Is it true vegans have long term cognitive decline?
Is it permanent?
Is it true vegans have long term cognitive decline?
Is it permanent?
Vegans are not retarded, but their diet lack nutrition to support brain health.
vgans are healthy.
>Is it true vegans have long term cognitive decline?
Yes, it's been documented in long-term studies of strict vegetarians (of which vegans are).
I personally have known vegans over the years and I can tell you that you can tell when they have the cognitive decline due to malnutrition; they don't seem to think clearly and in some cases sound like they're cult members.
I know two ex-vegans, and in a matter of a couple months of eating meat and dairy again, their personalitie changed and when talking with them you could tell they were thinking clearer and more logically than they used to.
Vegans should just eat Monkey Chow, at least they'll get proper nutrition that way.
yeah but will they still throw their poop?
Vegan have a higher iq compared to meat eaters
>Is it true vegans have long term cognitive decline?
>Is it permanent?
no just eat meat and dairy again for a while
objectively false
>Vegan have a higher iq compared to meat eaters
no they dont but if you tell them that they get upset and start throwing their poop at you through the cage bars. then you have to take away their monkey chow until they calm down again
>Vegan have a higher iq compared to meat eaters
You have to be educated and middle class to have a life comfortable enough to even begin to give a shit about veganism. I would bet most are university educated. While meat eaters are a cross section of all of society.
Meaning that comparison is meaningless, and doesn't get to whether they have congitive issues.
The progressive cognitive deficit is due to the chronic malnutrition that most so-called 'vegans' suffer from over long periods of time.
You got it backwards not eating meat or dairy increases your iq so the person can get into uni and become educated. Why also population of veganismis. Iq is a bell curve with meat eaters being at the lower end.
Quick, user, eat a steak or a burger, your brain is malfunctioning! HURRY!
>You got it backwards not eating meat or dairy increases your iq
Proof of cognitive malfunction in vegans is even apparent in this thread.
Ex-vegan here. I was vegan for aprox. 1 year from 2013-2014.
I absolutely experienced cognitive decline. While I've recovered for the most part, I do not doubt that there has been permanent damage. My memory of 2014 is like Swiss cheese. I had poor short-term memory for a couple of years afterwards.
I'm better now, but God damn, it's frustrating to have a memory hole in your life.
yes and yes
Why'd you go vegan?
Vegans have short term cognitive decline.
> Proof: they're vegan
Most vegans happen to be completely fucktarded, but that pushes them to go vegan rather than vice versa
butt blasted pus mouths spotted
A vagina. She was vegan when we started dating (we were both sixteen). I ate meat for the first three years of our relationship, then went vegetarian for about a year, and finally vegan in the fifth year of our dating.
In college, she decided out of the blue that she was actually gay and we broke up. I was pretty devastated at the time (we were each others first and had been together for five years), but in hindsight she wasn't that great and was legitimately terrible at sex. Dead-fish type.
She figured out later that she's not gay and hit me up, but I told her to fuck off.
never do things for girls.
Yes, the accelerated ageing and premature cognitive collapse common to long-term vegans, has been diagnosed as "end stage Veganism" by Dr Shawn Baker MD.
Evidence is provided in the dementia patient (and prominent vegan advocate) in the video below...
is that vegan clip real?
Yes. Experiments giving creatine to vegetarians which increases their IQ confirms this
>is it true
Google the fatty acid uptake chain for the human body
>all cells are 50% cholesterol
>your brain more so
>your nervous system more so
>its used to metabolize hormones
We are not optimized for plant matter what so ever. You can google the intestine of a rumanent(herbivore) and compare, we don't have the hardware to digest cellulose(plant matter).
Your body will degenerate over time on a plant diet.
>Who's pushing this shit? Seventh Day Adventists(SDA) control nutritional sciences in the US
That vegan doctor, McDougel or whatever, guy is an (SDA) too. They're one of the original Eugenicist cults in the US/Power groups
>the most famous (SDA) is Kellogg's
>yes, that famous dude who created American corn cereal
>yes, that was meant to destroy your reproductive system to prevent (((over population)))
Bad Cholesterol, "lipid hypothesis" is also blatant pseudo science. Cholesterol is good for you.
>April 1, 2019
Guy is only 72 and he's lost his marbles.
>he's also part of the cult of Seventh Day Adventists which push vegetarian vegan diest are a stealth mask of Eugenics
All starvation diets do, ketogenic ones as well. Nobody knows if it's permanent, no, I believe the human body is a lot more resilient than we're led to think.
McDougal worked at a 7th day Adventist hospital for 17 years? Now the cultist is suffering from end stage Veganism. Frank Tufano roasts him, very ironic for a "raw Vegan"
(Technically McDougal preaches a starch diet these days, avoiding all meat of course)