So Jow Forums, whats the best sleeping position? Why do we need pillows if literally no other animal in the world needs them? I am confuse
Sleeping position
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We aren't animals that's why
Wanna see an irl version of that skulls jaw
Bad thread. Just getting your ~8 hours and don't worrying about trivial shit.
started sleeping on my stomach a year ago, complete plank style.
I know looks autistic but my body feels 100% relaxed this way, almost like I'm melting into the bed.
Op here. Found this gem
just lmao @ yourself if youre not sleeping with optimal posture. No more waking up like a hunchback
I heard flat on your stomach was terrible for your lower back.
Different user here. I am a belly sleeper too and it would make my back hurt first thing in the morning until I bought a memory foam mattress topper, now the pain is 100% gone
terrible for your organs, back and neck more like
You've never seen a pure-blooded European before?
West hunter-gatherers didn't look like this. Among modern-looking Europeans, the guy on the right is close, but it's still not as robust and the features would have been different, with darker skin.
Shit I meant the guy on the left. Pic related is an example of the Corded Ware type, he had quite a bit of west hunter-gatherer DNA.
i heard its bad to sleep on your stomach because your blood pools around your organs instead of spreading out evenly
I am a surviving cro-magnon. Who can guess my racial background?
We don't. I sleep flat on my back with no pillow. Helped fix my posture.
la abominacion
Seriously though you have nigger blood.
Fuck bro, you have bear wrestling potential, grow a beard, get big, I hope to God you're at least 6'2
24 and still growing. Father grew 6 to 8 inches between mid 20s and 30. Mother was 6'1" before back surgeries. There were giants in both sides. I remain hopeful.
Try again. Think of another dark skinned people.
Not really sure what a west hunter gatherer is, all I know is that the right pertains to paleolithic hunters and the left pertains to neolithic farmers. The only reason I call the broad-faced "pure European" is because the origins of the latter are different.
>Pre-Neolithic Europe was inhabited by reindeer hunters which modern researchers refer to as Cro-Magnons, survivors of the Pleistocene ice sheets, who had physically evolved to heights frequently exceeding two metres, with robust bones and heavy build. While other types also existed during much of the Ice Age, these appear to have been virtually wiped out by the Cro-Magnons towards the end of the Ice Age. The Cro-Magnons were almost certainly the ones referred to in myth as “Giants” (sometimes specifically “Frost Giants” (“Joetnar”))
Take this guy, for example. This is for all intents and purposes, a pure-blooded European
>Not really sure what a west hunter gatherer is
This is the term for what you're calling Cro-Magnon. They changed it because we've learned so much about population genetics in the last ten years that many of the prior assumptions about the original Europeans have been BTFO. They were not that large after a few generations of interbreeding with the neolithics. The Indo Europeans were who conquered most of the continent were slightly taller but descended from east hunter-gatherers and more gracile in build than western hunter-gatherers.
He is (admittedly ITT) not a "pure-blooded European", as they don't exist anymore. The structure of his bones are not quite the same, though he is similar and obviously has some genetic influence from west hunter-gatherers. I do too, the brow ridge, the deep-set eyes, high cheekbones, robustness, etc. Certain populations have a higher % of west hunter-gatherer DNA. imo haplogroups play an influence but it's not something I can prove yet.
i remain hopeful.... lol ur a manlet
i'm 6 2 before you start talking shit, and i was this height at 17
But you don't got dat dere jawline
And all Europeans are descended from paleolithic hunter-gatherers. The left has more influence from the west hunter-gatherers, the right has more from east hunter-gatherers. Neither of them are look like Neolithic farmer types to me. Otzi the iceman is a Neolithic farmer type.
I didn't stop growing until last year (26).
Double Niggers?
I am a manlet. so? And? You sound retarded, a man can hope especially if hes grown several inches in his mid 20s.
nope but I resemble Slavs and Turks depending on how you look at it.
Faggot I am not pure blood at all. I am a living Jow Forums meme.
You seem to get it more.
That's why I had the disclaimer "for all intents and purposes", his phenotype is in line with the paleolithic hunter archetype.
But you make a good point, all three primordial races have been interbred to the point where you can basically just hope you express the one you like the most
>Ötzi is a glacier mummy from the Copper Age, who, thanks to extraordinary circumstances, has been preserved down to the present day.
I suppose we all are descendants from stone age hunter-gatherers to some extent, but I have to disagree with your judgement, as Otzi probably didn't farm
Im the cro magnon user. There was a 7'4" giant in grandmothers family that was like 6'2" when he was young, started growing again later in life. That sort of thing seems to happen a good deal in that fanily. Anything can happen.
Try again. Notice I have narrow eyes and weak eyefolds
we get it, you eat dogs
Haha, I don't think he's Asian, I think he's eastern Russian
No pillow flat on back. If irritated put a pillow behind your knees.
>his phenotype is in line with the paleolithic hunter archetype
It's not though, there are lots of dudes walking the street in Europe and America who have the same features, but only a fraction of the genes. I'm not trying to nit-pick here I just have autism and study this stuff. The irl phenotype was much more robust and Chad-like. The weak diversity of the male WHG lineages alone proves this. The west hunter-gatherers had no prognathism, like at all. He has mandibular prognathism, his skull doesn't have nearly as much volume and it's not as robust. Their teeth were fucking massive, I can tell his are very modern and smaller.
Also Ozti's people were absolutely farmers, his lineage was that of the Neolithic farmers, his corpse had a grain pouch and they pulled proof of his diet from his teeth. The neolithics got BTFO by the Indo-Europeans (and the plague, which their disgusting cultures created). The IE lads and the west hunter-gatherers are the primary lineage of northern Europeans, both Germanics and Slavs, also the Greeks but the % of overall DNA is all over the place, pic related.
No way, he's not native American. Impossible, it makes me think of those legends, the tribe of giant natives
I think the corded ware samples most recently tested would yield a higher WHG % than Neolithic, but I could be wrong and it's really fucking complex to explain this 'tism.
Op this man is your daddy now
What's the rule boys, don't post a pic more interesting than the topic at hand
No not a native, but a huge chunk yeah. Sister is tall and brown, Im smaller and white. oddly, the parts of my family where that blood comes from actually had huge and sometimes giant guys with sometimes red hair even if darkskinned. If youve met Kickapoos and Winnebagos, they can be scary motherfuckers. Think of Pacific Islanders but with a meaner streak.
We don't NEED them, but it is PREFERABLE to use one as sleeping with the head elevated demonstrates many desirable effects with regards to circulation, ventilation etc.
I used to sleep like this since I was a baby all the way up to when I was 17 when I noticed a couple of my cervical vertebrae are missaligned
Try sleeping on your back or on your left side
good info