Can bodyweight exercises alone achieve a body like this ?
Can bodyweight exercises alone achieve a body like this ?
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do 10 push ups a day
yes, he has no muscle
He probably cant bench 155lbs
lol do some cardio and do pushups every day you'll look like that in less than a year.
A bullet to the neck faggot
lol I wonder how it feels to be a fucking faggot and actually aspire to look like this dyel
Hoes dig this look, pic related qts crying at X's funeral. How many hoes gonna cry at your funeral? Probably zero.
Also he would whoop your ass 1v1 "muh 3pl8 squat" or not
Every. Single. Time.
unironically am this mode, maybe a bit thicker. calisthenics and eat at a surplus that won't make you fat. fuck this mode though I wanna be yoked
no they dont
>little girls do yeah
stop being a pedo
>what is famous + rich
i get 10x the amount of attention from women by gaining weight
>i get 10x the amount of attention from women by gaining weight
OK buddy
Easily. Bigger even. This is simply not eating and 8 push ups a day.
Imagine crying for a wanna be gangsta nigger
These women will never be good wives
>10 push ups
>8 push ups
If it were that fucking easy it wouldn't be worth going to a gym because getting up to 30 would turn you into Rich Piana without the synthol.
glad he's dead. garbage person
He pushes up daisies
X was like 5'6-5'7 btw. Now he's 6ft underground
Cringe. Imagine having such low t that you genuinely ask this question.
Both true.
This mode is only good if you're topless or wearing kids' clothes. The rest of the time you're just a skinnyfag and everyone ignores you.
>Get bigger and they notice you all the time
jesus could his skull even fit in his chest cavity what is wrong with this man's proportions
Use a female punching bag
He prob didnt even workout. Thats just how you look when ur a manlet and black genetics.
Women don't dig guys for their body unless they make it very obvious. They're more inclined to dig a man for his power/status because they want access to that power/status as well.
Men and women have different views of what's attractive, which is why you can have ugly manlets have 10/10 women if they have the money and fame. Likewise a 10/10 woman can be completely useless in every aspect to life and still be given attention by men.
I don't want "hoes" crying at my funeral, I want my children and grandchildren there.
Ask me how I know you're a 17yo
>black genetics
American detected.
I think he just had some tone from shows. But man it's funny how mad people get over him. Music was a mess and he was a wifebeater, but seems like he fucked more grills than all of fit and could fight most of fit too lmao, couldn't fight a glock though