Going to the gym on Ramadan

Going to the gym on Ramadan.
How do you deal with that going to the gym without havent eaten anything the whole day...
any tips?

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dont worry, brother.
ALLAH will give you power to keep the gainz going.

I worship a goat fucker and child rapist
give me tips please



While youre holding 350 pounds with the arms allah gave you and white sluts are tempting (and failing) to cloud your mind with sex remember YOU ARE THE MAN

drugs are haram

oh thanks for the reply fellow rapist lover
shall I slay more infidels while eventually offing myself?

I'm not muslim but and i'm not sure how ramadan works but i believe you can eat meals in the evening no? Well then you should stuff in your calories then.
At the gym you should lower the volume. You'll probably lose weight and a bit of muscle but I guess you could maintain a lot if you eat high protein.
Should convert to eastern orthodoxy, we only fast for days throughout the year not going full autistic like with the ramadan. You cant even drink water or what, how the fuck are you supposed to workout without water.

I'd say your best strategy would to reduce volume, stuff calories into 1-2 meals when you can eat and eat high protein to maintain muscle as much as possible.

allah/ba'lah/moloch IS SATAN

Based and Christianpilled

I start feeding one hour before going to the gym, get my pump on and then top it off with a protein shake, then I go back to fasting. Then again, I fast for myself, not a desert death cult.

my local gym is open all night and closed the day during ramadan, but I guess your best bet is to wake up before sunrise and get a nice meal before going to the gym since there's no way you won't faint if you workout during the afternoon

I once convinced a Muslim smoking during Ramadan is Hallal as the smoke goes out of the lungs.

Not Muslim but I thought you could eat when it was dark? So eat morning and night? Sorry if I'm wrong but if that's how it works then you're just a pussy.

In Ramadan you can eat while the sun is down, so if you fuck up your sleep schedule to workout at 3 AM, that way you wait big at like 10pm and 5am.

Lol, mudslimes

no, user, all muslims who fast during ramadan go thirty days and thirty nights without food. they are actually more closely related to bears than humans.

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"Bears are human"

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its really funny how faggots here get so easily triggered

suhoor: lots of mono and poly saturated fats to keep you full all day, also protons for the muscle

Iftar: full bloat mode, carbs, protons fat, dont matter just get food in you

make each meal at least a thousand calories

Lord that jews killed on a cross? Wasn't it that if you put someone on a cross, they are cursed? A cursed God ?

do it like other muslims, eat everything in the evening, when Allah doesn't see you

And how to keep your stomach cool for taraweeh? Where should I be careful?

>polyunsaturated fat

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still better than worshiping a dead kike on a stick.

go lift for allah inshallah brother quit being a fat fuck

>1. Hang yourself.
>2. Lift in Sheol.
>3. ????
>4. Shaitan(Allah) will reward you!

reread what i typed please

Not gonna lie, I routinely hit the gym when I haven't eaten for 16-20 hrs. Honestly my best gainz. Fasted training makes your feel your individual fibers grow. Top tier pump.

Start doing intermittent fasting to prep yourself. Don’t eat from 5 am to 9 pm to prep yourself. And between 9 pm to 5 am eat as much as you can to simulate iftar.

Fuck off and kys jamal.

Just fucking go, you idiot. I've worked out without having eaten for days multiple times
No, the cross is just a torturous death

You are correct, jesus fulfilled the law taking this curse onto him and overcoming it with his resurrection.

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us-- for it is written, "CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS ON A TREE
galatians 3:13

please read the bible in its entirety and not just the OT, user

God bless you

Pre workout and not being a bitch, along with not believing in a cult that advocates for genocide of non believers

By not being a Muslim faggot

Islam will take over the west and you can do NOTHING about it

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that should be past-tense, buddy

>Going to the gym on Ramadan.
Ultimate cut !

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Bring it on

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Low volume high intensity full body 3x a week. It's not hard, fatty.

DAILY REMINDER that Jow Forums is a Christian board and all degenerate mudslime goatfuckers should unironocally kill themselves.

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stop ruining stormfag.

By not being a muslim shit for starters

Absolutely based
pedo worshippers fuck off

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say goodbye to computers because primitives aren't going to be able to build those things on their own

Lmfao, damn user! You can save the day!. please stop larping, it's cringy.

stop being muslim ezclap

Only the first out of 10 crusades managed to take jerusalem. the other 9 were basically christcucks getting raped by muslims, just like today.

Stop your bitching. Ramadan is when Muslims go OMAD. Folks go OMAD all the time. Eat reasonably during your one daily meal, and watch the pounds fly off.
Or if you do need more than one meal a day, get up before sun-up and eat.



This. Perfect time to swap to the 8 to 16 hour periods for calorie intake. Huge Jackman does it and look at his results (although cherry picking.)

Get up before the sun and eat breakfast. This really isn't rocket science.