Alright you train your body but how many of you train your brain? Post SAT or ACT scores

Alright you train your body but how many of you train your brain? Post SAT or ACT scores.

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>Post SAT or ACT scores.
Never took them. Went to a community college right after high school, got my core classes done with a 3.9 and transferred to a 4 year with no problem.
Standardized tests are a meme.

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I got a 1330 but I didn’t prepare at all and flunked my way through high school so if I had tried I probably would’ve gotten like a perfect score

still gives a fuck about SAT scores
found the high schooler

boomer brainlets spotted

35 and 1550. Brainlets BTFO

>Yeah bro I'm really smart just lazy

protip: smart people aren't lazy

cap or didn’t happen

I remember I had a ~1500/2100 in my SAT.
Am I going to make it?


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No idea how to even find that info

Thats not true. You can be smart and not memorize snapple facts.

I knew I saved my ACT score from 2012 for a reason. Went on to get a Civil engineering degree in college. Could have had a good score if I cared about Math in highschool.

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based brainchad go back to /fitlit/

Gave up on writing. 33 act

same boat. didn't take the act but 1550/1490 SAT/PSAT

>listen to podcast about history, psychology and economics while lifting
>pray between sets

feels good to make physical, mental and spiritual gains all at the same time.

same here brother, the SAT and ASVAB scores were enough to get me an army rotc scholarship though

**sips** Ahh, I haven't thought about the SAT in awhile....

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I was 2280 back when they were on 2400. Fuck the writing. I got 800 math and Reading.

Unironically based and redpilled
I took a bunch of AP classes and when I realized they didn't count for shit I went to a CC
Best decision of my life

Scored a 1330/1600 and I’m pretty proud of that, even though the test is just a bunch of funny questions.

can you teach me how to train my brain ? i wish to have knowledge

Got a 2170 on the old three-score exam. Went to public school anyway cuz my HS grades were shit. Coasting burnout masterrace

fuck off mister underage, also lrn 2 math

800 math and 770 writing and reading.

Only ones I missed were some bullshit reading questions about articles on apartheid. I just got angry when reading them. Took it in March this year.

On the old SAT I got an 1860. 29 on the SAT. Yeah feels good being “smartish” but i’d trade 10 IQ points for a better work ethic

Got a perfect 36 on the SAT. Later brainlets.


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1520 SAT

34 ACT

Number 1 class rank

Still got rejected from every school I applied to

>when I realized they didn't count for shit
So you failed the AP exam ok user I understand

I literally don’t remember them it’s been over 5 years since I ever needed them

Get the fuck out of here underage fag. No one cares about you bragging about your sat score on a fitness board

>compares academic work to Snapple facts
So you’re not smart either

I got a 1250
Thats not that bad for somebody who didn’t really study right?

>giving a shit about people's ACT/SAT scores
grow up loser, they're just a bad combo of IQ and general knowledge testing, they don't matter at all lmao


>taking standardized tests

What you do is get a GED with all the sub 80 IQ dudes about to ship out to Basic. And then you go to community college which allows anyone, even black people, to attend for a low fee. And then you transfer to a university for the remaining two years.

Wa-lah, you didn't need to 'apply'. You didn't need to pass some fag test run by private "non-profit" (over $1 billion yearly revenue...) organization. You didn't need to pretend to do community service and write essays to obese women in admissions offices. All you had to do was actual learning.

NEEEEERDS, while you studied for the SAT your crush SAT on this dick
>400 crew reporting in

Don't remember. But I got a 317 on the GRE. Was pretty happy with it.

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lel I got a 1490 and I was hungover AND I never studied, post IQ fag.
136 here (would be higher if not for my shit motor skills)


sorry, don't speak ameritard. Currently halfway through a Mech. Engineering degree though.

Exact same situation, what are you studying?

I got a 23 on my ACT, but that was 11 years ago when you had to do an essay. My essay got a 15.

I had a 28 in reading comprehension, I thought my essay was fine. Having to do an essay is fucking stupid. I didn't go to college so at least it didn't matter.

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I don't think smart necessarily equates to hard working, you can be "smart" and not improve or live up to the promise you had once shown. It could be compared to people with good genetics in term of their physical aspects, you could be decently strong or aesthetic but people who have put more time i.e. didn't slack off on training could leave you in the dust.
A study was done by Strauss et al during the mid 20th century on the "gifted" youth and "gifted" adults. On average they found that "gifted" adults were not those considered as "gifted" during their youths, what they found as the most important trait in achieving success (at least in the sciences) was perseverance, and that the most important cause for driving achievement for success was frustration/failures. Being smart/intelligent is useful of course, but it is not sufficient.

TL;DR: Work hard and persevere bros, whether it be for mental gainz or physical gainz.

Missed one hard-level geometry question, and one medium-level reading question

1510, studying economics at PSU

Underage poster gtfo

>not 800 math
never gonna make it chump

White boy detected

1370 and 30, currently at a top 10 enguneering uni. Fuck a screencap, I'm never going on college board again

How old do you think most of us are?

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I got a pretty good SAT score but then got a 23 on the ACT, ended up getting deferred to community college. On track to finish undergrad with a 3.8 though

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Fuck those have gotten complicated since I took them. Feels old man.

I don't even know where my results are anymore. I took them before the websites existed.

31 and 1560
My act score might have been higher because I actually studied hard before my last opportunity to take it, but my dumb ass forgot my driver's license and couldn't take the test.

