Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread: bulking to be the Full Armor Double Zeta edition.

Spoilering my question cause I know not everyone wants to read this shit. So right off the bat... [spoilers]Should I pay $300 for a bodybuilder pornstar escort so I can get these gay urges to muscle worship out of me and over with, or should I use that money on furthering myself in other ways? It has been something a fantasy that I've had for a while, but it has been hindering me since I don't want to have sex with men yet it's always in the back of my mind. Now I'm at the point in my life where I have a good job and income to really go where I want to be in life. I know what I can use that money on instead, and if I just let these desires go then I can actually stop wallowing around and move on. Alternatively, I can just go for it and see if it was hyped up to be in my mind, or be disappointed and bored. I have until Friday to decide because the escort with the kind of body I like is leaving the state this weekend. Currently I'm leaning towards not doing it and looking forward to meeting better girls than what I can find in my shithole town. I'm also not interested in guys, just the fetish I was talking about. What do you think? Thanks for reading.[/spoilers]

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Great, fucked up my own spoilers.

My ex-ex is coming in a month and I need to gain as much muscle as possible in that period because mfw self confidence.

I am running Phrak's Greyskull LP program at the moment with farmers walks.

Any tips or nutrition help?

Benchpress: 65kg
Barbell Rows: 70kg
Squats: 90kg
Overhead Press: 40kg
Chin ups: Bodyweight + 20kg
Deadlift: 115kg
Farmers walks: 70kg

and I weight 68.9kg with 15.3% fat.
Can post picture if that's needed

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Should I do HIIT while on Yohimbine or will that make my heart explode?

Also, I'm gonna be going on vacation for a week where I'll have no access to a gym. What you guys recommend so I don't lose my gains? Related: how do you guys transport creatine on a flight? Do they not think it's coke and hold you up for hours?

Is there any point in getting in more than 100g of protein, if I'm 180 lbs?

Oh and to answer your question, dude just toss a coin on it and whichever you find yourself wishing it lands on while it's in the air is the one you should go with. I personally wouldn't do it, but I understand and have gone through similar "didn't know if I liked it or not until I tried it" things before, so I think that's valid too. What would you use the money on instead?

Well shit OP i don't know what to tell you about your gay urges.

I just wanted to ask for some recommended running shoes, but now i feel awkward.

I don't know shit about running shoes, but Skechers are cheap as hell and comfy, and I've used them for running with success

Started doing this last week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

3 sets of 10 reps @ 40 pounds each
- Curls
- Squats
- Military Press

Is this okay for a beginner? I have no idea what I'm doing and just have a barbell with four 10 lb plates that someone gave me who was moving. Eventually wanna get a membership but don't wanna snap my spine in the middle of my local gym.

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Do you have a rack, or just the bar with the plates? I guess you could also start doing deadlifts just so you can get the form down properly. That way you won't be all fucky when you get higher weight. If you have a bench you can bench press, which will probably be as awkward for you as squatting (and curling ayy lmao) without a rack, but it's light enough that you shouldn't kill yourself or anything.

No rack, and no bench either. Just starting to get into fitness. Been doing the presses standing up as well.

Also it's an EZ curl bar, not a barbell but whatever. I do also have two dumbbells that came with 34lbs of weight total (I could put it all on one dumbbell or split it between the two).

I've just been putting the bar down on the bed in the guest room before starting my squats and lifting it up and over my head to my shoulders. Obviously it isn't much weight so it's not a problem doing it that way, and I want to start small as I have very limited strength.

Hey man, better than not doing anything cuz you don't have good equipment imo. I would just do bench press on the floor lol, fuck it. Also deads with an ez curl bar might be weird, never done them like that, but I still think it'd be a good idea to try and get the form down now that you can. Never done pullovers while on the ground, but maybe you could try those for triceps. I know benching on the ground works, but pullovers might not.

how can i stop shitting myself when i do pullups?

How come my pecs become smaller if I don't train them for some months, but my biceps stay big after not training them seriously for over 2 years?

lol yeah that's why I never bring it up IRL. There's too much baggage with it that I don't even bring it up. This is the first time I was open about it. As for shoes, New Balance works for me but I usually buy running shoes on clearance.

