How gain weight
How gain weight
Show us your belly first.
That's not me
fug this made me nostalgic for when my wife was pregnant
>breasts tripled in size
>her belly constantly sticking out from under her shirt
>her constant huffing and puffing just to do basic tasks around the house
>"had" to rub lotion on her legs and back and ass every day
>crazy libido meant sweaty panting sex every single day
>her huge pregnant milk bags flopping around in every position
gonna go to the office bathroom to fap to the memory
>her belly constantly sticking out from under her shirt
This is the best part about having a fat gf.
she is very small so all her shirts were size XS or S, the only time her belly didn't stick out was when she wore a coat or one of my t-shirts
>you get back from the gym and see her in your bed
What do you do
that's just gross. fat is not pregnant
>sex her
>regret it afterwards
anything else and you're lying to yourself
Jow Forums is the feeder/belly fetish board. If you didn't know before then now you do.
>regret it afterwards
I think you misspelt “shamelessly go back for seconds afterwards”
Can I post my belly now?
I'm pretty skinny fat desu.
If you're a girl
The thing is I'm a Fembio.
Is this fine with you?
If you have a cute penis
I have fluffy sweaters.
Call the police. I won't risk getting bitten
Is this what you kids call girls without penises these days?
My gf is super petite skinny arms, nice toned legs, but the cutest fucking belly. She wants to get rid of it but I don't want her to. Good thing she never sticks to her diet
eat raw nutella
that's what I did....
>the way a girl's belly tugs and stretches her shirt
I'm not even into fatties but a slim girl with a pot belly makes me absolutely diamonds.
Get an indian girl. Almost all of them have that
You'll find the need for bigger women, user. Degeneracy like this always progresses.
ice cream, milk and bananas is how i gained 80 pounds.
I was thinking more like pic related, but k
You call that a belly? Pathetic
curbstomp that fat whale out of my bed
fat people completely disgusts me, especially those who are comfortable being land whales
Buy a new bed
No doubt shes broken it
maybe true but if you dont have a weight bench, you can bench off the bed, plus she can eat so you knonw shes got money to feed you, youll get free bulk and bench and if you dick her good maybe free rent.
>come to Jow Forums for the worst time in weeks
>first threads are tranny LARP and feeder fetish
While I’m disappointed, I am not surprised. Jow Forums never changes
Hnnng. Started new job in a kitchen a few weeks ago and last Sunday was the Mother’s Day roast. Cute and slightly thicc coworker had a whole roast after the day finished thanks to the chef and then went home to have another with her family.
Seems promising.
call the police
How is babby formed?
Jow Forums has a strangely large amount of fat fetishists for a fitness board.
Not complaining
A lot of soap
Seems so comfy, to caress and love on a woman with child.
Turn 1080 degrees and walk to Japan.
eat more food
Like this
Holy shit
Gallon Of Double Cream A Day
Eat many calorie big
very comfy and (blackpill incoming) severely alpha
Pear-shaped chubby girls with small breasts are my fetish.
Got any other similar pictures?
leave and return with knife
is there anything more beautiful than a fit guy and a nice chubby chick couple?
Vro same. This pic of Emma Roberts annihilates my dick
Oh FUCK that's hot
Mfw your kids end up DYEL skinnyfat
Hnnngggg more please
kick her in the face
How does curry pussy smell/taste? I've always been curious but never had the opportunity to find out.
stop attention whoring
Bumping high test thread
Would unironically and intentionally impregnate
She was made for breeding
While physically it seems very deviant, it is actually completely natural. Just like women are more attracted to a man whos proven to be a good father. Men are more attracted to women who are proven to be fertile. Pregnancy glow is just a term for this phenomenon.
>wear black, it’s slimming
>this thread
>took the fetish to the point of mental illness
Needs to be a bit bigger imo
High t fetish.
The fuck is that absolute travesty
Post gf and body
should I keep feeding her, or is this enough?
There is work to be done. You are an artist and the female form is your canvas.
>There will be no running on my watch dear...
would give my left nut just to spend one night with her
>implying fetishes aren't mental illnesses
>posts niggers
>post actual pictures from rl on 4chins
>to somehow, in backwards fashion, prove that a dumpster fire is a dumpster fire
lol, ribbit pls go and stay go
This post is absolute gibberish.
And you're an english cuckold
>“you’re a cuckold because you can speak an international language correctly!!“
Yeah that’ll show him
I think we’ll need to see how far she’s come first
How bout this booty lads
Whomst is that?
not sure but here
imgur com/a/7dItC
thank fren
Instant boner.
That right?
man the harpoons
Is anyone going to actually post how to gain weight without being a shithead saying something like "eat more"? I have a terrible appetite and fill up really fast. Is there a way to stretch my stomach or something, like how fatties have surgeries to make their stomachs smaller? Will food replacing drinks increase my capacity to eat?
My lower back hurts just from watching that, Jesus Christ.
then make her pregnant again dumbass
yes stuff yourself to the point of pain a few times by eating loads as fast as you can before your body notices how full you are. Over time this will significantly increase the amount you can eat before feeling full
before or after slapping the fuck out of her?
would dive into that muff so hard, whoever pulls me out would be crowned king arthur