>Keto is good for weight lo-
Keto is good for weight lo-
Other urls found in this thread:
>I must always stuff my stomach until I'm completely full
>I am too weak to ignore hunger
That's more than 400 cals of chicken though
fats make you feel full, veggies do not
Keto is as good as any other normal diet, so is IF yet retards think it's some super magical diet
>gets a diet and stops eating like shit
This is the exact reason why i'm not vegetarian or vegan, I fucking hate having to stuff my stomach until I feel bloated as fuck in order not to starve.
So you are probably a neet, right? Only explanation for the 24/7 veganrage.
Jesus fuck, vegan propaganda is stupid. Volume ≠ satiety. Protein does that more effectively. Even pic related (a vegan youtuber... probably the most credible one) says this probably twice a video.
This image is completelly retarded. I feel more full drinking a protein shake than eating a bunch of veggies with little nutritional value. It's not about the calories It's about the macros of the food you eat.
Fat has the highest satiety.
Absolutely false
The highest satiating food is boiled potato
There's a literal ranking study
Really? Because a spoonful of coconut oil with my coffee in the morning and I can go without eating till supper time, but a fucking potato would have me ravenous by noon
That's not how human digestion system works
Yeah but that is because you are carb depleted
The people that believe crabs are addictive are either carb restricted to begin with, or believe carbs are pastries and cookies (that are full of fat)
If you are interested, test it for yourself: eat all the carbs you want for a week (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread)... The first day you will probably binge, and be very thirsty, but in a couple of days you will be perfectly fine, while your wallet and your recovery is improved
based german dude
>fill your stomach with fiber
>no feeling of satiety, only bloat and discomfort
>you stop eating not because you're not hungry any more but because you can't physically fit any more in your stomach
>eventually it passes and you want to eat again (not because you're hungry again, that never stopped. because you can put stuff in your stomach again)
>eat the same amount of calories in just fat
>no bloat
>feeling full already because the body sends you signals to stop eating
>lasting satiety
>try to eat the same amount of calories in chicken breast
>have to force yourself to keep eating before the half way mark
Just eat oats, beans and rice
well, they actually do make you feel full but that feeling doesn't last long. You will want another salad in less than an hour.
But with everything else, it lasts
Satiation has nothing to do with how physically full your stomach is retard. That's why all vegans are constantly hungry
>>eat the same amount of calories in just fat
>>no bloat
>>feeling full already because the body sends you signals to stop eating
>>lasting satiety
Compromised muscle recovery
Ketone brain, basically mad city
Having to consume a lot more protein than normal to avoid muscle wasting
Horrid energy mobilization
Mistakingly considering adrenal fight or flight response with feeling energetic
Refeedings and carb crashes sugarcoated as cheat days
Binge disorders
Never had brain fog on ketosis (fasting induced), you might be mistaking it with keto flu (which is temporary). I don't binge or carb crash. For the rest I cannot attest to, but sound like bullshit
look at andrew perlot, dude was a high carb low fat/protein vegan and a gymnast/partner acrobatics and ever since he switched to a high protein vegan diet, his gains have shot up and he said he feels much better.
hclf vegans are literally cancer.
That's not entirely true, ghrelin, the hunger hormone, stops secretion in response to the stomach stretching.
I did not say brain fog
I said mad city
People on keto have the shortest fuse possible
My bad then. Didn't notice being more iritated than normal (and even if I had, I would probably have attributed it to hunger, not ketosis) but I'll check next time
Did starch solution for 2 years. Got tired of the carb roller coaster. Been zero carb carnivore for 4 days when the hell is my appetite supposed to stop being a nigger parasite?
also great for having a bloated gut and bad gas. eat your veggies, goy
OP and similar autists think the main thing that stops hunger is the stretching signal when in fact it's hormones. If the you feel the stretching signal you already overfed
What kind of manlet/framelet/woman do you have to be for 400 calories to be a meal?
When your body starts eating yourself alive
Starch is life
>vegetables aren't very nutrient dense
I would much rather eat a couple of yummy tendies and then get on with my day then spend half an hour trying to force down 5 pounds of lettuce.
just grand that shit into a smoothie with a blender
problem solved
Did you look at that study? It didn't include any fats at all.
