How do you stop the biggest gains goblin of them all - ageing?

How do you stop the biggest gains goblin of them all - ageing?

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you sage



Read Cool Air by H.P.Lovecraft

If you think ageing is the biggest gains goblin you haven't met Major Depression or General Surgery

>walked into the kitchen
>parents are there
>tell them i dont like people anymore
>they both say almost simultaneously 'you cant hate people you're not old enough for that yet'
you cant stop aging user, one day you'll wake up and realize we were the problem all along

>If you think ageing is the biggest gains goblin you haven't met Major Depression or General Surgery
Desu get on my level

t. dead

That old man is thinking that he has not actually lived

>Major Depression
Huh, for me it has the opposite effect.

The gains goblin king comes for us all eventually

yeah that's definitely what he's thinking

Attached: 25b.jpg (480x818, 53K)

This is why the west has gone to fucking shit.
This is why giving women the vote was the biggest mistake.'
Look at that old cow, you can literally see the jealously seething through her eyes.
She will do anything to not feel old, even it if it means voting to import hordes of subhumans for the remote chance of having sex with one in a desperate attempt to not feel old and dried up anymore.

Inject test into ass cheeks. Use GH

>It's a trueman starts typing out a good post but has a rocky middle act and then completely throws out the script for the end leaving everyone thinking "why?" why indeed would he entice us with such a salient hook and then veer off course into some irrelevant nonsense

you somewhow related this webm of pretty women dancing to cuckery

good job Jow Forumstard

Well this guy's 50

Just take care of yourself bros

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low brain power

I’m not in the military

you can't. stay as healthy as you can, start a family, give back and become a valued member of the community.

It depends on situation. Somebody who has depression might used lifting to cope with it, where somebody who was lifting and THEN approaching median got depressed might lose their desire or motivation
I too got out of depression by lifting approaching median and then got married

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who dis?

Well, it helps me lift, but then stops me making proper gains because I can't eat enough. But if I was happy I might have never even pushed an up in my life.

>approaching median

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You somehow related pretty women to a bunch of disgusting looking STD filled whores dancing half naked, you've been watching too much porn

Pst op...

You want the only actual answer to your question in this thread?

You want how to actually avoid aging?


Get IV'd pure mesenchymal stem cells every 6 months. Legal in Panema and China.

t. Hollywood exec

Testosterone, an open mind and a free spirited attitude


So depressing. The old man definitely regrets not plowing prime pussy all his life while his wife realizes she can't compare anymore

Marriage is a Jewish trick

None of that pussy is prime senpai

All of your money.
All of your time.
All of your peace of mind.
All of your dignity.

>Well this guy's 50
>Just take care of yourself bros
Mike O'hearn is on gear you fuck

Mike O'Hearn AKA Mike O'Tren

nothing wrong with taking roids when youre 50

Lifting is how I keep the worst of my depression away and from seriously impacting my relationships and work

Holy shit dude please leave your room
Wtf is going on in your head?
Girls have been doing spring break shit like this for 40+ years

wait what? 50?

Where are all the men. I notice most public dancing is always pure roasties

>have superior genetics
>eat a balanced diet
>exercise rigorously
>take HGH
>wear a hair piece
>live a relatively low stress lifestyle

do this to have mike o hearn's level

You meant to type 50K and it's worth every penny if you have 5M+ in the bank

Both of them are looking on in disgust you mongs.

R selected npc detected

wonder what happened 40 years ago :^)

no this webm is the moment this old roastie thinks we should raise the age of consent to 25 just so she can compete

(fuk off)
Range of prices from about 8K-20K

Dedicate your life to research. Accurately describe the process of human cell ageing. Develop a fool proof method to stop it. Apply it.

Your immortal soul

You're beyond mad right now


drink baby blood like all the famous jewish hollywood celebrities do

You can't stop aging but you can tell it to fuck off

Live like Rollins

How's that virginity treating you ?

1. Never get fat
2. Avoid the sun
3. Sleep well
4. Don't drink alcohol to excess, possibly drink never
5. Eat plenty of vegetables
6. Retin-A
7. Avoid overeating, especially to the point you feel tired.
8. Exercise almost every day

Attain a muscular Ottermode physique and maintain it. Look at every single famous body builder aside from a few and they all look like they never lifted in their life. With ottormode your pecs won't sag like an old woman. With Ottermode your face can keep your face tighter for longer. With ottormode your dick never looks small (unless you're a dicklet). With ottormode your arms won't look like you're a semi driver.

NR(nicotinamide riboside) 1g
resveratrol 0.5g
vit d +k2

> avoid the sun
Terrible advice sunlight is one of the healthiest things for you. Avoid getting a sunburn, but get plenty of sun and no sunscreen it blocks the good rays and only lets the bad ones in.

In 10 years those dancing girls will be spoiled milk like the one sitting in the bar

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And on test, tren, hGH

They don't call him Mike o'tren for nothing

>t. Hollywood exec
You could've just said "jew"

besides challenging my body and mind, eating and sleeping well and keeping alcohol and the like to a minimum not a whole lot.
i'd be okay with looking like scooby or paul chek when i'm old.

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They're looking in disgust and astonishment, you autist.

sell your soul to mephistopheles

The fucks the point then

Inject the toxic mana from a serpent’s teeth

It's pretty easy, don't get fat, moisturize your skin, dont eat tons of greasy garbage, exercise regularly, constantly work on learning new things and dont touch drugs

>sun is one of the healthiest things for you
>sunscreen blocks the good rays

Attached: dumb.jpg (800x450, 149K)

living long and lookin good nekd

It's true though. sunscreen blocks the rays that give you vit d and stops you from getting burned(which obviously you should avoid) thus letting you stay more out in the sun. It doesn't block the rays that damage your dna though, which btw is mitigated by vit d, which you no longer produce.
A bit of sun is healthy. Sunscreen is bad. Obviously don't stay in the sun till you get burned.

>Just take care of yourself bros
>Spend your entire life dedicated to optimising your appearance


Just take vitamin D you faggot. Spending time in the sun ages it like hell. Pick related is the effect of regular sun exposure on one side of the face.

Attached: o-BILL-MCELLIGOTT-SUN-DAMAGE-570.jpg (570x844, 150K)

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that's the face of a career trucker you dumb fucking moron, someone who had more than regular sun exposure

I literally said you shouldn't stay in the sun till you get burned.
But look this guy that stays in the sun 8 hours a day every working day got skin damage from it, hur dur what is reading comprehension


based and redpilled

Bitch, you don't live near the equator.

This. I'm fucking 25 and think whores like that are revolting.

This guy never got burned. He was just a driver

Mike says he is natty though.


KYS. You need a minimal amount of sun light for beneficial effects, under 10 minutes a day. Sunlight is the biggest cause or aging. You should always wear sunblock (your scalp can absorb enough sunlight) and avoid the sun as much as reasonably possible.

Based and redpilled. If you supplement vitamin D there's literally no need for UV exposure ever.

Do you apply sunscreen all over your body you mong? You’ll always get enough vitamin D unless you literally cover your entire body.

Degenerate whores.

Anyway I saw an 81 year old diddly 400, so just keep doing your thing. If you're lifting simply for vanity, your descent will probably crush you. If you lift for physical and mental health, to attract better people of both sexes, or any other worthwhile pursuit, these things will not leave you. If anything, you will be more impressive as an old man than you are now, even if your lifts decrease. Young strong/aesthetic dudes are a dime a dozen. Those who carry that into their later years are more of a rarity.

kino cameraman, I'm impressed.

Nice Boomer cope