Thanks for the reply. I flipped the coin and got tails to not do it. That settles that. As for what I would do with the money instead would be to start paying for a different car, pay for me and my brothers to go to the next MtG prerelease, and buy a bass guitar for me to start practicing.

I've been sober from alcohol for the last two months and it's really opened my eyes to how undisciplined and irresponsible with money I am. So this time instead of caving in, I'll stay focused.

Is there a point in eating fruit at all? Like it seems like vegetables are just cheaper, less calorie dense fruit.

Will chewing a lot of gum give me jaw gains?

Is there a routine for cardio stamina & heart health like how's there ss, greyskull, ppl, etc for building strength/muscles? Please help please help please help

>stomach is completely flat, slightly concave, and can feel ribs
>was not like this last week
>scale number remains the same
Wtf is going on?

desu tho just do HIIT

When you indulge in vices you do not get the urges "out of you" or "over with", you make them stronger. You teach your body/brain that you receive pleasure/dopamine from indulging in X vice. This makes you crave X more, and makes any activity that provides less pleasure/dopamine than X less appealing as a rule. It's the same for fapping, porn, sex, ALL drugs(alcohol, nicotine, caffiene, weed, hard drugs) food(sugar, junk, fast food, over eating) video games, anime, you name it. If you get a relatively high ammount of pleasure for a relatively low ammount of effort, other activities with a lower effort-to-pleasure payoff ratio will quickly start to appear less and less appealing and you'll be consumed more and more by your vices.

Speaking from experience with everything I listed and more by the way. Indulged in all from about 14-28. Only started to fully understand this in my late twenties and cutting all this shit out completely completely for a while turned my life around. I actually feel motivation to do things again. I enjoy working out and reading. I get satisfaction from my job and for addressing my responsibilities in life, running errands, doing chores, generally being an adult. As a general rule, anything that gives a lot of reward for minimal effort is always bad for you in the long run. Always. Be very cautious and really think carefully about anything that seems too easy and enjoyable, and how indulging might affect your brain and your happiness in the long term.

>got sick
>cant into gym properly

wat do? eat maitnance? continue cutting?

plz respond
I've been good and answered a bunch of questions here reeeeee

According to SS, I'm supposed to do power cleans 5x3 instead of 3x5. If I use the weight I'd use on a heavy triple, I get too exhausted by set 3 or 4. Should I use as much weight as I'd use on a normal 5set (basically ending the set at rpe 7)?
Also, some times when I struggle under the bar benching, I lift my right shoulder (even though I'm right-handed) and usually it ends up hurting. Any cue to keep other than "bench away from the shoulders"?

Been doing a ppl dumbell only sort of deal what's a compact full body dumbell and pullup bar workout?
db incline press
db pullovers
squats and lunges switch between the two every other workout
calf raises
lateral raise
what are somethings I can alternate in out to give variation and even development?

Add upright rows 2x8-12 and at the end of each set before you drop the weight do shrugs till failure. Throw in some flat bench and weighted chins

dont do hiit while on it, shit will fuck up your heart. best advice i can give you is take it 15-20 mins before you start your LISS cardio. do ur cardio for like an hour and a half. IMPORTANT take it while fasting and make sure not to eat 3-4 hours before and after taking it

Haven't lifted for about 4 months, only pullups and ab wheel for the last month or so. Lost about 40# bw in that time.

Should I restart with a 3x/week full body till I get close to my old numbers or what?

I wish I could but my shoulders are fucked. I do hip huggers youtu.be/icuYZ_2-9Hg
video of exercise for rear delts and some biceps work. I don't really get good development from flat bench pectoralis major seems to dominate too much unless I'm at 20 degree incline.

Ive posted about this before but my upper chest is lacking really bad idk if its genetics or bad training but if it is bad training what are some workouts that can help fill it in? Pic related

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OK how can I get a sexy trap body?

Oh shit what 3-4 hours AFTER, too? I've been doing the LISS and fasted yeah, but I didn't know I culdn't eat for that long afterwards as well. Why does the shit google turns up tell me that HIIT is good while on Y tho?

shoulders hurt when i do resistance band pull aparts. what part of my shoulder is hurt and how to fix?

