Gains don't cure autism

>be me
>been lifting for a few months to prepare for a rave
>doing lots of squats
>want to put a qt on my shoulders
>ff 3 months to rave
>rolling my ass off
>see wheelchair bound qt3.14 and her friend
>endorphin soaked brain thinks it would be wholesome to brighten up her night
>go up to the friend
>"Hey can I put her on my shoulders?"
>friend looks at me like pic related
>"I mean, she's paralyzed from the waist down."
>say ok and walk away
>rest of the rave is spent brooding over what I said
>evening ruined

Wheelchair girl if you see this I'm sorry

Attached: Untitled.png (816x570, 524K)

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Sounds like bullshit but I believe it

I mean, one time I offered my jacket to a random girl on the street because she seemed cold, and she looked at me like I was the grossest creep ever.

It takes a while to figure out a society's rules. Look at what others do for a few months or even a year, and you may pick up useful patterns.

Why didn't u ask the wheel chair person directly u fuckin sperg

Had the same thought

It doesnt take long to figure out once you learn to put yourself in the other person's shoes first. Just imagine being that girl, you're alone and feeling vulnerable, and some dude you've never met just walks up and offers you a coat. You'd think this guy is trying to rob you or something

>lifting in preparation for a rave

bet it was some furcon

That requires thinking about it at two levels of abstraction.
My problem (and I assume other sperglord's) was I put myself in her shoes, but didn't understand her circumstances.

So I thought if I were cold, and a clearly not a hobo potential mate offered me his jacket, it would be really nice.

I didnt think about the full situation, like you mentioned. Those things didn't come to me naturally, and even right now, I still need to force myself to think in that way, as my mind is just wired differently.

so you admit it's their fault for letting their terrible expectations and imagination get the better of them by not allowing a kind gentlemen to bless them with his warm coat?
>go back

Wheeliegirls are made for bullying. You're doing God's work, user.

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only living cures autism

If living cures autism, why does everybody wanna die these days?

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You are strong evidence in favor of me not vaccinating my children.

we're in clownworld now

i dont understand whats wrong with this situation. can someone explain to me whats so bad about ops behaviour

He is a random guy to the girl. Its an extremely bold move to try that on a non-cripple, but to do it to a crippeled, probably insecure girl is on a whole other level. Is he a pervert? The girl is powerless without her wheelchair so to entrust herself to a stanger in this manner is obviously out of the question. It might also look stupid or hurt the girl.

Hope this helps

>going to a rave

Attached: 20190401_122524.png (973x951, 841K)

damm this is the exact opposit of wholesom

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remember to love your transgender gf :-)

oh thanks man, thats helpful

cripples arent people, gotta ask the handler

You've watched one too many animays kiddo

>rolling my ass off
Biggest gains goblin I know. Last time I rolled, I cracked my sternum two days later. Still can't do dips.

>Having a BBQ party in a park
>lots of people I don't know
>showing off gains, feeling pretty fit, regularly running off to the pullup bar nearby to keep the pump going
>at some point I feel a light touch on the back of my neck
>some chick wanted to play with my long hair
>I twitch like a bitch
No cure for being twitchy. God dammit.

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I wish I had never read that, even though it's probably not true.