How do you guys deal with the gay stigma of going to the gym?
My family and all my friends always make fun of me and call me a faggot when I tell them I go to the gym.
How do you guys deal with the gay stigma of going to the gym?
I don't know, no one would dare call me a faggot to my face.
Yikes the cringe i smell here is scary
What's your address?
Rape them.
beat them up
Beat one of them up that will set a good example
Wow you're a big faggot
The homo boomer on the pec fly machine
Fucking lol
I just suck a bunch of cocks in the showers to take my mind off of it.
>gay stigma
Never experienced it, though that's how my parents found out that I was gay because once I was explaining to them over dinner about how gay men are attracted to manly men and the fem stereotypes they see in media are just stereotypes/minorities and they were like "is that why you go to the gym so much? haha".
>How do you guys deal with the gay stigma of going to the gym?
by not giving a fuck. life's too short to let the bucket crabs take this away from you.
suck a dick right in front of them and say "eww gross" the entire time just to show them you're not a fag
It’s funny because all of my gay family members (5/14 including cousins/aunts/uncles) are the only ones who keep up with my powerlifting meets and shit. The rest don’t show any interest.
there's no stigma about going to the gym where im from.
just fuck some thots brah if you're tired of being called a fag lol
I don't know what kind of fat coping retards you hang out with/are related to because where I'm from there is zero stigma associated with going to the gym. A grown adult relying on elementary school teir insults like calling someone gay are so stupid that they don't even deserve to be thought about. They are just crabs, who cares.
Only "pretty boys" go to the gym.
Real men have a labor intensive job like construction or they play football.
>Real men have a labor intensive job
what century is this?
Yes, beating someone up for calling you gay is a totally heterosexual response. Not gay at all. No sir.
>my gay family members (5/14 including cousins/aunts/uncles)
Why do you have so many gay family members?
get a gf or a wife and have a kid?
You realize that football players go to the gym right?
Maybe he has 3 gay family members related by blood and 2 by marriage
Or maybe cause being gay is genetic
kill your entire family then kys
Faggot, I bet you wanna kiss me or something
What about your boyfriend?
>Stigma of going to the gym
I love going to the gym, I'd just stigma their ass right back.