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yeah lmfao kinda sucks, but if you're used to intermittent fasting, it isn't that bad. the hours after your cardio and before your meal are the ones that count the most. those hours are when the Y starts doing its work. i heard that doing hiit on it is just a recipe for injury, it strains the heart too much. from what I've read from people actually taken it, using liss is just more effective. here's a link and some info

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What the fuck am I doing wrong? Lately, on chest days I absolutely feel nothing in my pecs, my arms start burning before them.

thanks user

Try a narrower grip or use DBs

this actually try contracting your pecs at the beginning of every rep. Actually make an effort to exert them more than your arms.

I miss her, lads. She was the kind blonde blue eyed big tittie qt you would wife in a second but she did something really bad that technically doesn't qualify as cheating but in practice it did. I dropped her instantly, she begged me to come back but I ignored her. It's been a few months and now I miss her so much. I have her phone number staring at me, waiting for "send" to be pressed. Do I tell her I miss her?

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Since last week I've started to clean the bar when doing my OHP. I'm on a linear progression scheme (5 lbs per session).
Is this a good idea? Will j be able to keep in progress? Currently on lmao 37.5 kg.

thanks ily

upgrade to better arms, duh!...

...maybe toss in some additional flye/cable varieties to cut yerr tiriceps some slack? I start my week off with muh chest as well.

Should I deload or rest week? I havent taken a break since the new year and Ive been having knee joint problems was wondering if I should still be in the gym or just stop for a week.

Correction: 32.5 kg

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I'm a skelly (55kg and 184cm) and complete newbie to the gym. I've been going for almost a month with my best friend, but we're not really doing any focused exercises. Every day we workout is some variation of benchpress, squats, shoulder press, and bicep curls.

I'm noticing some minor increase in my strength, but my primary goal is aesthetics. If I eat a lot and keep going to the gym 3 times a week, will I actually start to look aesthetic? Or do I need a proper "routine"? I just do the basic 10 reps, 3 sets of whatever my friend wants to do that day. And I increase whenever it feels too light.

I have a copy of "Starting Strength" I've been considering using, but i've seen it memed on here

Pls help, I just don't wanna be a skinnyfag anymore :(

I have been getting lower back muscle spasms all day, not painfully but really annoying, any ideas how to make it stop and what's the cause?

Are you supposed to feel it in your lower back when you begin to lift the bar from the ground in deadlift?

Also what are some good assistance exercises for overhead press?

I have trouble controlling myself after lifting. Not roid rage, but something similar. Overconfident and out of control is how i'd put it.

Has this happened to you? How do you mitigate it?

Monday chest gang, but yeah, I did some cable/fly -work this time. I shall start with them the next time, see if I can kill my chest with them.

Why is my body leaner but the scale number has stayed the same??

Lift it with your legs, press. When the bar is above your knees, pull it up with your upper body.

Where do I place bar on my back on squat I was able to load it then roll it down a bit and it wouldn't hurt but it feels like it's stretching out the muscle between the wing and spine when loading it up like quite uncomfortably.

When DLing, imagine you’re pushing down into the ground with your feet. Don’t focus on the pull, focus on the push

So in the beginning I just extend my legs until the bar is above the knees then use my upper and lock legs?

Can anyone help with the second part of this? I don't wanna lose my gains, nor do I wanna be arrested at the airport

You're probably making up for the fat loss with muscle gain, so you more or less break even

Is a "plate" 20kg/45lb or 25kg/55lb?

All this time i have thought that it is the heavier one, but now im not sure anymore.

This would mean that 1/2/3/4 is really close to my level and i feel weak as fuck

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as long as you're eating in a caloric deficit and hitting your protein requirements, do other macros matter during a cut?

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Rate this program for a beginner.
I lost 20kg and now want to leave skinnyfat mode and become ottermode.
Going to workout at home for half a year since I dont have access to a nearby gym atm.
I have a dip/pullup station, rubber bands and 1 barbell.
In October I will move and have access to a gym where I will keep on doing calisthenics but with weights added.

Main goals are:
Having a more aesthetic body
Fixing posture
Adding muscle

My questions are:
- Do I have wide hips and what about my shoulders? I cant really judge. (Just give it to me straight)
- If so should I just focus on upper body to negate it?
- I want to fix my anterior pelvic tilt, forward head and rounded shoulders, if you have any good exercises to add or replace that would be great.
- Should I do neck curls daily or have an off day so they can recover?

