how do i get as skinny as possible?
I have been lifting for 7 years and now i am transitioning to female
How do i get as skinny as possible?
wait a minute
arent these the same type of threads that get deleted by jannies?
Go vegan
but what is reason for the deletion? I dont make these type of b8 threads
havent posted on Jow Forums since like 2013...
good idea desu
literally just stop lifting. HRT reduces muscle mass over time, and it would be accelerated by also not using your muscles long enough for atrophy.
i stopped lifting for like a year and i am still fit as fuck lol
are you sure your testosterone is being suppressed/nuked?
is it for spam, trolling, or low quality?
which works best?
im not on hrt
just stopped lifting
Stop eating
The jannies are trannies and only attack fitness related posts. Jow Forums is just as gay as /lgbt/ and less healthy than /ck/
thats it!
its low quality
good idea. only eat 1k calories
That’s 1ktoo many
Get help. You won't be happy as a tranny.
Kill yourself, you disgusting freak.
Unfortunately you can’t just will away mental illness
dios mio...
I heard the best way to loosing weight is killing yourself, you get thinner 100%
You didn't lose any? I thought you went back into DYEL mode if you stopped lifting
neck stretch x1, the weight will melt off you in a few months, 100% skelly mode. faggot.
Seriously all trannies need professional help.
This isn't true at all. It's honestly hard for it to go away desu
Eat pb.
should be 100%
Post body. bobs and vegene
We need to see what we're working with. Also post feet
you mean indulging in your mental illness?
5 sets of neck hangs ought to do it
>low quality post
What does the link on the lower right spell? I can’t make out the letters.
Drink a gallon of onions milk a day and get into left wing politics. You'll have the female body and mindset within a couple of months.
transitioning was the best thing that happened to me you go girl!
literally just stop eating
t. been around 100 pounds for most of my life
Kys, skeletons are skinny as fuck.
>tfw 5'7, slight build, moderate jaw
Suspended cable body weight neck extensions
Wow this is sad. I clicked on the picture and thockt to myself "wow based apu, toast and maple syrup". Then I noticed it wasn't a maple leaf but a flower: toast and honey is still pretty good. Then I noticed the water. Why is he in a batht- ... Oh.
kill yourself, maggot will eat your fat in no time
Oh...I never noticed, I just thought it was a nice apu with a toaster head. Fuck.
Have you seen "Paulette" in jewsbrothers REACT channel on jewtube? Yikes!
>tfw I'm a 6'3 transgender mtf with big jaw
Stop doing upper body lifts entirely. Do a severe caloric deficit. Do HRT. The AA's+E will shred your muscle mass.
Based chadhon