We're All Gonna Make it

As much as we sit on this board autistically screeching at each other about how many sardines you should eat and whether squats is good for building legs or not, just remember that we are all leagues above everyone who doesn't even train. Even if you're a newfag or some skinny DYEL, the fact that you care at all and are dedicating yourself to this bullshit is enough.

Being at the start line is way better than everyone who didn't even sign up, now charge towards that finish line you autistic fucks.

We're all gonna make it brahs.

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this was nice brah

You can't just show up and expect it to happen. If you think you could have done more than you're the loser of the race. Do not reach out to comfort. When you're uncomfortable is when you grow.

There"s a difference between being out of your confort zone and actually listening to the Jow Forums spillage and their lookism threads

No doubt.. No doubt about it! We are all gonna make it!


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Im probably going to sound like a faggot but shitposting with you lads is one the reasons im lifting.I love this board atmosphere and genuinly like all of you.

Love you brahs.

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terrible advice. the people who thinks they´re supposed to eat bland dry chicken and rice everyday and train until you´re in pain everyday is the ones who never make it. enjoy the ride and make it a part of your everyday life, dont view it as a battle against yourself.

I'm gay too my dude


Stop being wholesome you’re making me feel good retard

that pain is exactly what some people need tho. not everyone has the same reactions to things as ur goofy ass.

>the people who thinks they´re supposed to eat bland dry chicken and rice everyday and train until you´re in pain everyday is the ones who never make it
What in fucknation

fuck you bro first you never aknowlegde that you like your friends and the next day you start sucking old men's cock because you lack love.

me too fren

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thanks phaggot we're all gonna make it brahs

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you´re supposed to train HARD, but more is not better, you´re supposed to eat your calories and get your macros, but that doesnt mean you should eat disgusting shit that you do not enjoy, and you should not deprive yourself of things you like. people with that mindset always burn out very fast. and this is a marathon

Who says you can't enjoy yourself this way? If you have that much love for the art of what a male physique can achieve, and your training is driven by this love, the heart, the passion, the commitment, knowing that you must go BEYOND failure to reach the desired goal. That is when you'll be happy.

In my first post I was specifically talking about being in the gym. Don't bring your phone, eat your pre workout meal (chicken and rice is god tier) and get into the mindset. You will not feel pain going through that heavy rain to get there because the drive of what you want to accomplish is greater than the force that's holding you back.

Do not reach out to the instant gratification entertainment. Your lame ass TV shows, your stupid ass videogames, your gay ass Mongolian basket weaving forum. Seek the highest challenge and reap the highest reward.

i agree, this is a great mindset. most people dont have that. the think that their gains somehow will increase if they´re miserable ie eating foods that they dont like, or following a training routine which they dont enjoy. when the opposite is actually true. if you enjoy rice and chicken and are able to prepare it in such ways that you truly enjoy it, great stick with that. some might might prefer salmon or pork och beef, with salads and baked potatoes. but they will still do the chicken and rice because they´re fooling themselves into thinking it will help them somehow.

It's almost like "enjoyment" is how we experience dopamine, the primary monoamine behind motivation!

i mean improving your body is motivational enough no ? Then again i've always loved the pain during and after working out.


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If you can trick yourself into thinking that your hard work will pay off and you'll get some other, higher level reward, sure. It can be motivational. 99% of people stop at short-term reward, though. They'd better enjoy their fucking chicken and rice or else they're not gonna make it.

most beginners look like shit and they know it, seeing their toothpick arms or big fat tits in the mirror is unlikely to cause any positive feelings. when you are starting to like what you see i when the iron bug bites real hard for most people, but most people give up way before that.

I love this board. Most wholesome group of bloatlords and twinklets who are focused on the same goals.

My journey:
/b/ 2008-2014
Jow Forums 2010-2017
Jow Forums 2016-2018
Jow Forums 2017-

Same but end /b/ around 2012, replace Jow Forums with Jow Forums and /o/

>then Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums
pls tell us the mosque

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That’s why I left. It’s an echo chamber, no different from any other.


>tfw past few days I've been unmotivated, don't want to do anything, not even lift
>day 7 of nofap
How do I get better


I think fapping is one of the problems

Interesting. Unfortunately a lot of guys visit this board to further convince themselves and try to convince others that there is no reason to lift.

T-t-thank you user

thanks brah we're all gonna make it

Absolutely based

Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy your life.
It means that avoiding challenges and things that you are afraid of is the best way to stay average