The arrow to the right is what I want to work towards (in 6 months max).


1. Diamond push up [4x8] -> Full range of motion Dips

2. Pike pushup [4x8] -> Handstand pushup


1. Pull up/Chin up [4x8] (alternate)

2. Horizontal inverted Rows [4x8] -> Elevated inverted rows


1. Assisted pistol squat [3x8] -> Pistol squats

2. Plank [1min] -> Dragon flags

3. Hip Thrusts

4. Stomach vacuums

5. Lying Knee raises [3x8] -> Hanging Leg raises

6. Face pulls (rubber bands)


1. Rubber band stretches for posture

2. Neck curls [3x8] (no weight) -> Neck curls (with plate)

3. Foamroller

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I seem to have some muse soreness right side of my spine near my upper back. Had a high volume back workout and I'm worried I pulled a disk. Already got a hernia and only 19 years

Doing ULxULxx and no time today to do biceps / triceps at the end of the day. Should I do them tomorrow on leg day or will that mess with recovery? Still doing bench,op,rows,dips and pull-ups so it's not like I'm completely ignoring my biceps/triceps.

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Anyone have preworkout recommendations?
Currently taking Mr Hyde but the 500mg of caffeine is fucking up my sleep schedule. Im looking for one with as good of a pump and less caffeine

Get strong first, then get lean and aesthetic after. Your current gym routine is practically useless for both strength and aesthetics because its barely pushing your potential (Trust me, I’ve wasted plenty of time when I started off too). Do SS, just remember to add in accessories and be able to realize when you’re ready to move onto an intermediate program.

Either deload, or do a cycle of a few weeks of doing lower weight and higher volume.

Highbar squat, yeah? Should be on your traps, just below but not on the neck.


better than SS and SL imo

If you’re worried about wide hips (not sure if you do, seems borderline), you’ll be able to do shrugs and shoulder work to offset it when you go to lifting gym.
Bump up volume for neck curls (wanna be doing 15-20+ per set) and do then do it every other day.

I’ve been getting my lady friend to work out some but I need a routine for her to follow. Whats a bodyweight routine you recommend for a skinny female? Would be best if it takes ~20 mins every night or she’ll probably lose interest, dumb broad.

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Have her ride you as hard as she can for 20 mins and then NUT inside her as a reward

I'm currently doing stronglifts, after I've done the 5x5, is it worth lowering the weight and doing more, either 5x5 again or 8x3 or something? Will this increase gains?


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I am eating like 2500-3000kcal a day

That's at least a 500kcal variation. Knowing this, i best you can go even lower since you're kinda light
What's your height ?


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If my full body routine consists of exercises for the arms, legs, chest, back, shoulders and core, what is the optimal order that I should train these muscle groups?

Stick closer to 3000kcal
Make sure every meal has protein (and a good chunck, like at least 30 to 40 grams of it)
Try to put most of your carb intake around your workout
Lipids are good and will heal your CNS so make sure to eat some
Sleep 7 to 8 hours
Find a workout that'll make you more every muscle group twice a week and which is 3 or 4 day/week (don't fall for the PPLx2 meme)
In some months you'll get good numbers

divide et impera, user
How many days can you lift per week ? That way you can do an upper lower or a push pull so you'll maximise your gains

Myfitnesspal says I average around 125g of protein a day, I am usually on 150-200g a day when exercising (Tues - Thurs - Satur) but most of it is from milk.

As I mentioned in the main post I run the Phrak's Greyskull LP program (pic) and I feel like it's working great, I added in Farmers Walks as to get a heavier load on my forearms which works wonders But my abs are lacking and my chest is fucked because of pectus excavatum, any suggestions for that?

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I lift three times per week, but for now I'd rather not split my routine. I just want to know in what order I should train muscles each day.

Unironically learn some meditation techniques. After you're done lifting, do some meditation and calm yourself down. Works for me.

