>20 years of lifting and roiding
>for this
20 years of lifting and roiding
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blaha claims to be polish and thinks that the polish flag. yes he is that retarded
Isn't Blaha a Chech name though?
well, he himself said he is polish, somehow he mixed things up
Shimmer plz, hes too short for kleinfelter's.
please tell me this is shopped
orc mode brah
*pork mode
It's possible. He also thought some Polish guy was German so there's that. Blaha's a retard.
I'm not gonna praise him or anything but apart from his arms his body really doesn't suck that much. He should cut even more imo but I guess his numbers would go down aswell so he'll stay at this bf%
For a natty a few years into lifting, sure
For someone juicing and lifting for a decade, oh. my. god... Bad. Really bad. I don't like to be mean but seriously no one should take advice from this guy.
Does he have gyno? My manboobs are like that I don't know if it's fat or gyno.
>super wide hips
>carrot top quads
>saggy moobs
>fat midsection
>no arms or delts
It definitely sucks.
>tells other people they have shit tier genes
Somebody gotta tell him
Oh they do. That Vitruvian physique guy briefly displayed his pic (without his face) and said God must hate him when giving an example of bad genetics. Blaha went on to make several 10+ minute long rant videos about it.
kek, vituvian physique is based
man that looks fucking disgusting
The whole thing is hilarious.
You know those ego lifters with autism in the gym or in YouTube gym fails videos, he's one of them.
Deluded and not self aware.
shut the fuck up redditor, he looks like shit, always had, always will
>he could cut
your cretin, you baboon, stupid fuck, he's been cutting for 10 years
I don't want to defend Blaha but there's a difference between ego lifting and just lifting heavy.
Blaha go and stay go
this is sad to look at
Blaha(Bláha) is 100% czech name but lots of Polacks and Czech got mixed so who knows
women rather want this than a body like jeff seid who only does fluff and pump training, r-right?
For sure. Women LOVE pale, bald, fat guys with glasses and severe autism.
Lol stay mad, Blaha is peak Natty performance
>guy who ran 700mg of tren at one point