happens so rarely, it's like a fight or flight reflex

>can only imagine what a manlets life must be like

sex, sex, and more sex.

ive never known a guy over 6'0 to get laid, short/average guys on the other hand were getting laid in school, uni, parties, after clubs etc.

170cm handsome manlet here... despite all the memes on fit I have no problem getting girls, whether IRL or on tinder. Have slept with 20 girls between 5 and 8/10 while only being sexually active for 4 years.

The bad part about being short doesn't have to do with girls. It's that you can't mog other guys. Being handsome and muscular and having a full head of hair, I don't generally get mogged, but my stature negates my ability to leverage those things to mog others.

What helps me cope is the fact that God has cursed a solid percentage of lanklets to have beanpole stick frames that make them look ridiculous


>he fell for Jow Forums memes and now has to cope just to stay sane

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What's the solution to this if I can't accept being a manlet
My Grandma is 6 feet easy but I'm only 5'8"
It's probably too late for me to grow at 23

>Thick hair of the gods
>7 inch dick looks massive, not a single girl fails to look like they just wet themselves seeing it in comparison to my slight frame
>look swole as hell easily
>fly for work which would be amazingly uncomfortable if I were even a cm taller

It really doesn’t matter. I mean yeah, manlet, obviously it doesn’t help. But if you blame your lack of success on your length, your length isn’t the problem. It’s that you’re a spineless bitch

>to be the tallest guy you need to be 6'9"-6'10"

What the fuck are you spewing?

most women are short so you're fine man

6'3 practically never gets mogged. 6'4 exist but the difference is negligible. 6'5 is really fucking rare.

>5'8 is more appealing to women than 6'5
oh no no no
Jow Forums btfo

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how is it cope? school, lankmores got mocked and teased, they were haunched over, laughing stock. pre-uni, same again. uni, didnt see any of my lanky mates get laid, certainly a part of the nights out, but were always the butt of the joke. 5'8 - t'10 guys would cycle through each group of women that we met, my numbers were up at 6 partners and my lanky friends were virgins. now in mid adulthood, the 'manlets' (aka the 5'9 guys) are settled / still getting attention and the lankmores are drifting through life, some still virgins.

>tfw 173cm in Sweden and father is a tall gigachad

>in a decade "short" has moved from 5 ft 7 to 5 ft 9.
in the west 5'10 and below is short

Taller people are generally more intelligent

>5'6 more attractive than 6'0
Sorry fren but I do believe I must question this

6’2” here. I fucking hate taller guys. I feel short and emasculated around them lmao

citation needed

>caring what women think

I'm 169 and am dutch, how fucked am I?

I'm 6'1.5" and 90% of people I come into contact with in real life are shorter than I am. I live in NYC by the way. Tired of you 5'8 normies complaining about being short when you're average.