I scraped old mr. shin doing deadlifts a bit ago, how can I avoid that?
Also should I trim my leg hair?
>t. sasquatch
pic twice related

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Of course your abs are lacking, you need to work actively your abs or else they'll never show, people who says "heavy compound build core" forget about the fact you need to squat something like 4 plate to be reaaaally effective. Personally speaking, reverse crunches and leg raises are doing wonder
Second of all, benchpress will barely make your chest grow if you don't have already strong pecs.
Before your first bench set, do one set of high volume/low weight cable crossover (something like 15-20 reps) to feel your chest burn, then at the end of the workout you do some more but this time in a 8-12rep range with heavier weight
(Take what i say with a grain of salt, as you can see i'm a recovering chestlet and that's what working atm)
i'd say
Squats, Deadlifts, BP, OHP, Chins Core
But you're a dumbass and are hindering your gains, git gud

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Deadlifts socks
Sweat pants
Maybe vaseline on your legs ?

Thanks mate.
Hanging leg raises or laying?

But appreciate the feedback, hopefully I'll gain something in 1 month and two weeks until she arrives.

Long socks that you can pull up to a decent height

if you feel it better, Hanging leg raises is best
Also most of the time meeting an ex will end poorly, take care of yourself my friend

>lean into kiss girl that i like
>she moves her cheek to avoid me kissing her on the lips after a 10 hour date of hiking, dinner, beach... .

wtf? I already made out with her twice before on seperate occasions and dry humped her and sucked on her titties at her apartment. wtf does this mean? was i just friendzoned?

What's the deal with training every other day? Does it have to be 48 hours? Due to my fucked up schedule, i have to go to the gym at night on monday, can go either night or morning Wednesday, but have to go in the morning on friday, does it make much difference if i only have 36 hrs between a workout? Doing stronglifts if that matters

That's fine, the important thing is that you get the sleep.

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Alright cool thanks bro, regarding sleep, i pretty much always get 7-8 hours, but literally always feel exhausted, what's wrong with me?

Wait for the next date, be a bit more subtle (like accidental skin contact, putting your hand on her thigh, etc) but don't go for the kiss and see how she react
Then you'll know if you can drop her out
Reminder that girls are lunatic as fuck and do mental 360 degrees all day long
(I had a cutie that kept ghosting me, but everytime we got in touch she was the one who treated me like i was a piece of meat)
Girls are wack

Do you use a lot of computer/screen during the day ?
How is your diet ?
Do you take pre-workout/coffee in the evening ?

Probably just waking up at bad part of sleep cycle. I use the (free) "SleepCycle" app, it tracks your breathing in order to guess the best time to wake you up. Warm shower that ends with cold shower for a minute+coffee help wake me up the rest of the time.

bros, give me some podcasts to listen to while lifting. i like funny shit, so no political gay stuff. as a point of reference, my favourite odcast is sleepycast.

also, hypotheticaly, would a PPL routine like this work?
>push: bench press and ohp 3x5 back to back for around an hour
>pull: deadlift, pullups and rows (any variation) back to back for about an hour
legs: squats, squats and more squats 4x6 for about an hour
i've been thinking this idea over in my head. seems reasonable; getting stronger and better at the big 3 lifts while still getting juicy as fuark.

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>Do you use a lot of computer/screen during the day ?
Nope, just use my phone a bit, that's all
>How is your diet ?
I'd like to think pretty good
>Do you take pre-workout/coffee in the evening ?
I drink a few cups of coffee during the day since I'm a coffee roaster but don't really drink any after 4pm ish

Thanks dude I'll check that app out

thanks user will try

>also, hypotheticaly, would a PPL routine like this work?
No. Doing 3x5 back to back is absolutely useless
Put some variation and accessories like cable cross-over, lat raises, snatch grip deadlift, Leg press, etc.
Also a PPL is trash because you'll either do PxPxLxx which is not enough frequency, or PPLPPLx which is too little rest.
Put your squats in your push, have a Push and Pull day for strength and another push and pull day for volume and do something like
Boom, instant gains
some classic stuff that help are
>making sure your bedroom isn't too hot
>having clean sheet/taking a shower right before sleep
>Having your last meal two hour before minimum

There are no fucking spoilers on Jow Forums you retard

I've been lifting three days a week since late January and last week my squat finally made it to 4 plates. I repped 3x5 without any real problems, but on the last rep I felt something between my shoulders pop where the bar was resting. Over the next few days there was some pain, and while it wasn't anything too bad I was worried about going to the gym Friday. Any idea what happened and how to prevent it in the future? Google didn't really turn anything up.