It's not like it was a comprehensive test of all food sources. It was very limited. Potatoes were the most satiating food IN THAT DATASET, which was mostly vegetables and lean protein.
People need to stop confidently saying things which aren't true. Brainless parrots everywhere.
Follow your own advice
There's plenty of info on the keto troll
You may find this interesting
They aren't. You hold an idea held by truly stupid people. They have a high nutritional value when ONLY compared with kcals. Meat is far more nutritionally dense
>get people to eat carbs with their fat
>their body stores fat instead of burning fat
>they are hungry for more carbs
Wow what a great study.
If that's all that matters just eat paper
Low-carb diets result in more weight loss without counting calories than low-fat diets with calorie counting.
This demonstrates conclusively that fat is more satiating. Fat has such high satiety people don't have to count calories or use willpower to prevent overeating.
Carbs on the other hand stimulate hunger. It takes careful measuring and self-denial to prevent overeating when you consume carbs.
Fat stops hunger. Carbs cause hunger.
Fats have more than the double of calories carbs have
Portion control is the solution
Keto is a scam shilled for the sole purpose of fueling the supplement and farmer industry
This is a fact, and addictive carbs are a con, because those considered addictive have more fat than sugar content (pastries, cookies...)
Every spring we have the same stupid trend to sell vegetable formulas and protein shakes on dehydration and muscle wasting
High carb (because it is the macro with more nutrients, + less calories) and portion control is the only real deal
t. Former keto retard (5-6 years)
how much centimeters I can gain with HGH if i am 25 yr old
I'm not a ketofag, but protein suppresses various hormones related to hunger. So eating a high protein diet should make you feel very full. So that image is retarded.
>reading comprehension
so eat another salad, stupid. It's so low calorie it doesn't matter. You people that are all so scared of carbs are all sissies. Eat like a normal fucking person.
Jew? Excuse me, lad, but high carb is the cheapest diet you can have, while steaks and butter are the most expensive. Keto is a literal Jew con coming from Hollywood
Nuts, meat and cheese are always so expensive. Bread and rice is very cheap.
Maybe you vegan fags should learn some anatomy and endocrinology. Stomachs don't work like that and your hunger is mostly controlled by leptin and ghrelin.
Carbs are high profit margin. Grass fed beef is low profit margin.
Jewish media is constantly fearmongering about keto and promoting the McDonald's and Coca-Cola sponsored "a calorie is a calorie" propaganda.
You're an obvious shill.
If vegans knew anything, they wouldn't be vegans. They're led by the nose by their emotions.
He's just misinformed. Not everything "le epic jew conspiracy," and you look stupid suggesting it.
If meat eaters knew anything, they wouldn't be meat eaters. They're led by the nose by their emotion. Also epicly owning the libs
He's lying like a Jew. Nothing he said could be blamed on ignorance.
>all people on keto have a short fuse
Why not have the best of both worlds? You can easily eat loads of vegetables while staying it ketosis.
You can't be this retarded. Using McDonald's as an example of high carb.
Keep insulin dodging for your dehydration gains, and your adrenaline fueled pump.
And to top it off, he names the jew. This keto tards plague Jow Forums on the reg. Go back
I don’t mind if someone does Keto, the thing that annoys me is there is a person ITT (who also clogs up /fat/ threads) with the statement that it is better to do Keto and NOT count calories than to do it with counting calories
It’s the same copied and pasted bullshit, I’m surprised he didn’t claim CICO doesn’t work at all yet, because he has before
> This keto tards plague Jow Forums on the reg
Holy shit really? Does he harass a general, start his own threads, or just visit random threads?
I am very curious because I love to see people insult him on every thread except the /fat/ threads (as those are for people genuinely trying to improve themselves and arguing with him turns them to shit)
About 2-3 times a week, a bunch of keto threads appear on Jow Forums
Same messages and retarded memes, basically that if you avoid insulin you become an entity above thermodynamics, space and time
Judging by the discussion, I may have already discussed with the exact same retard
Then another shills a channel about some stupid snake diet
And another blasts the board with fasting memes, too
Once they can't argue any longer, they start calling everybody vegans, Jews, shills...
Thanks I will search the archive for things like ‘Keto’ and have a good laugh