1590 on the SAT
175 on the LSAT

137, IQ doesnt matter though when youre a big brained man like myself

Not him but I got a 5 on the AP stats exam and my college wouldn't accept it as credit. They are indeed a meme.

It depends on the class

My school took AP physics as a half-class and AP calc sequence at full credit, along with some AP lit classes. They didn't take the AP Stats class per

It's not bad at all. Lots of liars in this thread.

What is the SAT/ACT equivalent of 99.8th percentile? Because I got that in my country. Didn’t do a single bit of study out of classes. Now I have a pretty shit GPA at uni because I never go to classes. Should’ve done a trade

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I got 800reading/700 math/790writing back when it was 3 scores

Got into some random top 15 schools (non ivys) but couldn't afford the out of state tuition and ended up going to state school and started my own business.

got 5's in

AP Eng + Lit
US+World hist
lmao enviro science, bio chem
Micro/macro econ

4 in stats and calc

probably forgot some other shit.

Are you Australian? How do you fuck up at Uni if you had 99.8 UAI/ATAR? Or are you one of those pricks who thinks a 90 average is a shit GPA?

This except I wasn't in a financial position to continue my education past an associates and when I completed all of the coursework for it there was a clerical error and my college wouldn't give me my degree, so I kind of just gave up.

>this thread

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Never took the SAT or ACT. I'm pretty stupid, so I joined the military.

Got a 29 on the ACT, cheated like hell on the science portion. it's the only reason i got into a university desu, my grades were shit and i nearly dropped out of HS

Asvab score

36 ACT, used to tutor it. Also used to take it for people before they started Iding people. Dropped out of college and joined the navy like everyone else i work with.

I wouldnt say a high score on a test that is reading and 8th grade math is worth bragging about tho, maybe SAT is different idk

my biggest regret was not studying for the SAT. 1360/1600 with no prep, couldve cracked 1500 if i applied myself and quit vidya. i didnt make that same mistake with the GMAT (760/800, 99th percentile), im off to UChicago's business school in the fall

A better predictor of intelligence and work ethic is the GPA. You can't be a shitty student and have a good GPA. You can't be stupid and have a good GPA either...but you CAN be stupid and a shitty student and just memorize some bullshit highschool level math, English and science and score alright on the SAT. Case in point: any student not in law, medicine, science or engineering at any 4-year university. How many mentally retarded low-effort communications/business/art/english/psychology/nutrition students do you have to watch almost die of alcohol poisoning at frat parties and then wash out before sophomore year before you realize this?

No one gives a shit about your SAT after high school. Both the SAT and ACT are a joke anyways

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Back on the 2400 system

710 writing
630 reading
600 math

My SAT score was 800/2400. I got a perfect score on writing and near perfect reading or vice versa but I'm a brainlet when it comes to math. Feels bad man

I'm 35. I don't have my scores anymore for proof. I did, however, get a 760 verbal and 730 math.

i got a 29 on the act, i went in totally unprepared and with an adderall hangover. still its a fucking embarrassing score and i should've retaken it.

despite my shit act score i got a 4 or 5 on
us history

i got a 3 on ap calc but my high school's math program has been in the state journal numerous times for producing college remedial math students with genius level performance everywhere else so i'm not as hard on myself about that

>tfw know people who got 20-24 who went to state schools, had a good GPA with easy coursework, and who now work 6-figure positions in project or product management
>29 ACT, AP Scholar w/ Distinction, high honors student in high school
>nearly wash out of top 5 StateU, wind up with 2 lmaolibby undergrad degrees
>become neet for a year
>finally get job, so hopeless with people that i get outcast and bullied into becoming even weirder and lose job
>neet again, but now with debt
life is a cruel joke and i wish someone had told me what the real game is a lot sooner. got a big hill to push this boulder up now.

god forbid i ever have children, but if i do i'm going full tigerdad and forcing them into as much social shit as possible as soon as possible so they learn the non-academic side of life from literally anyone other than me

at least it was a good/impression silicon valley job but that means fuckall now, cant even get my resume picked up all over again. i hate this shit.

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>28 first time no studying
I got 34 on science and 30s on all other subjects but I bombed math with an 18 because I suck at it. It's interesting though how most people in this thread have better scores than at least 90% of the population, while having a smaller sample size. Are fitizens just smart or what?

smart people tend to be aware of their surrondings and health

Got one of the highest scores in the world on the UK Law admissions test, does that count? :^)

Attached: lnat.png (1431x651, 75K) bad is it?

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still above average and at least you’re not lying like a lot of people

I refuse to believe that the average score on the SAT for fitizens is a fucking 1530, but then again maybe only the smart ones are willing to answer OP

730 gmat?....
...i’ll show myself out

I got a 1790 while rushing through as fast as I could because I had to take a massive shit

Not bad user. I think I got 34 on my lnat a few years back. Where are you thinking of applying to?

based. Standardized testing doesn't test for intelligence, it tests for test-taking skills and techniques for playing the "game" of the SAT or ACt.

>standardized tests as a measure of intelligence
Kek, bragging about an SAT score is even more pathetic than bragging about an IQ score.
Intelligence can only be measured by application.


Took the sat twice, got 14-something the first time. Pops wanted me to take it again so I just fucked around the whole time, never even checked what score I got. That was 6 years and I've still never had to give anyone my sat score.

1200 something
>Still got into Yale
Feels good being black

got 1540 SAT, but this was back when they included writing so my net was a 2140 out of 2400. Wanted to go to MIT, didn't get accepted and ended up going to state school. Probably had more fun and got more social gains than I would've at MIT though