>finally achieved 2pl8 squat for 5x5
Finally achieved 2pl8 squat for 5x5
Nice, bro
Proud of you user
now when do i get my gf
You mean twink?
Cause thats all we got user.
you dont get issued a gf until 3pl8. keep at it
How long did it take you?
four months
Good job!
not bad user
Good job user
Based, you're gonna make it
>tfw back to 2pl8 squat (1rm) after breaking my legs last year
we'll make it brah
Gj bruh
Yeah buddeh!
You mean 4pl8. 3pl8 is just so that women will register your presence
lol 2 pl8 squat is absolute shit, literally took me 1 month to achieve that for 5 reps (high bar).
Doesn't matter if you hit 5pl8 on day 1
>finally benched 2 pl8s
its finally over
godspeed user
>tfw finally hit 2pl8 bench
>had 1pl8 OHP for a bit already
>haven't squatted in 6 months
Good job dude