Lifting with derealization

To clarify I am not asking for mental health help, but I want to know if lifting help with derealization and what sort of program would be best? Stronglifts?

I’m going to be lifting regardless but I’d like to know if it’ll help get rid of derealization. I think at the very least ilol be able to feel more at ease with this shit if I atleast look shredded.

So long story short, I’ve had some bad anxiety and nothing looks real anymore. Everything looks clear yet out of focus and almost like I’m seeing life through a first person video game screen, if that makes sense. Research and a therapist tell me this is derealization. It’s terriyinh, even if I know it’s in my head it creates 10/10 fight or flight feeling.

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Yeah that's happened to me. I sort of just learned to deal with it.

You may find it helps you lift better. If you controlled yourself like an RPG, how easy would it be to grind?

I’ve been kicking the idea around, it seems like life would become a joke and everything would be easy if I controlled myself like I was in an rpg.

The problem is I don’t want this, I feel like every little thing I do is calculated and thought out. This by itself makes shit hard to do, because I’m focusing on everything from how clear yet unfocused shit is like I said to stuff like trying to make sure I look people in the eyes when I talk to them

I went though this.

Anymore to curb my anxiety I walk or jog until I'm tired as fuck. I'm pretty sure any exercise will help, just try your best not to be too anxious or stressed.

I have noticed some exercise and shit helps, but everything still looks dreamlike to a degree after even a good lifting session. Cardio probably helps more but it’s still there. It makes me want to give up and quit lifting desu (not that I’m going to)

Go on a shooting spree.

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No, u.

Sup bro.

I've had chronic DP/DR for around 9 years since I was 16.

Got triggered one day in the middle of class and I was so traumatized that I've never been able to let it go hence me still be stuck in the cycle.

Lifting is really hard with DP/DR cause with each pump, you fade more and more into unreality. You just kinda have to deal with it and accept that you wont remember half the shit that you did that day at the gym.

Pic related

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Pick up a sport that involves pain. The adrenaline rush and the strong physical sensation might help you symptoms a bit. Try MMA.
Also meditate, stay busy, and do focused, repetitive tasks. That helps me when I have an episode

Lifting heavy is one of the only things that helps me with this

What do you mean? There’s no way to rid myself of this shit, just fall deeper and deeper into it?

What the fuck. I may as well say fuck it and blast test while eating fist fulls of prozac

Actually this may be the best way, spared with a friend and I felt super alive yet calm and grounded after wards. Actually I think it temporarily fixed the issues

Nah, you're not stuck.

I've had DP/DR so long because I didn't know what it was for the first 3 years. I thought I had fucked my brain from taking drugs because I had only felt DP/DR before whilst on drugs so you can imagine my shock when it happened randomly without drugs.

I dropped out of school and spent the next 3 years having panic attacks and feeling more and more DP'd. It was so bad that I swear I couldn't even open my eyes because I was so scared of how my environment looked and how my arms were stretching out from my body.

Anyway, it's 9 years later and I still have DP/DR and I'm still scared of it.

It's a cycle that is fed by anxiety. If you remove the anxiety, the DP/DR will follow. I've never been able to remove the anxiety though.

btw, Prozac made me way worse and I think it even gave me visual snow (which I still have) so be careful.

The main thing that triggers dpdr is having a limited vocabulary or diction problems/speech impediments. Read more. Are you plurilingual? They're more prone to dpdr as well.

That’s basically my experience. Always had moderate anxiety and what I’d consider near negligible anxiety issues but this arose after I started getting super into drugs (heavy pot use, a few big shroom trips, acid, E, mixing acid and e and pot, E acid and EC stack because I’m a moron, etc.). The panic attacks slowly began increasing and I dropped out. Been trying to get my shit together for the last year. Been sober but it seems to be constant anyways

Anyway I’m in therapy now but the therapist doesn’t seem to care about the derealization only the anxiety, I guess he knows it’ll fix it and just didn’t tell me.

Thank you for the responses man, they are seriously appreciated

No, I only speak English. Although I’ve been communicating with Spanish speakers on some online vidya with the handful of words I know near daily but I think it’s more drug induced than it would be telling a Spanish speaker that his mom choked on my fat cock

Had it for seven years now, but it doesn't bother me anymore. There is no cure for it, but it feeds on itself through the anxiety it generates. It's initially the hardest thing in the world, because you're going to want to constantly check that it's still there (spoiler: it will be), but the only way to "get over it" is to stop caring about it. Internalise that it can't hurt you and you're still completely functional besides feeling kind of weird and it will fade into the background with time and you can get on with living your life.

Why does every millennial and zoomer need to have some special snowflake disorder?

Because a sick world produces sick people

If you're smoking weed or doing any drug at all (possibly alcohol or caffeine), considering quitting all of them cold turkey. I pretty much cured my DR by limiting my consumption of alcohol and never smoking weed or doing psychs again

Ok you retards i fixed mine and i will tell you how to fix yours god damnit

Limit your time spent staring at screens
Reduce stress in healthy ways like meditation, walks, exercise
Quit playing videogames
Start to try keeping track of how many times a day you notice you arent focusing on the present moment and the physical world around you, the more you do it the more youll realize youre pretty constantly stuck in your thoughts
Eat clean, reduce sugar intake, dont smoke or do drugs or drink

You get derealization because you are overwhelming your mind and body and it puts a buffer between itself to try protecting you from stress. Slow down in life. I promise reducing time staring at your computer and phone and constantly needing to be distracted will help a lot.

I'm gonna hit you with the skinny, user. Lifting isn't going to help with DPD/DPRD. That's some shit you need to seek a therapist for or maybe an ego death-dose of psychedelics if you're that kind of person. Hard cardio and high rep exercise has definitely helped me but only because it's naturally hard to focus on any kind of negativity when you're exhausted. Shredded or not, you're still gonna look unfamiliar to yourself in the mirror.

Stay strong dude.

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>Limit your time spent staring at screens
>Reduce stress in healthy ways like meditation, walks, exercise
>Start to try keeping track of how many times a day you notice you arent focusing on the present moment and the physical world around you, the more you do it the more youll realize youre pretty constantly stuck in your thoughts
Can confirm, solid advice.